Friday, January 31, 2020
Performance Management And Learning And Development Essay Example for Free
Performance Management And Learning And Development Essay Introduction In the 19th century university was meant to be a theoretical theatre, while the factory was the place for formal training and learning. Education is broader in scope than training and it has a less specific application than training, as it is delivered in educational institutions. As a result, there has always been a tension between the needs of industry and the educational requirements of the individual, as society needs people who can contribute in a comprehensive way (Wilson, 2005). A century later, West moved beyond the factory and manufacturing as the basis for economic wealth have been achieved. Compared to earlier centuries now this century is able to demolish the trading, political and economic barriers, which hampered the progress in the old days. The arrival of mass media and technology is re-shaping our lives at a breathtaking speed; the concept of learning is now not a stagnant process, but in a flux and evolving every day (Beckett, 2000). The nature of work is changing with the knowledge economy in boom, giving rise to unparalleled demands for learning in work settings through consistent training. Enterprises need integrated approach to possess knowledge workers, which is the right prescription for businesses today. It is hard to create effective employment and training based policies which give high priority to education and training-both at a time. Countries like Korea and Singapore are seriously investing in their human resources, while the poor countries do not have sufficient funds to meet their growing needs. The overall goal of the global economy is provide opportunities to people and obtain productive work with dignity, which requires a framework to address worker and producer needs. To meet such requirements, the new millennium needs a shift from traditional approach and demands new human resources development and training policies. Learning and Training Learning can take place either in formal settings, such as school/university or in less formal organizational settings. Possessing knowledge is different from learning, as learning has limited value and is not a guarantee of being skillful, until put to practice in real world. Wilson (2005) has defined learning as â€Å"a permanent change of knowledge, attitude or behaviour occurring as a result of formal education or training, or as a result of informal experiences. Learning, education and development are often muddled together, however they carry specific meanings as explained below: Training = learning related to present job; Education = learning to prepare the individual but not related to a specific present or future job; Development = learning for growth of the individual but not related to a specific present or future job. It has been recognised by the enterprises that passive learning cannot not ensure an accurate developmental process necessary in the business world. The managers find it hard to believe, that, seminars and workshops can teach management. It is argued, that case methodology, lectures, discussions and theories are useful, but they never find its way into the corridors of business world. As a result, managers and educational theorists suggest experiential learning, which trains workers in work place more effectively. According to the Glossary of Training Terms (2005), training is â€Å"a planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behaviour through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. Its purpose, in the work situation, is to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current and future needs of the organisation†. Rothwell (2003) mentioned that, training equips individuals and groups in an organisation to improve their work performance. However, training alone cannot alleviate a poor work, which may be due to the lack of rewards and incentives. Training is put into practice for a variety of reasons, such as orientation training for new workers or sending employees for special assignments and preparing employees to support critical activities (Wilkinson, 2005). The HRD equips people with necessary skills in three ways (McGoldrickand, 2001). .Individual Development addresses broad areas and addresses, such as skill development, interpersonal skills, career development, etc.  Occupational /Group Development occurs among the groups through a team building programs. It also applies to specific occupational groups, such as implementation of new legislation. Organizational Development covers the whole organization. It can be defined as a â€Å"collection of planned change interventions, built on humanistic-democratic values, that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being†(Wilson and John, 2005). The well-known examples are; the introduction of a customer care programs across the organization; and the introduction of total quality management, which requires all individuals and groups to become involved. Mumfords (1995) mentions that, an organization where people continually expand their capacity to create the results- truly invent patterns of thinking for collective learning. This process can be defined as following:  Personal mastery, ensuring individual motivation to learn; mental models, creating an openness to misconceptions;  shared vision, building long-term commitment in people; team learning, developing group skills like cooperation, communication and so forth;  systems thinking, which constitutes integration with other disciplines the other four. All these disciplines are to be practiced together to create an impact and must be practiced by all the members of organization to work together. Each problem and dilemma is crisis and workers learn from crisis and difficulties together and try to development process, where all workers profit from each other’s experiences. Shift of Training in Knowledge Economy Drucker (1993) has mentioned that, Every few hundred years in western history there occurs a sharp transformation. Within a few short decades, society rearranges itself its world view; its basic values; its social and political structure; its arts; its key institutions. The shift from industrial-based economies to enterprises started 20 years ago, moving to market share and hierarchical management focusing on a knowledge based economy. If the industrial economy was driven by cheap energy; today’s knowledge economy is driven by inexpensive microchips and knowledge management enabling businesses to take benefit of the new knowledge (Trask, 1996). The modern corporation is over and the postmodern corporation is different. Today companies may look the same from outsideâ€â€but behind the faà §ade, everything is different. They are no longer connected to the boiler or routine machines, but now in the business of knowledge creation. The activity of knowledge-based organization is not producing machine or power toys, but producing and managing knowledge. The knowledge economy differs from the old one, as the new economy is ever-increasing in information intensity and packed with more knowledge, data, and ideas. Now knowledge resides in the magnetic strip, not the plastic. The knowledge-based economy has new rules and standards, which require new ways of living and working, business, which do not acquire knowledge workers, are destined to die.  Wolfensohn (1999) has mentioned that, the knowledge-based economy relies on ideas and applications of technology rather than physical strength, which was done on the exploitation of cheap labor. In this new economy knowledge is created, acquired, transmitted, and sold by individuals, enterprises, organizations, and communities for the promotion of economic development. In the industrial world, knowledge-based industries are growing fast, while labour market demands are also changing. The new technologies insist on highly skilled workers, diminishing demand for the low skilled workers.  One of the key factors that distinguish intelligent business enterprise of the 21st century is emphasis on knowledge and information. Knowledge management is an important means by which organizations can better manage information and knowledge. Knowledge management encompasses a range of concepts, ranging from management tasks to technological practices, all come under the umbrella of the management of knowledge (Gupta, 2003). The successful organizations are aggressive, fast paced and have the ability to create  knowledge to maximize organizational strategic success. In today’s world, knowledge is a resource, which is critical to an organization’s survival and success in the global economy.  As the nature of work is changing, knowledge is regarded as a primary resource-giving rise to the unprecedented demand for learning in the working environment. Enterprises need to offer this new learning at work and create knowledge workers, which have become inevitable part of the corporate world. The workplace has become a site of learning associated with development of the enterprise through contributing to production and innovation. Thus the development of the individuals by providing training to create new knowledge is the most wanted asset of the enterprises today. The knowledge economy has four basic features as described below (Trask, 1996). Knowledge developed and applied in new ways, especially through information revolution, which has provided not only new opportunities to access information, but it is also creating new opportunities for swift transfer of the knowledge speeding up the process of worldwide change. Today product cycles have become shorter due to growing demand for innovation. In 1990s, it would take six years from concept to production in the automobile industry; now it takes only two years. Worldwide trade is increasing with increased competitive demands on producers. The countries, which are able to assimilate into the world economy, will achieve higher economic growth. Small and medium-size enterprises in the service sector have become significant players, in terms of both economic growth and employment. In the industrialized countries the employment has risen, but the patterns of employment are changing. The employers have re-organized workers into fixed and variable categories, while the fixed workers are career-oriented, the variable have little career progression and low access to education and training. These trends show that labour markets are becoming ruthless in their treatment of un-skilled workers and these low skilled workers stand at an edge. As a result working poor have grown in number and those working are underpaid and forced to work in miserable working conditions. The speed of change in the knowledge economy depreciates much more quickly compared to the past. In order to compete effectively in this changing environment, organisation need to upgrade their workers skills continuously. This rapid change in the knowledge economy is so swift that firms can no longer rely longer rely on fresh graduates. In order to meet such need, lifelong learning and training is crucial to enable workers to compete in the global economy. Formal education and training includes programs which are recognized by the  Universities and institutes and lead to approved certificates and degrees.  Non-formal education and training includes programs, which are not formally recognized by the national system, such as apprenticeship training programs and structured on-the-job training.  Informal education and training includes unstructured learning, which can take place almost anywhere, home, community or workplace. It includes unstructured on-the-job training, the most common form of workplace learning. This improvement in people’s ability will allow them to be not only useful for their organisation, but it will also enable them to function as a useful members of their communities.  In a modern economy, the production of goods and services still relies on workers despite machine revolution. The need is to develop learning and training strategies, which allow these workers to learn new skills for new working conditions. It is crucial for the organisation to prepare workers for this new environment, which requires a new mode of education and training . This lifelong learning framework encompasses learning throughout the life cycle, from early childhood to retirement. It includes formal, non-formal, and informal education and training. In traditional industries most jobs require employees to learn how to perform routine functions, which, for the most part, remain constant over time and most learning used to take place when a worker started a new job. In the knowledge economy, change is so rapid that workers constantly need to acquire new skills. Firms need workers who are willing and able to update their skills throughout their lifetimes. Enterprises and organisation need to respond to these needs by creating education and training systems that equip people with the appropriate skills. The new millennium main challenge is to be employable and contribute to the economic growth in the global economy. This novel approach has set new rules for education, training and strategies in the organisations. The reason is that training not only advances interests of the individuals and enterprises, but it also augments the economic development of the nations. These new skills formation leads to equity in employment and society at large and allow the enterprise to reap the fruit of this human resources development. Performance Management According to Bacal (2004) â€Å"performance management is about creating relationships and ensuring effective communication and focusing on what organizations, managers, and employees need to succeed.†It is a  strategic approach to manage the business and improve organisational effectiveness with existing capabilities. Performance management provides development specialists with an opportunity to be innovative in influencing corporate strategy and contribute to the results. The goal of performance management is to ensure that the organization departments, teams, and employees are working in an optimum fashion to achieve the organization objective. At the end of twentieth century new performance management systems were born and cannibalizing the old systems, due to the presence of the technological expansions. Management in the twenty-first century faces the challenge of creating and re-creating effective performance systems and requires a unique understanding of this process. Performance management process is about professionalism and continuous learning and development. The overall goal of performance management is to ensure that the organization and all its subsystems departments, teams, employees are working together in an optimum fashion to achieve the results desired by the organization. According to Bacal (2004), performance management is based on the following beliefs. Optimism: Performance management is based on the belief that improvement is possible, and that the human and organizational conditions can be improved. Performance management is the view of the possibility that performance improvement is always there and change is possible as long as people are willing. A Pragmatic View: Performance management is keeping the optimistic view, but it does have realistic view of improvement, understanding the possibilities for improvement and recognizing the  barriers to success. Performance management addresses various threats in the system and try to solve it, rather than kill it A Balanced Approach: It is natural to resist change in any organisation as change means changing habits. Performance management design strategies, which are part of organizational decision-making processes to build greater support for the change. It capitalizes on the opportunity for further improvement and success. Leadership. Performance management is built on the ethical knowledge. The true leaders determine promote best practices in their organisation to further the success. Such practices require courage to bring change, yet adhering to professional ethics ensuring that the change is consistent with legal requirements. Performance management is meant to establish a shared understanding about what is to be achieved and how it is to be achieved for an organization. To improve performance, individuals need to have a common understanding about what performance (and success) in their jobs looks like. It can be a list of tasks, objectives, or results or it can also be a set of behaviors or both. These goals need to be defined clearly with the jobholder so that people know what they are working toward? And what is expected from them to increase the probability of success (Lance, 1999). A continuous management process delivers clarity, support, feedback, and recognition to all staff. Performance Management Process Performance management process is a communication process between an employee and his or her immediate supervisor with established expectation and understanding. This process is not meant to threaten or intimidate employees into neither being more productive nor does it mean to attack the personality of the employees, but it is a broad set of tools used to optimize the success of each employee for the larger interest of the organisation. The smooth functioning of performance management depends on the developmental activity and management control. A developmental push is essential to motivate workers and let them concentrate on work and commitment towards their respective organisation. Performance Management process is meant to measure the employee performance. It involves the following steps (Handbook for the Core Performance Management, 2005). Performance planning The workers performance is recognized through employee performance plans. They are clearly told, what are the expectations? And what are the set standards. Thus it is essential to develop such standards, which are realistic and attainable. Individual at the level of induction stage clearly need understand their role in the organisation. Employee/Team Performance In many organizations, employees work together to achieve the organizational objectives. The difference between group performance and an individuals contribution is that, the group performance is measured aggregately, while an employees performance is measured individually. Monitoring performance After the assignment of job the progress of the workers are monitored by the manager/supervisor, to check how much they are really working. Employee development Mentoring is essential process of employee development, the example can be set either by showing a high performer or by leader/manager, which helps the employee to overcome the difficulties. A frank discussion is essential to focus on employee areas of excellence, identifying the barriers to performance. Multiple Source of Feed back It is a process, which provides employees with performance information to enhance managerial feedback. It includes comments from various sources, such as collogues, supervisor report and direct reports as well. Figure: 1.1 Performance Management Process Source: Handbook for the core performance management, 2005 Evaluating Evaluation is a two-way discussion in the form of written documentation to concentrate on employee areas of excellence, and identify the areas for improvement and further development needs. Stupak and Leitner (2001) warns that performance management measurement should not be punitive, but should be positive and should help the organisation, what the work do and what they should not and continue for organisation improvement. It should not be as a tool to punish the guilty, but emphasis should be on finding the right direction for the organisation. Linkage of Learning and Development and Performance Management The learning and development and performance management have been discussed separately earlier. Recent studies have shown, these processes are interrelated and are linked (Harrison, 2005). For example, in small firms, resources are stretched and workers have to switch roles, it becomes crucial to train and develop these workers, as they often have switch tasks. Following are the essential points in case of training in the small firm scenario: A well-focused induction program. Basic training in firm unique systems. A probation period to evaluate the performance. Post confirmation development for further development. Badger (2001) has mentioned that in a situation where products and processes can be easily imitated, the only source of competitive advantage is to stimulate employee to learn. Organizations always seek to reduce cost increase efficiency and productivity. Today’s enterprises have started to evaluate learning and training programs to achieve higher performance from their workers, as they understand that learning and performance management are interrelated and inevitable to achieve competitive advantage. This competitive advantage can be achieved through the development of human resources by deploying a strategy to support its workers and enhance the organizational performance. The performance management process can positively develop the workforce self-esteem and keep them motivated, thereby giving them job satisfaction, to let them focus on the job. However its not mere training which can bring result, employee participation in decision making is essential as noticed by Peon and Ordas (2005), that organizations need to provide individuals with enough incentives and allow them to participate in the decision-making process to achieve higher performance. The ability of nations and organizations to enhance the standard of living of the growing population depends on sustained increase in the productivity of the systems. In the inter-dependent global economy, productivity is essential to maintain economic advantage for individuals and societies. People and institutions are inter-connected, and today countries have mutual interests in the game of higher productivity of other nations. A nation may gain short-term advantage from a lesser productive contributor, but in the long term lower productivity is a bad omen for all the nations. Conclusion According to Business Intelligence Board (2005), enterprises need to formally link learning and performance management process to measure the employee performance, as this can explain, weather learning has really resulted in higher performance. This link between learning and performance management is clear and the ultimate objective of learning management is to have an educated workforce, which can sustain the competitive advantage in the cutthroat corporate world. Learning and development are essentially related to performance management process, same as performance management process is not complete unless it embrace learning and development  to fill the skill gaps identified in the workers. Various amounts of efforts have been done to linkage learning with performance, Thomson and Mabey (2001) mentions, many organisations failed to have higher performance from their workers, despite enormous amount of training. It has not yet yielded enough clear evidence of a direct link between learning and performance management. However, learning and development activity does consistently emerge as a crucial intervening factor. LD alone is not enough-it has to be an integral part of a cluster of appropriate HR strategies. Reference Thomson.A and Mabey.C, Changing Patterns of Management Development, Blackwell Publishing. Marchington, M. and A. Wilkinson (2005), Human Resource Management at Work, London, CIPD  Stupak.J and Leitner.P (2001), Handbook of Public Quality Management, Marcel Dekker Publications Harrison R (2005), Learning and Development, 4th edition, London. Workplace Learning, Culture and Performance, London, IFTDO. Badger,B (2001),Organizational Learning: An Empirical Assessment of Process in Small U.K. Manufacturing Firms, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 39. Drucker.P (1993), The Practice of Management Quorum Books Business Intelligence Board, (2005) . Wilson, John.P (2005), Human Resource Development: Learning and Training for Individuals and Organizations, Kogan Page Limited. Rothwell.J (2003), What CEOs Expect from Corporate Training: Building Workplace Learning and Performance Initiatives That Advance Organizational Goals, Saranac Lake, NY, USA. Mumford.M (1995), Intercultural Sourcebook: Cross-cultural Training Methods, Intercultural Press Inc. Beckett.D (2001) Life, Work, and Learning: Practice and Postmodernity. Florence, KY, USA.  Trask.L (1996), Building New Skills for the Knowledge Economy,  Business Communications Review, Vol. 26.  Lance.Berger (1999), Compensation Handbook, McGraw-Hill Professional Book Group, USA. Glossary of Training Terms (2005) Bacal.R (2004), How to Manage Performance. McGraw-Hill Companies, USA. McGoldrickand.J (2001),Understanding Human Resource Development: Philosophy Processes Practice, Routledge Publisher. Peon.J and Ordas (2005), The Learning Organization,  International Journal World Bank Staff (2003), Lifelong Learning in the Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for Developing Countries, World Bank Publications.  James D. Wolfensohn (1999), World Bank Publications Gupta, Jatinder (2003), Creating Knowledge Based Organizations. Idea Group Publishing,USA. Handbook for the core performance management (2005) Ohio State University, USA.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Japan Technology :: essays research papers
â€Å"Success is never a destination - it is a journey†(Satenig St. Marie) and there is a company that understands that journey. Kodak has been around for many years providing families around the world with innovative and high quality products. Many homes worldwide recognize and associate film with the Kodak name. â€Å"The company ranks as a premier multinational corporation, with a brand recognized in virtually every country around the world†(Kodak History). However, the changes in technology create a dilemma for Kodak. The company’s considerations for digital imaging will change its long history with 35mm film production. Will the shift from 35mm to digital imaging affect Kodak’s successful journey? To find an answer to this question, we must analyze Kodak from an economic perspective. An economic perspective views many different factors and determines whether it is in Kodak’s best interest to pursue digital imaging, will give enough evidence to support a rational decision. The era of digital photography is well under way. After surpassing sales of film cameras in 2003, the demand for digital devices in the US and other developed markets continues to swell. According to market research firm IDC, during the first nine months of 2004, â€Å"U.S. shipments of digital still cameras grew by close to 50%, vs. the same period in 2003. Conversely, we think U.S. shipments of traditional film cameras declined at a double-digit rate in 2004, and we expect a similar drop in 2005†(Stice). With the technology currently available, digital photography holds several major advantages over traditional film photography. The benefits can be categorized by cost, time, and versatility (Bhatia). Kodak wisely restructured its manufacturing to remain a strong competitor in the industry’s market demand for traditional 35mm film. Film cameras are slowly declining in existing markets. Kodak takes full advantage of the situation by shifting its core focus to the increasingly demanded digital imaging technologies. But since emerging markets continue their demand for traditional products, an efficient number of production factors are still available in China and India, where Kodak will continue service and support products for existing markets. Their strategy is to fill the profit gap left from traditional product sales losses with sales gains from the new digital products plus gain top market share. In 2004, Kodak Operating Systems (KOS), charged with Kodak’s Manufacturing and Logistics, began making manufacturing plans to restructure decisions as they realized the opportunity costs of having un- or under-used factors of production at PPC1 (See Fig.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
California DMV Written Test
California DMV written test #1 1 . It is illegal for a person 21years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (bac) that is or higher. a. 0. 08%- Eight hundredths of one percent 2. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: a. Sell or transfer your vehicle. 3. Highways are typically most slippery: a. When it first starts to rain after a dry spell. 4. A police officer is signaling you to continue driving through a red traffic light. What should you do? a. Do as the officer tells you 5. When planning to pass another vehicle you should: a. Not count on other drivers making room for you. 6.What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights a. You cannot turn on a red arrow, even if you stop first. 7. Which of the following increases your chances of having a collision? a. Continually changing lanes to pass other vehicles. 8. Which of these statements about drugs and driving is true a. Even over-the- counter drugs can impair you r driving. 9. You should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following large trucks because: a. You need the extra room to see around the truck. 10. You may cross double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if the: a.Yellow line next to your side of the road is broken. 11. You must use your seat belt: a. And failure to do so will result in a traffic ticket. 12. Which of these statements is true about road work zones? a. You must â€Å"slow for the cone zone†.. 13. Animals may be transported in the back of a pickup truck only if: a. They are properly secured 14. If you drive slower than the flow of traffic, you will most likely: a. Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket. 15. When changing lanes on a freeway, you should: a. Signal for at least five seconds. 16. You want to pass a bicyclist riding on the tight edge of your lane.You: a. Must not squeeze past the bicyclist. 17. At intersection, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always: a. Look to the s ides of your vehicle. 18. You want to turn left ahead. In the middle of the road there is a lane marked as shown. You must. a. Merge completely into this lane before you make your left turn. 19. This yellow sign means: a. Merging traffic ahead. 20. You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do? a. Drive to the edge of the road and stop. 21 . which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists a. otorcyclists he same rights/responsibilities as other motorists 22. When making a right turn from a highway with two lanes in your direction, you may turn from. a. The lane nearest the curb or edge of the road. 23. Which of these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks? a. Tank truck marked with hazardous materials placards. 24. If you have trouble seeing other vehicles because dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and turn on your: a. Headlights 25. Large trucks turning right ont o a street with two lanes in each direction: a. Often have to use part of the left lane to complete the turn. . You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block the intersection when the lights turn red: a. Under any circumstances. 27. Pedestrians crossing at corners have the right-of-way: a. Whether or not a crosswalk is marked. 28. Which of the following will help you avoid being hit from behind? a. Decreasing your following distance. 29. You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should: a. Wait until the person crosses the street. 30.Smoking inside a vehicle when a person younger than 18 years of age is present is: a. Illegal at all times. 31 . You must file a report of Traffic Accident Occurring in California (SR 1) with DMV within 10 days if you: a. Are in a collision that causes $750 in damage. 32. When is it legal to use a cell phone without a hands-free device while driving? a. When making a call for emergency assistance. 33. This white sign means: a. Stay in the right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic. 34. You should use your horn when: a. It may help prevent a collision. 35. You are driving on a one-way street.You may turn left onto another one-way street: a. If traffic on the street is moving to the left. 36. At dawn or dusk, or in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. A good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn: a. On your headlights. -rest 1. You must notify DMV within 5 days if you: 2. It is illegal for a person 21years of age or older to drive with a blood alcohol 3. You are driving on a five-lane freeway in the lane closest to the center divider. To exit the freeway on the right you should a. Change lanes one at a time until you are in the proper lane. 4A large truck is driving in the middle ot three lanes. You want to pass the large truck. It is the be st to pass: a. Quickly on the left and move ahead of it. 5. You are driving on a divided street with multiple lanes in your direction if you need to make a U-turn, where should you start? a. In the left lane. 6. When you are in a dedicated turn lane controlled by a green arrow, which of the following is true? a. All oncoming vehicles and pedestrians are stopped by red light. 7. Always look carefully for motorcycles before you make a turn because: a. Their smaller size makes them harder to see. 8.When looking ahead of your vehicle while driving, you should: a. Scan your surroundings. 9. Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit in a residential or business district is: a. 25mph 10. There is one lane in your direction and the vehicle ahead of you often slows down for no apparent reason. In this situation you should: a. Increase the following distance between you and the other vehicle. 11. If an oncoming vehicle has started to turn left in front of you: a. Slow or stop to prevent a coll ision. 12. You should usually drive your vehicle more carefully when you: a. Are near schools, playgrounds, and in residential areas. . This yellow sign means: a. Divided highway ahead. 14. Do not cross double solid yellow lines in the center of the roadway to: a. Pass another vehicle. 15. Where should you stop your vehicle if there is no crosswalk or limit line? a. At the corner. 16. You are approaching an intersection. The traffic signal light is flashing red. What should you do? a. Stop before entering, then proceed when safe. 17. which statement is true about motorcyclists and motorists a. motorcyclists have the same rights/responsibilities as other motorists 18. Use your high-beam headlights at night: a. Whenever it is legal and safe.
Monday, January 6, 2020
The Issue of Guns and Gun Control in America - 1146 Words
In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, to hunt for food and to engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control takes on a proportion of extreme magnitude. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. Those parties in favor of gun ownership and the freedom to use and keep arms, rely on the fact that the provision for such rights is enshrined in their constitution.†¦show more content†¦Frightening statistics, point to handguns in particular as being the most dangerous and misused firearm in society. Some statistics indicate that crime linked to handguns is as high as 90%, Stevens, (1997 ). These statistics cannot be confirmed but has people questioning the legitimacy of â€Å"handgun â€Å"ownership in particular. As stated in the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment as part of the Bill of Rights gives individual citizens the right to keep and bear arms. The intention of this amendment is at the core of the gun control debate. At the time this right was set into motion, the land of America was a different place. With foreign armies building up, civil unrest and the need to defend their families and state from inside and outside influences, guns were a necessity. Militias were formed apart from the British backed or loyalist armies. These militias were considered of great importance and arming them a matter of the highest order (Whisker, 1999). Creating of these groups solidified the possession and acquisition of firearms forever. Ramifications of this second amendment clause may not have been conceived. Perhaps the founding fathers would be horrified as to the state of guns in America. However it is possible they would urge law abiding citizens to pick up arms and end the rise of criminal and violent activities in the country today. Crimes involving firearms in America is substantially higher than any other country and is purported to be due to theShow MoreRelatedBennett Dorton. English 11. 1-26-17.Gun Control In America.1270 Words  | 6 PagesBennett Dorton English 11 1-26-17 Gun Control In America Every time a gun injures or kills in self defense it is used seven times in a criminal assault or homicide; furthermore the main argument against stricter gun laws is the fact that they are needed for self defense. Gun control is a very controversial and debatable topic, and many people have different opinions. 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Republicans typically believe that it should be entirely legal for Americans to own guns because it is their right from the Constitution and they need it to defend themselves. Democrats typically believe that guns should not be legal because they are dangerous weapons and they can be abused by violent people. The debate over g un laws has continued to divide American because of the manyRead MoreGun Control766 Words  | 4 PagesGun Control Paper Gun Control has been an issue that has been brought to the public’s eyes in recent years. This main issue has been going on for many years, for example when John F. Kennedy was assassinated; it raised public awareness to the lack of control on sales and also possession of guns in America. Until 1968 guns were available over the counter in stores and through mail catalogs to just about any adult in America. This was an example of how loosely guns were regulated which bring usRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1573 Words  | 7 PagesIn America there is a growing issue some say. The issue being gun control and how guns affect and/or end lives, the even bigger issue though is the issue of how people can or can not write about gun control to educate the public. Gun Control is an issue that needs to be avoided when trying to persuade readers of an opinion for two reasons, the issue of gun control is a terrible essay topic because there are too many emotions involved in gun cont rol debates and because in general there is no goodRead MoreGun Control Is Needed1472 Words  | 6 PagesGun Control Is Needed Regulation of guns is a necessary action that needs to be taken in order to save lives. A good definition of gun control is needed to understand the sides and issues. Gun control is an effort to stop the rise in violent crime by strengthening laws on the ownership of firearms. Persons in the group against gun control believe that gun control is wrong, and that it is a violation of constitutional rights. Those in favor of gun control believe that gun control is goodRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Politics960 Words  | 4 PagesIn America, gun politics is definitely an issue that needs to be properly addressed and talked about due to the very controversial and tragic events that has taken place. One of the key issues that should be addressed are the federal laws in place for on guns and who can legally be able to obtain them; meaning, a thorough mental evaluation. Currently, the federal law primarily details how guns can be carried by any US citizen, permanent resident aliens, and non-immigrant aliens under the provisionRead MoreArgumentative Gun Control Essay1422 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentative Gun Control Paper The issue of Gun Control has been on the minds of humans for hundreds of years. How do we protect ourselves and our loved ones? How do we keep such a dangerous weapon out of the hands of the wrong person? Inside the Second Amendment we are granted the right to Bear Arms. Having that amendment gives each person the ability to carry a weapon if they choose, so how can we control who should or shouldn’t carry? According to an article evaluated from KovandizicRead MoreGun Control: A Big Issue in the World Today Essay925 Words  | 4 Pagesyear, I am sure that you have heard about the issue of gun control. Well, do you really know the full story behind the debate? My goal for this essay is to fully explain everything to you behind this issue and why it is such a big deal in our world today. There are many different problems behind why gun control is such a big issue in the world today, and why some people want gun control and others do not. Through these contrasting opinions on gun control, the world will never fully decide what isRead MoreAmerica Should Have Stricter Gun Control1290 Words  | 6 PagesA troubled person pulls out a gun in a school, an office, or a shopping center, and he or she slaughters innocent men, women, and children. Recently, mass murders have occurred at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Omaha’s Westroads Mall (Schwartz). These tr agedies are not inevitable, so people wonder one question. Are guns in our society getting out of control? Four out of every ten Americans own a gun; which leads to the perception that America has returned to the Wild Wild
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