Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Anayse how language is used in a couple of texts( opening pages of Essay
Anayse how language is used in a couple of texts( opening pages of Gone with the wind and Romeo and Juliet - Essay Example These elements include phonology, lexis, punctuation, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. By comparing the usage of these elements between two classic texts, such as William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind, evidence can be found in each element of language that demonstrate how the usage of language changes over time and place as well as through dominant format of the communication goals. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1597 reflecting the Elizabethan values and traditions of England while focusing on the story of a young couple in Verona. In this way, he also incorporates some of the values that were understood in his time to have been important to people of an even earlier time. Mitchell wrote Gone With the Wind in 1936 America reflecting the struggles of the Great Depression and capturing some of the major issues that faced people living in the Civil War south. Like Shakespeare, although she didn’t live during that time period, she incorporates many of the values that were understood in her generation to have been important issues a generation or so earlier. In each case, there is a strong sense of identity reflected in every aspect of the language used. While each novel is written in the same general English language, each illustrates the ideas of love coming to bitter conclusions and each struggles to portray a period of time prior to that in which the author lived, each does so in such a unique way as to make it seem as if they were each written in separate languages all together, which can be teased out by examining the various aspects of language used to tell the story. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare establishes early on a formal and literary tone within the lexis of his text. For example, in the Prologue, he indicates the scene of his play is in â€Å"fair Verona†, a use of the word ‘fair’ that falls within the formal lexicon, especially
Monday, October 28, 2019
Schools of Thought Essay Example for Free
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Narration and Perspective in Pramoedyas Inem Essay -- Asia Narrative
Narration and Perspective in Pramoedya's Inem Tradition represents an integral component of one's cultural identity, and this is especially so in this rapidly changing world which we live in, where the boundaries between different cultures are increasingly being blurred and distorted by the process of globalisation. While traditions do define the beliefs, practices and collective experiences of a people, the continued existence of certain socio-cultural institutions in which discriminatory and repressive measures still persist cannot be condoned. It is this very dimension that Pramoedya addresses in his short story, "Inem": The narrator's reminiscences of his childhood perform a serious social commentary and incisive social critique of various repressive traditional institutions in Indonesian society, such as the practice of child-brides (i.e. the forced socialisation of children), as well as the intransigent nature of prevailing patriarchal attitudes towards women and subsequent treatment they receive in the author's socio-cult ural milieu. The story achieves, albeit subtly, a powerful condemnation of these facets, which is presented artfully through a duality in the narration - a child's naà ¯ve perspective and circumscribed knowledge to describe the course of events as they happened, alongside the mature, retrospective voice, which also provides a highly mimetic depiction of life in this society. It might be pertinent and helpful here to first discuss the structure of the narrative itself, for there are several elements in the sequencing of the discourse that contribute in no small way to the overall effect of the narration/narrator. The narrative begins in media res (beginning in the midst of the action at a crucial junct... ...d in the narration. This is ultimately left to the sub-text, of what is left unsaid. It is quite clear where the author stands on the issues the short story raises, and through the naà ¯vetà © in the children's perspective presented in the narrator's recollections, an intense and vivid resemblance to reality in this very retrospection, and the narrative sequencing that remorselessly directs the story towards the concluding tragedy - a powerful and scathing, if not sober, social critique on the nature of tradition, adhering to correct social behaviour and resistance to change is shaped and conveyed. Bibliography Chatman, Seymour. "Narration: Narrator and Narratee". Reading Narrative Fiction. New York: Macmillan, 1993. 90-97. Pramoedya Ananta Toer. "Inem". Contemporary Literature of Asia. Arthur Biddle et al (ed.) Blair: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996. 139-148.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Essay --
Anonymous. "The Moral Lessons." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. The author discusses what is occurring in the novel, the stories depicted in it, that could be said to be two, even three stories in one novel. We see that the author mentions Anna’s viewpoint of her life and how she feels about it. He discusses her love, and her crisis with it. Arnold, Matthew. "The Differences between Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. Anna, in Anna Karenina shows the struggle of not being like the other female characters around her, contributing to her disturbing feelings, and hopelessness. We see that Anna possesses a charm that Madame Bovary lacks, that holds Anna above in her a certain way. We see that Flaubert is cruel, and pursues Madame Bovary without her pity or pause, and is harder upon her than any reader is said to be. This leaves fewer feelings of forgiveness for Madame Bovary, and more for Anna, because she has such passion towards her lover. It shows the role society plays on ones state of mind. Blackmur, R. P. "Confronting the Immediacy of Experience in Anna Karenina."Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. In Blackmur’s criticism of Anna Karenina, he expresses that Tolstoy’s exposes his characters to the hardships of their lives. Using his imagination to express his characters responses to their experiences. Blackmur discusses how Stiva and Dolly in the book are, â€Å"too near the actual manner of things, are to wholly undifferentiated from the course of society and individuals, ever to feel the need or the pang of rebirth.†Anna on the other hand wants to set free what she feels underneath. Anna uses her libido not for sex alone... ...lstoy’s novel and his affection towards his characters are being compared to those of Homer. Trilling goes into detail comparing the two works, and how they don’t force the way their characters are but rather have a â€Å"natural†vibe to them. He is also connected the feelings towards these two types of characters back to religion, which is constantly seen when criticizing this novel. Wasiolek, Edward. "Why Anna Kills Herself." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. In this criticism, we look at a theme presented from the novel, which asks the ultimate question of why Anna killed herself. How did she degenerate from the person full of life and love, to the person full of sorrow and hopeless she becomes at the end? There are multiple factors that add to this downfall of Anna, such as society, Vronsky, and her need for passion and love in her life. Essay -- Anonymous. "The Moral Lessons." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. The author discusses what is occurring in the novel, the stories depicted in it, that could be said to be two, even three stories in one novel. We see that the author mentions Anna’s viewpoint of her life and how she feels about it. He discusses her love, and her crisis with it. Arnold, Matthew. "The Differences between Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. Anna, in Anna Karenina shows the struggle of not being like the other female characters around her, contributing to her disturbing feelings, and hopelessness. We see that Anna possesses a charm that Madame Bovary lacks, that holds Anna above in her a certain way. We see that Flaubert is cruel, and pursues Madame Bovary without her pity or pause, and is harder upon her than any reader is said to be. This leaves fewer feelings of forgiveness for Madame Bovary, and more for Anna, because she has such passion towards her lover. It shows the role society plays on ones state of mind. Blackmur, R. P. "Confronting the Immediacy of Experience in Anna Karenina."Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. In Blackmur’s criticism of Anna Karenina, he expresses that Tolstoy’s exposes his characters to the hardships of their lives. Using his imagination to express his characters responses to their experiences. Blackmur discusses how Stiva and Dolly in the book are, â€Å"too near the actual manner of things, are to wholly undifferentiated from the course of society and individuals, ever to feel the need or the pang of rebirth.†Anna on the other hand wants to set free what she feels underneath. Anna uses her libido not for sex alone... ...lstoy’s novel and his affection towards his characters are being compared to those of Homer. Trilling goes into detail comparing the two works, and how they don’t force the way their characters are but rather have a â€Å"natural†vibe to them. He is also connected the feelings towards these two types of characters back to religion, which is constantly seen when criticizing this novel. Wasiolek, Edward. "Why Anna Kills Herself." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. In this criticism, we look at a theme presented from the novel, which asks the ultimate question of why Anna killed herself. How did she degenerate from the person full of life and love, to the person full of sorrow and hopeless she becomes at the end? There are multiple factors that add to this downfall of Anna, such as society, Vronsky, and her need for passion and love in her life.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Outdoor Recreation and Park Management Essay
In order for a national park to protect their natural and cultural values, it is crucial for managers to effectively and actively administer protocols and regulations to safeguard the ecological integrity of the park and to provide to visitors the service they desire. While managers attempt to resolve such issues, they find themselves in a predicament where conflicting goals play a problematic factor. A diversity of issues poses as threats to the flora and fauna, vegetation and landscape of parks within Canada. Over the years, the ability to control fire, introduced plant life, losses of species, urbanization and tourism have contributed to significant issues that managers face on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Largely, the outlook of our ecological footprint and health of a park requires the management of the pressures of internal and external developments and public use. A park’s management strategies need to promote conservation of the vegetation, fauna and habitat within the park as well as catering for park visitors. Question 1: 5 Park Management Issues As a manager of a park, an array of issues affects both short term and long-term goals for management to contend with. At times, these issues usually conflict with the progress of anothe, in which forfeiting or sacrifice from one area is needed to fix another. I will introduce and explain 5 significant management issues that managers face while operating a park. 1. Tourism and Visitation The first of the issues that our park is faced with is tourism and visitation. Parks in Canada offer essential recreation assets for Canada. Their popularity with visitors indicates that immense visitor pressures are being placed on some parks and on the most popular recreation sites within a park. Tourism is an immense issue that we should not overlook and should not be underestimated. Below are two tables that display the sources of our income in parks and one that illustrates the revenue sources of parks for the 2000/2001 year. As we can distinguish in table 3, there is a huge influx of revenue emerging from park entry fees alone. $50 million is derived from park entry fees, camping fees and rental and concessions, where we can presuppose that these figures are a major financial backing for the operation of a park. This issue should be seen noteworthy to management as financial funding, in the means of tourism and visitation, secures a cushion for future developments and park sustainability. (Eagles, 2002) (Eagles, 2002) 2. Urbanization. A further more external pressure that parks are experiencing is the sudden emergence and increase of urbanization. â€Å" Increasing environmental pressures, such as those arising from increased tourist traffic and the urbanization of peripheral zones, with all the resulting air, water and noise pollution, have had as much impact on park ecosystems as they have on those outside the protected areas (Machlis & Tichnell 1985)†. For park managers, residential development is of great consequence and threat to the native fauna and flora of a park. Nonetheless, many people do not recognize the effects of their participation in activities on parks within proximity to where they reside. The effects of residential development on parks induce a magnitude of threatening ecological impacts. Such impacts include a foray of indigenous vegetation by persistent garden plants from bordering properties, a decrease in the scenic quality due to construction and clearing of vegetation, and soil erosion and dieback of vegetation as a result of storm water runoff (Solecki 1994). Storm water runoff from roads with the combination of the drainage of local residential wastes and treated waste matter from properties around a park is an additional aspect to be watchfully managed when urbanization becomes more apparent. The drainage as well as, the runoff from bordering roads can potentially lead to the decease of vegetation within the park. Poorly maintained septic tanks can result in nutrient-rich runoff being discharged. These wastes create unfavourable conditions for native vegetation and promote growth of weeds. Not only are smaller provincial parks are immune to this issue but also parks on a larger scale – national parks. 3. Loss of Species / Increase in Fauna The next issue to deal with is the introductions of species often unfavourably affect the native fauna and flora. The newly emerged fauna can directly contend with indigenous fauna for breeding sites and food. A possible harm that is negatively tied with the foreign fauna also introduced diseases, wide spread of weeds and prey upon native species (Louda 1997). Introduced species include domestic and feral cats, domestic dogs, foxes, rabbits, blackbirds and the common starling. This issue is not to be ignored as it is deeply tied into the overall appeal of why tourist may visit a park. 4. Fire One issue that should not go unnoticed for park management is the control of fire. The control of fire both negatively (forest fires) and positively (fire regime) should be placed as a priority as it endangers both human life and the ecological footprint of the park. Plant communities and their connected flora and fauna have progressed over thousands of years under a natural fire regime. The use of fire has key effects on ecosystems (Weber & Stock, 1998). The effects of fire management may be advantageous or undesirable, depending on the distinctiveness of the fire and the nature of the area burnt. Fires have the possibility to cause soil erosion, alter stream flow and water quality as well as change the vegetation composition. (Parsons, Graber, Agee, & Van Wagtendonk, 2005) Fire management is a very complicated and contentious issue, which often entails the balancing of fire safety requirements alongside vegetation and habitat management necessities. 5. Loss of Habitat / Increase in Flora Lastly, the fifth stand out issue that managers face when operating a park is the increase in flora. The spread of emerging plants from neighbouring residential gardens, abandoned farms, tracks and roadsides root a continuing change in the arrangement and diversity of the vegetation. This can lead to a considerable alteration in the nature of the ecosystem and habitat within the park. One persistent type of an introduced plant is weed. The destructive nature of many weeds is such that they quickly occupy disturbed areas and prevent the germination and regeneration of indigenous species (Louda, Kendall, Connor, & Simberloff, 1997). In this way weeds may reduce the variety of species present in a park. Weed can be a detrimental factor in parks as they can cause soil disturbance, grazing by introduced animals, increase frequencies of fire and the presence of bordering agricultural land with weed species. Question 2 – Two Outdoor Recreation Activities The two activities that I will be discussing are rock climbing and hunting. Both of these activities vary in the characteristics each one hold. When comparing both activities, I will point of the differences in environment used for each activity, the types of organizations provided, types of environmental attitudes, positive and negative impacts caused by them and the socio-demographics of the participants. For rock climbing, the environment used is very undemanding, as it is typically done outdoors. Climbs more often than not take place on sunny days when the holds are dry and provide the best grip. At their own discretion, climbers can also endeavor to climb at night or in poor weather conditions if they have the appropriate training and equipment. In spite of this, night climbing or climbing in poor weather conditions will increase the difficulty and danger on any climbing route. Hunting is a kind of recreational that demands money, time and effort. Today, most hunting in Canada is recreational and motivated by the tangible as well as intangible rewards of success. For hunting, the environment used differs greatly from rock climbing (Bruner, Gullison, Rice, & da Fonseca, 2005). For Hunting, weather is an integral aspect in the success of hunters, and ideal weather conditions time and again greatly increase the probability of a kill. â€Å"Ideal hunting weather is on a cold day, with light rain, and no wind. (Miller, 1990)†Windy days are usually poor for hunting, as the game are assumed to avoid open spaces on windy days. You may be able to hunt on a windy day, but you will have a more difficult time finding the game since they will not be congregating in open fields where they are highly visible. Hunting is best on days when there is a delicate drizzle. Most game, such as deer’s, enjoy the rain, and tend to be out on rainy days. Cold weather is the last element to good hunting weather. â€Å"Cold weather is best for deer hunting, as that is when deer are most likely to leave their dwellings. †(Miller 1990) Deer have an adrenaline rush when the temperature suddenly drops, which makes them even more vulnerable to hunters. Deer tend to avoid hot weather, and often sleep through the hot humid days of summer. Types of Organizations: There are a multiple of institutes and organizations that offer rock climbing. Typically the majority of provincial and national parks, and some regional and municipal parks offer rock climbing as one of their many outdoor recreation activities. In addition to parks offering this activity, many independent and private organization offer climbing experiences through clubs, for example, Alpine Club of Canada. Unlike rock climbing, the types of organizations in hunting are very restricted. Hunting is prohibited in National Parks across the country, but is available at selected provincial and regional parks. Being under governmental laws and regulations, higher authority set out rules governing hunters. These rules may entail strictures on age and qualifications of applicants for hunting licences, as well as defining hunting zones, seasons and bag limits. â€Å"Strict laws regulate when, where, what and how a person can hunt. In Ontario, each gun hunter must pass both the Canadian Firearms Safety Course exam and the Ontario Hunter Education Course exam (Govt Ont)†Type of Environmental Attitudes: Rock Climbing holds a more naturalistic attitude towards the environment. Rock climbing can be associated with a strong attachment to wild nature. Ones desire and contact desired is achieved through both the physical and mental aspect of climbing. Hunting holds a negativistic and doministic environmental attitude. It is usually associated with dislike, domination, and control. Depending on the type of hunting, it can display the dangers, the skill, the superiority, or the competition hunting bestows. Positive and Negative Impacts The positive impacts of rock climbing stimulate the participant both mentally and physically. When you consider the benefits of rock climbing, you usually think first of the physical benefits. Rock climbing is a recreation that requires a great deal of physical strength. Most people who become involved in the sport soon realize that they must be in excellent shape to even begin to enjoy it. This leads to an increase in physical conditioning that is most often beneficial to the participants overall health. Even though many rock climbers abide to the â€Å"leave no trace†and â€Å"minimal impact†practices, rock climbing can be damaging to the environment. Common environmental damages include: litter, chalk accumulation, soil erosion, abandoned bolts and ropes, human excrement, introduction of foreign plants through seeds on shoes and clothing, and damage to native plant species, especially those growing in cracks and on ledges as these are often deliberately removed during new route development through a process commonly referred to as cleaning. (Jakus 1996) Hunting brings forth both positive and negative impacts to the environment. The positive impact hunting retains is it helps maintain certain species of wildlife and their environment by keeping the animal’s population from exceeding its habitat’s carry capacity. It can bring wildlife populations up and create a much more nourishing environment for them. Hunting also provides predation for species of animal that no longer have predation due to various reasons. This keeps the ecosystem in balance ( Bruner 2005). Essentially, hunting Prevents wildlife populations from getting out of control that will eventually harm the wildlife, their environment, and possibly humans. As like some of the issues managers deal with, some pose as controversial and conflicting issues. One of the negative impact that hunting results in is it can cause populations of certain species of wildlife to decline. It may also interfere with natural predation which would cause the ecological footprint to drastically alter in the long run. Socio-demographics of Participants: The majority of people think that rock climbing is a recreation for men; this is not true at all. Climbing is an activity for both men and women, kids to adults. Rock climbing is a fairly inexpensive outdoor recreation compared to other activities like skiing. Educational background does not play a significant role in the decision to participate in such activity. Hunting is well scattered among age groups, with slightly more interest in the 35-44 age group. It is also popular among all education levels, with to some extent more interest shown by high school graduates. Hunting is mainly popular with rural residents and with those making $30,000-$49,999. The US Fish and Wildlife Service reports that approximately 35% of the nation’s hunters live in the South, as do 73% of the African-American hunters, 39% of the Hispanic hunters and 29% of the female hunters. Question 3 – Future Predictions My predictions for hunting will depend greatly on multiple factors. In the next 30 years I see hunting decreasing at a steady. Based on global climate, government laws and regulations, as well as park restrictions, hunting will be a very rare recreation. The changing climate will alter the hunting seasons in the means of shortening the duration periods. With strict gun laws and hunting regulations affirmed by the government and the rapidly changing economy, I feel as if the population will view hunting more of a hassle involving the multiple licensing and registration one needs to complete before being able to hunt. In addition, with the increasing urbanization in Canada, it will start to affect the more rural areas where hunting is allowed. Once these areas have been developed, laws will soon prohibit the use of hunting. My prediction for rock climbing is on the other side of the spectrum in regards to hunting. I strongly feel that there will be an increase in participation for this type of recreation. This is based on numerous of factors. Firstly, we live in a very physical and influential world. As the world becomes more health aware and proactive, people will start to view climbing as a physical activity. Similarly like yoga, this form of recreation and exercise involves overcoming both physical and mental barriers. It involves stretching of the muscles, as well as exercising of the mind. Overall, Park managers must consider a whole spectrum of issues in order to satisfy both the ecological footprint and the desires of the customers. It is a difficult challenge to prioritize one task over another as a great majority of them coincide with one another. Given the two very different outdoor recreation activities, we were able to observe the different environments, the impacts and the demographics each activity entails. From this we gain a stronger understanding of the the role that managers play in the delivery of outdoor recreation within Canada. Work Cited Bruner, A. G. , Gullison, R. E. , Rice, R. E. , & da Fonseca, G. A. (2005, Jan 5). Effectiveness of Parks in Protecting Tropical Biodiversity. Science 5 , 125-128. Eagles, P. F. (2002). Trends in Park Tourism: Economics, Finance and Management. Journal of Sustainable Tourism , 141-144. Fortin, M. -J. , & Gagnon, C. (1999, June 23). An assessment of social impacts of national parks on communities in Quebec, Canada. Environmental Conservation 26 , 201-206. Louda, S. M. , Kendall, D. , Connor, J. , & Simberloff, D. (1997, August). Ecological Effects of an Insect Introduced for the Biological Control of Weeds. Science 22 , 1088 – 1090. Miller, S. D. (1990). Impact of Increased Bear Hunting on Surviorship of young Bears. Wildl. Soc. Bull , 462-467. Parsons, D. J. , Graber, D. M. , Agee, J. K. , & Van Wagtendonk, J. W. (2005, July 03). Natural fire management in National Parks. Environmental Management , 21-24. Theil, D. , Menoni, E. , Brenot, J. -F. , & Jenni, L. (2007). Effects of Recreation and Hunting on Flushing Distance of Capercaillie. Journal of Wildlife Management , 1. Weber, M. G. , & Stock, B. J. (1998). Forest Fires and Sustainability in the Boreal Forest of Canada. Royal Sweedish Academy of Science , 545-547. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: October 2002. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: National Overview. May 2007.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
David Hume essays
David Hume essays David Hume was one of the greatest thinkers in Western History. He was an 18th century philosopher who looked at the world in logical terms. He was a realist who, through philosophy, sought to distinguish between the impression of human experience and the ideas, which are changing representations of life experiences. He was also the ultimate sceptic, who did not accept that which presented itself as knowledge until it was proven to be so. Hume was more than a philosopher, he was also an accomplished historian, economist, sociologist. He had also deep effects on Enlightenment. David Hume was born on April 26, 1711 in Edinburgh, Scotland as a second son of a lawyer family. He started to study at the university in order to become a lawyer in 1723 and he had interested in philosophy and literature. While he was in France he wrote his masterpiece A Treatise of Human Nature. In this book he sought to introduce the experimental method of reasoning into moral subject, or more simply he introduce the scientific methods of the Enlightenment by bearing on five human subjects: Understanding, passions, morals, politics and criticism. Hume also dedicated himself to the study of history and wrote an important History of Great Britain. He died on April 1776.Besides this works he had also other important works like Natural History of Religion. and Dialogues As a philosopher Hume asked himself a simple question: What are the limits of human knowledge? And he started who think about the problem of knowledge. Hume believed that all knowledge came from experience. He also believed that a persons experiences existed only in mind. Hume believed that there was a world outside human conscience, but he did not think this could be proved. Hume grouped perceptions and ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Becoming a Chef Essays
Becoming a Chef Essays Becoming a Chef Essay Becoming a Chef Essay No one person influenced me in my culinary endeavors. However, the modern convenience of the television sparked my earliest interest in the food service industry, where I was exposed to an array of culinary shows as a young child. The showcase of food and various culinary styles arrested me at age 10 on the then popular television show Great Chefs. While most children in my age group were glued to the Cartoon Network, The culinary artistry displayed on Great Chef’s made my heart tickle with great excitement in that one day I would be able to perform such a visual expression of myself. Each day international cuisine was featured and I began to view food in a different light. Food became an art form to me – one that I would become obsessed with and vowed my life to perfect. My enthusiasm blossomed even more when Great Chefs featured two segments in The British Virgin Islands. Where Chef Ivor Peters of The Sugar Mill Hotel Restaurant and Chef John Rhymer of The Little Dix Bay Resort and Spa, both showcased their creativeness and passion for pastries. This in turn made me feel that one day I would be great enough to be considered a Great Chef. With that incentive in mind, that enabled me to enroll in the New England Culinary Institute administered at the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College where I obtained an Associates of Occupational Studies in Culinary Arts in my pursuit of becoming a Great Chef. The Culinary Institute of America is the world’s most Premiere culinary Institution where for more than half a century they have been setting the standards for excellence. By providing the necessary resources to help foster the ability to think creatively, solve problems and understands what it takes to be a Great Chef. Upon completion of my aspired Bachelor’s Degree in Baking and Pastry Arts at The Culinary Institute of America, I would be a more favorable asset as an industry leader where I would have the opportunity to showcase fresh creative ideas. And eventually open my own Continental Cafe and Pastry shop where I wish to expose the people of the Caribbean, more specifically these British Virgin Islands to some of the finest local and international cakes, pies and confectionary known to man. And with hard work and dedication to quality and high standards expand to more locations in and around the British Virgin Islands to better serve the competitive Market. The BVI is currently viewed as a third world country†¦the development of our hospitality services will be the vehicle to transport our territory beyond the confines of this label. With my exceptional training at The Culinary Institute of America I am prepared to hit the ground running as part of that engine that helps the British Virgin Islands to seek a World class Hospitality service.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
To Err is Human
To Err is Human To Err is Human To Err is Human By Maeve Maddox If you are an American speaker, you probably pronounce the word err to rhyme with air. Although American, I went to school to nuns from Newfoundland; I learned to pronounce err to rhyme with fur, as in Pope’s verse, â€Å"To err is human; to forgive, divine.†Literally, â€Å"to err†means â€Å"to wander or go astray from a marked path.†The noun error originally meant â€Å"the act of wandering.†Nowadays, both words are used only figuratively. One meaning of err is â€Å"to go wrong in judgment or opinion†: IPCC scientist and Pennsylvania State University professor of meteorology Michael Mann [said], Many scientists felt that report erred by underplaying the degree of confidence in the linkage between climate change and certain types of severe weather In a religious context, â€Å"to err†means â€Å"to go astray†or â€Å"to sin†: Affluence causes people to err from the Truth. False teachers cause the faithful to err by their ignorance. Err rarely occurs in everyday speech except in the idiom â€Å"to err on the side of caution†: We cancelled a trip to California this month because of uncertainty over the safety of flying. I’d rather err on the side of caution. I’d rather doctors erred on the side of caution than risk a fatality. â€Å"To err on the side of caution†means, â€Å"to make the mistake of being more careful than necessary, rather than make the mistake of not taking sufficient precautions and later regretting it.†The American pronunciation of err to rhyme with air is the source of spelling errors: There doesn’t seem to be a true consensus on whether a UV filter is absolutely necessary for your lens. However I would rather air on the side of caution and have one. When unsure if crossing a public boundary that may create feelings of discomfort, it is best to air on the side of caution and simply send a private message. With rabies, ALWAYS air on the side of caution. Another common error with err is semantic. Some speakers seem to think that â€Å"on the side of†in the expression â€Å"to err on the side of caution†means â€Å"to be on the side of,†or â€Å"to prefer†or â€Å"to show preference toward.†These speakers substitute other nouns for caution, with some interesting results: I tend to err on the side of sports car tires v rated or higher for the best grip. A standard television gives about 35 ftL. Big cinemas are about 15ftL. Definitely err on the side of television. I like both [cats and dogs] but I’d err on the side of dogs. Hide behind your money, boys. Mayor Bloomberg will always err on the side of wealth. I’ve also seen: err on the side of misery and guilt err on the side of disappointment err on the side of intelligence Two ways to avoid errors with the verb err: 1. Always end the phrase â€Å"err on the side of†with the word caution. 2. Remember the alternative pronunciation that makes err rhyme with fur. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Apply to, Apply for, and Apply with50 Types of PropagandaPersonification vs. Anthropomorphism
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Financial Management Individual Work Week 1 Coursework
Financial Management Individual Work Week 1 - Coursework Example Thus, Repo Mens returns are expected to move counter to the economy (Brigham & Ehrhardt, 2013). The risk of 2–stock portfolio is 3.3% while the stand-alone risk of Altas Inds. is 18.8% and Repo men is 13.4%. This is because of diversification of stock , which implies that most of the risk contained in the stock was unique to such companies. Portfolio effect should affect the way investors think of individual stock because the risk of individual stocks contain both market and diversifiable risk. In a well-diversified portfolio, there is elimination of diversifiable risks leading to risk reduction of the overall portfolio (Hampton, 2011). (2.) If you decided to hold a 1-stock portfolio and consequently were exposed to more risk than diversified investors, could you expect to be compensated for all of your risk; that is, could you earn a risk premium on that part of your risk that you could have eliminated by diversifying? Answer: See Ch 02 Mini Case Show Beta is the market risk. Beta of more than 1 such as that of Alta has higher returns. Repo Men has the lowest beta, which is negative, thus the lower returns than T-bill that are risk free and has zero beta. T-bill has no risk and thus has a beta of zero (Hampton,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Quality Improvement Framework and Indicators Research Paper
Quality Improvement Framework and Indicators - Research Paper Example  A multitude of quality improvement frameworks have been devised. These frameworks include European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM), Chronic Care Model (CCM), and others. According to Massoud, four principles of quality improvement are particularly important. These include: focus on the client, understanding of service systems along with key processes, team work, and focus on the use of data. In the healthcare industry particularly, services should be devised to satiate the needs of clients. An important measure of quality improvement is the extent to which customers’ needs are fulfilled. In order to bring improvements in healthcare quality, it is also important to fathom key processes first. In every healthcare organization, work is accomplished by different people working in teams. Therefore teamwork is a pre-requisite for quality improvement in healthcare organizations. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of improved systems, it is imperative to analyze data before and after the implementation of those changes (Massoud, n.d.).Responsiveness, in other words, patient-centeredness, is another dimension. Patient-centeredness is the degree to which a healthcare organization gives importance to its patients. A good way to assess this is to evaluate patients’ experience in terms of their healthcare. Accessibility is also a dimension which describes the degree to ease to which healthcare services are provided. Equity is related to health care financing, health status, and outcomes.... Equity measures the degree to which a healthcare organization provides healthcare services to its people. The optimum use of healthcare resources available to a healthcare organization is considered efficiency. Efficiency can further be classified into ‘micro efficiency’ and ‘macro efficiency’. In some frameworks, macro-efficiency is often replaced with sustainability. It involves the overall healthcare spending at the right level. On the other side, macro efficiency refers to the realization of resources. According to a conceptual framework for healthcare quality indicators (HCQI), healthcare performance dimensions include quality, access, cost, equity, and efficiency. According to the framework presented by Edward Kelly and Jeremy Hurst, the core quality improvement dimensions include Effectiveness, safety and responsiveness/patient centeredness. These dimensions can significantly increase the desired outcomes (Kelly & Hurst, 2006). According to Donabedian , indicators can be classified into structure and process. Structure indicators of healthcare indicators include qualification of doctors and facilities available at the healthcare organization. Process indicators include proper delivery of appropriate healthcare to the organization. Areas which should be monitored for Quality In order for an organization to successfully implement a quality improvement framework, it is important to adopt an apt methodology. First of all, it is imperative to identify components which need to be improved. In healthcare organizations, some of the common problems which need to be addressed include inaccessibility of drugs and medicines, unavailability of staff, poor management of laboratory, and waiting time. The next step is to
International Commercial Disputes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
International Commercial Disputes - Essay Example (Armstrong, K; Fire of Asia; Allied Publication; 2004; page 98) Commercial dispute arbitration on an international scale would entail interesting specifics. The Encyclopaedia Britannica would state that the art of international arbitration began between the United States and Great Britain approximately in the year 1794 in order for America to build a sound national economy and ensure commercial prosperity. The pursuit of international negotiations led to the creation of the Jay Treaty. This treaty, regardless of its extremely controversial nature and the nation's outrage, passed the senate at President Washington's urging. Commercial dispute arbitration, as can be seen just in early American developments, would in fact bring interesting considerations to light. The evolution of commercial dispute arbitration has in fact become something of an incredible undertaking. This would be undeniable in light of the vast number of often daily changes involved in international business relations and political and social contexts worldwide. In the realm of judgments managed in arbitral situations the International Law Association, which was founded in 1873 utilizes definitions of public policy including international public policy and public policy. Public policy would be those moral, social or economic considerations which would in fact be applied by various courts as grounds for refusal to enforce arbitral awards whether they are domestic or foreign. International public policy would in fact be public policy applied by state courts in regard to foreign awards in place of domestic awards. This is a much narrower focus than public policy would be. Yet again, there is reason to clarify that international public policy should not be confused with what i s known as transnational public policy. (Gower, N D and Banerjee, S; Good Governance: a Look into the Future of International balance; Alliance Publishers; 2004; page 12) Transnational, or in most cases, truly international public policy would be those principles that represent international consensus in regard to universal standards and includes accepted norms of conduct which must always apply. Transnational public policy comprises the fundamental rules of law, jus cogens in public international law, the principles of universal justice, and the general principles of morality accepted by those nations referred to as "civilised." The various conventions in regard to international law would be the New York Convention of 1958, the Geneva Convention of 1927, the Panama Convention of 1975, the Riyadh Convention in 1983, and the 1965 Washington Convention. There have been various national laws to affect arbitration including the UNCITRAL Model Law, the OHADA Uniform Act, and state legislation. The UNCITRAL Model Law would owe its origins to a request the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee made in 1977. The reasoning behind the development of UNCITRAL would be a consideration by the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee which maintained there was a lack of uniformity in national courts approaches to award enforcement. This is where harmonisation of enforcement practices was necessary in States enforcement practices. The committee also concluded that there must be judicial control of the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The advertising of condoms Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
The advertising of condoms - Term Paper Example Condom and pills are equally popular as methods of contraception as per data collected by the Office for National Statistics (Daily Mail, 2009). This was the outcome of a  £5.2 million campaign by the Department of Health conducted with the view of getting more women to carry condoms. Even in developing countries like Thailand condoms are 90% effective in preventing HIV transmission (Hearst & Chen, 2004). However, in countries such as Botswana and Cameroon the sale of condom rose but so did the incidences of HJIV transmission, thereby suggesting that condom use does not reduce HIV and AIDS transmission. No details were available of who used the condoms. Thus condom use might be high among the general public and low among those in high risk. Again, inconsistent use leads to higher risk of HIV transmission. Condom promotion can be successful among commercial sex workers although promoting its use to the general public is difficult. Several condom-promoting strategies have been employed such as free distribution among sex workers and lowering prices but the most successful strategy has been social marketing. In Uganda use of condom was very low until social marketing began in 1990s. The developed and the developing countries had the same response to the promotion of condoms – it would encourage sexual activity with condoms rather than encourage abstinence. This attitude affects advertisement design in this sector. 2. Social marketing Social marketing uses the four marketing Ps – product, price, placement and position – as is used for generic products. For a global strategy of the control of HIV social marketing of condoms has been adopted as the key element (Cohen, Farley, Bedimo-Etame & Scribner, 1999 ). In the US when condom was freely distributed and readily visible and accessible through health care facilities, the use of condoms increased particularly among those at a high risk of HIV and STIs. Condom social marketing in the US was found to be feasible, acceptable and a promising intervention that aided in reducing the number of incidences in STDs. There was relatively small opposition to the program from groups that were traditionally opposed to condoms. Social marketing for condoms is used both for HIV prevention and family planning. Selling condoms falls under social marketing which is not about coercion or inducement. The social marketers try to induce change by applying the principal of exchange (Stead, Gordon, Angus, & McDermott, 2007). It recognizes that the change must bring clear benefit to the customer. Social marketing also involves stages such as targeting, positioning and formulating the marketing mix as generic marketing. Social marketing is concerned with welfa re of the society and is not meant for the benefit of the organization. This is the essence of social marketing. Social marketing has also been defined as the systematic application of marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behaviour goals (Lefebvre, 2011). In developed countries social marketing takes the route of persuasive communications for
Religion and Theology. Hinduism and Buddhism Assignment
Religion and Theology. Hinduism and Buddhism - Assignment Example It was not until the 19th century when the British colonial administration in India started referring to Hinduism as a form of religion. Hinduism was used as a description for the various religious beliefs and practices of the majority of Indian people (Rinehart, 2004). Despite the dynamics that he religion has undergone, the religion is believed to be more than 4000 years old, tracing bhack to the early Indian valley civilization. Traditionally, the religion is believed to be timeless, as the old people found it in practice. Fundamental spiritual beliefs Hindus believe in in one Supreme Being according to their traditions is both imminent and transcendent. According to the Hindu religious beliefs, the Supreme Being is both their creator and is of Unmanifest reality who deserves their respect (Rinehart, 2004). The Hindus believe in the divinity of the four Vedas, which are the oldest and most ancient elements of scripture in the world. Further, they venerate the Agamas as revealed in an equal measure. They treat these as primordial hymns of God which forms the bedrock of Santana Dharma, a form of an eternal religion. According to the Hindu beliefs, the soul reincarnates, evolving through many beliefs. However, the reincarnation trend stops after the resolution of all karmas. They also believe in moksha, which is the liberation from the rebirth cycle that takes place after the end of the reincarnation process. Since the process is continuous and evolutionary in every soul, not a single soul can be denied of its destiny (Fisher, 2014). Spiritual Practices of Hinduism In Hindu, an individual’s personal spiritual practice is referred to as sadhana which is used to refer to the means of accomplishing individual goals. It recognizes adhikara, which means that every person holds a very unique position in life that is different from that of other people. Therefore, God exists in different forms, which gives people the freedom to feel attracted to one God and lea ve the rest. Similarly there are different forms of yoga, just like there are different forms of God, which are not similar to one another. Therefore, the Hindu spiritual practice varies from one person to another. Spiritual practices to the include prayer, meditation, going on pilgrimage, bathing, fasting, practicing acts of charity, chanting mantra, reading of the scripture and performing ones’ daily work. How Hindu is practiced today Many Hinduism traditional practices have remained to date (Fisher, 2014). However several adjustments have been made to suit the religion in the modern context. For instance, in schools years, Brahmacharga is a common practice that focuses on instilling knowledge and developing the character of the people. How Hindu is practiced around the world Due to immigration to different parts of the world, the Hindu religion and its practices have also spread all over the world to areas such as Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Guyana, Trinidad, Tobago, Fij i, Mauritius, among others. Rinehart (2004) points out that the various practices of the religion practiced in these areas include sadhana, which is an individual practice of cultivating spirituality and Japa, which is a silent or an audible practice of repeating a mantra. Buddhism Origin It is believed that Buddhism originated from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who was known as the Buddha in the years between ca 624-544. In his teachings, Gautama was opposed to the idea of man having an immortal soul. Moreover, his teachings did not touch on any Supreme Deity. In his teachings, Buddha insisted that man could overcome greed, hatred and delusion to attain enlightenment practicing the Four Noble Truths and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The advertising of condoms Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
The advertising of condoms - Term Paper Example Condom and pills are equally popular as methods of contraception as per data collected by the Office for National Statistics (Daily Mail, 2009). This was the outcome of a  £5.2 million campaign by the Department of Health conducted with the view of getting more women to carry condoms. Even in developing countries like Thailand condoms are 90% effective in preventing HIV transmission (Hearst & Chen, 2004). However, in countries such as Botswana and Cameroon the sale of condom rose but so did the incidences of HJIV transmission, thereby suggesting that condom use does not reduce HIV and AIDS transmission. No details were available of who used the condoms. Thus condom use might be high among the general public and low among those in high risk. Again, inconsistent use leads to higher risk of HIV transmission. Condom promotion can be successful among commercial sex workers although promoting its use to the general public is difficult. Several condom-promoting strategies have been employed such as free distribution among sex workers and lowering prices but the most successful strategy has been social marketing. In Uganda use of condom was very low until social marketing began in 1990s. The developed and the developing countries had the same response to the promotion of condoms – it would encourage sexual activity with condoms rather than encourage abstinence. This attitude affects advertisement design in this sector. 2. Social marketing Social marketing uses the four marketing Ps – product, price, placement and position – as is used for generic products. For a global strategy of the control of HIV social marketing of condoms has been adopted as the key element (Cohen, Farley, Bedimo-Etame & Scribner, 1999 ). In the US when condom was freely distributed and readily visible and accessible through health care facilities, the use of condoms increased particularly among those at a high risk of HIV and STIs. Condom social marketing in the US was found to be feasible, acceptable and a promising intervention that aided in reducing the number of incidences in STDs. There was relatively small opposition to the program from groups that were traditionally opposed to condoms. Social marketing for condoms is used both for HIV prevention and family planning. Selling condoms falls under social marketing which is not about coercion or inducement. The social marketers try to induce change by applying the principal of exchange (Stead, Gordon, Angus, & McDermott, 2007). It recognizes that the change must bring clear benefit to the customer. Social marketing also involves stages such as targeting, positioning and formulating the marketing mix as generic marketing. Social marketing is concerned with welfa re of the society and is not meant for the benefit of the organization. This is the essence of social marketing. Social marketing has also been defined as the systematic application of marketing concepts and techniques to achieve specific behaviour goals (Lefebvre, 2011). In developed countries social marketing takes the route of persuasive communications for
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Essay Example Balducci, who brings the prisoners, claims that the accused had killed his cousin because of a family squabble over grain. However, it is surprising that there are high rates of insecurity in the region because Balducci has to return to El Ameur to watch over the territory. In as much as several concepts and themes are evident in the narration, the author highlights the theme of injustice, loneliness, and deficiency; consequently, it is necessary to analyze the story based on literary concepts. Analysis of the Guest by Albert Camus The title â€Å"guest†is suitable for the story based on varied reasons. Initially, several things that are happening in the story are alien to the inhabitants of the region. The meetings between people who are unknown to each other signify the need for tolerance. The Arab and Balducci are the guests in the story. According to Camus (2), the story and the characters become anxious because a guest is expected. Indeed, the guest is a character in the story that the author does not disclose directly to the audience. Omnipresent narration is used figuratively to describe the characters in the tale. The narration works well because the reader can understand the events that followed the period after the drought. According to Camus (7), people are dealing with different forms of insecurities. Consequently, the prisoner in the story should receive punishment for his wrongdoings. The Guest depicts a time when people were encountering several forms of challenges in their societies. This is clear because the region where the story is set experiences instability. The author states that the place had experienced war and its negative effects for a while. The characters in the story are instrumental in painting a picture of the real condition that the author describes (Camus 4). For example, Daru is indecisive because he questions the events surrounding his life as apparent in numerous instances. He is supposed to deliver the Arab to the au thorities in Tinguit; however, he is unwilling to do so. Daru talks about the bags of wheat that would be used by the families facing hunger (Camus 1). From the analysis of the story, farming plays a decisive role to livelihood of the characters in the plays. The author further states that learning is no longer taking place at the school compound. As witnessed in the story, the schoolmaster arrives at a deserted. He is annoyed with the prevailing conditions in his country as apparent in the conversation. The guest revolves around the theme of justice. There is a lot of anxiety among the characters in the scene (Camus 6). None of them is certain about his future following the drought and wars. The divergent themes in â€Å"the guest†are instrumental because they highlight the uncertainties in the contemporary European community. It is surprising to state that the Arab is also a guest yet he had committed a crime initially. Indeed, referring to a wrongdoer as a guest represent s sarcasm in the story. The theme of morality is also present in the play using different scene. For example, it is questionable when Daru chooses to sleep naked yet he is a grown up person (Camus 6). The behavior is expected only among children in the society. Symbolism is equally evident in most part of the story. It is evident that people were suffering because of their own mistakes after carefully looking at various instances of imagery (Camus 3). For example, the prisoner will suffer for having
Western Civilization Essay Example for Free
Western Civilization Essay The themes dominating Netos poetry are quite indicative of the fact that the veracity and practice of luso-tropicalism, the idea that the Portuguese went to Africa to civilize and christianize Africans, and the notion that the assimilation project was a widespread one, were more myth than reality. The poems included in Sacred Hope illustrate well the oppression, apartheid, (un)civilization, and (un)Christianity brought to Africa by the Portuguese. The poem which in its English translation is called Western civilization (Civilizacao ocidental), constitutes a good example of that so-called civilization and Christianity brought to Angola (and other parts of Africa) by the Portuguese colonizers. The title of the poem might lead some readers to believe that what is to come is an apology for Western civilization and culture and for its good deeds in Africa. It could be suggested that such readers have fallen into what can be described as the Eurocentric trap that is, they went into the reading of the poem with the preconceived idea that Western colonizers did indeed go to Africa to civilize Africans. These readers will only be disappointed and even confused for what is to be painted in the poem is not civilization but rather (un)civilization. The poems title is in fact highly ironic: it is used by the poet to make the reader reflect about the true nature of Western civilization, see its many (un)civilized sites and make him/her question the motives behind the colonial enterprise. For example, in this poem, the houses of Angolans are described as Tins fixed to stakes / driven in the earth whose intimate landscape is complet[ed] by rugs (18). And these houses are full of cracks through which the sun enters just to awake its inhabitant, who is tired from twelve hours of slave / labour (18). The poet then proceeds to describe the endless hard work performed by the Angolan: Breaking stones / carrying stones / breaking stones / carrying stones (19). The repetition carrying stones / breaking stones, used three times in this stanza, is very successful in transmitting the intensity and never-ending hard work performed by the worker. The worker becomes a slave precisely because he never stops working; he works continuously without even being interrupted by harsh weather conditions; he works in the sun and in the rain (19). The poem ends by explaining and illustrating when, how and under what circumstances this slave worker dies: Old age comes early / A reed mat on dark nights / enough for him to die / thankfully / and of hunger (19). For even though the worker works very hard all his life, he ends up without the most basic necessities: no proper bed, no food and no light, and thus is grateful to die. Death represents freedom from a life of slave work; it represents the end of his physical and psychological oppression and immeasurable pain. This poem is indeed a good illustration of the (un)civilization, the (un)Christianity brought to Africans by the Portuguese: hunger, cold, physical and mental exhaustion, and alienation. To put it metaphorically, if the lights of the civilized did not reach the Angolans (as colonialists have claimed to be the case) before the arrival of the colonialist, they surely were not bright enough to illuminate the life of most Angolans after. The questions I would like to ask in relation to this poem are: will the reader feel enough revolt and disgust against Western civilization that he/she will want to work towards the independence of Angola? Will the sites of Western (un)civilization displayed in this poem be sufficient for the oppressor to see the true nature of the colonial enterprise and convince him/her to refuse to be part of such sordid business? Or will this poem just sound like the unfounded lament of an Angolan who is jealous of the so-called higher successes and intelligences of his colonial master?
Monday, October 14, 2019
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Cardiovascular Devices Chiara Tarenghi When a patient suffers from critical conditions which prevent to lungs or heart to work properly and to grant adequate blood flow and oxygen supply, either because of congenital disease, surgery or other reasons (severe pneumonia, sepsis, heart malformations, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, Respiratory Distress Syndrome ), a mechanical circulatory support is needed to take over temporarily the cardiopulmonary functions. These devices are known as extracorporeal life support (ECLS). ECMO is an invasive, non-therapeutic technique, consists essentially of an artificial external lung, a membrane oxygenator, which reproduces the physiological function of the gas exchange in the lungs (the blood releases CO2 and gains O2 according to the partial pressure gradient). It has successfully been employed as a bridge to recovery, cardiac transplantation, or implantation of a ventricular assist device, and it has met great application in paediatric surgery field (i.e. premature infants). It grants a steady amount of oxygen to the body while resting and recover the lungs and heart. The device pumps blood from the body through the oxygenator with a roller pump (or a centrifugal pump, which causes major haemolysis though). There are three types of oxygenator commercially available: bubble oxygenator ( the gas is bubbled into blood), membrane oxygenator (allows exchanges of diffusion through a semipermeable membrane of silicon rubber that completely separates gas and blood), and hollow fibres oxygenator (fibres of PVC or PTFE hollow inside and semipermeable to gases). The blood is then warmed up through a heat exchanger (a coiled tubing containing warm water flowing counter current) and is injected back into the body. Each section of the machine is connected through cannulae. The blood flow is monitored continuamente to avoid the presence of microscopic air bubbles, thrombi and other emboli. Hazardous occlusions of tubing or thrombosis are detected by pressure monitors. Before letting blood flow through the tubes, the latter are primed by flushing with CO2 and then with crystalloid prime, albumin (to limit platelets adherence) and finally blood. The flow and amount of oxygenation is adjusted according to the needs of the patient. As the heart function improves, the flow is lowered. Blood volume can be assessed by urine output and central venous and mean arterial pressure. After a few days of mechanical assistance, the device is usually removed. ECMO is a valid alternative to pulmonary ventilation, since the latter pushes oxygen into patients lungs, regulating its amount and pressure, but high gas pressure could further damage lungs. Risks associated to ECMO include blood clot formation (which is prevented through anticoagulant like heparin) and, related to this, haemorrhage, infection, transfusions problems (thromboembolism and related stroke or ischaemia), mechanical failures. There are different ways of perfusion : ECMO VENO ARTERIAL (VA) : It requires three tubes to be inserted, venous blood is removed from the right atrium or vena cava, passing through the jugular or femoral vein, and returned to ascending aorta (central ECMO) or femoral artery (peripheral artery). It is a hemodynamic and respiratory support for patients suffering from cardiogenic shock, sepsis, severe pneumonia, persistent pulmonary hypertension. Advantages: Low cost, can be applied to children and adults, support double heart and lungs. Disadvantages: It is more invasive than VV ECMO is a complex circuit, can cause embolism, neurological complications and require a sternotomy. ECMO VENO VENOUS (VV): In this case two tubes are inserted into the largest veins as jugular or femoral, but most often a single Y shaped cannula is inserted in the both veins. Blood is drained from the vena cava , blood is returned through the right atrium into the tricuspid valve. It is only a respiratory support for patients suffering from severe respiratory failure, asthmas, persistent pulmonary hypertension. Disadvantages: No cardiac support. ARTERIO VENUS (AV):uses patients arterial pressure to pump the blood from artery to vein, it can be used only as a short-term support.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Concepts Of Sight in Sophocles’ Play Oedipus Essay -- Sophocles Oedipu
Concepts Of Sight in Sophocles’ Play Oedipus The concept of sight is one of the major motifs throughout Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King. The play revolves primarily around series of events caused by many people’s insight or lack there of. Oedipus does not see that he is caught up in a web of cruel destiny that he cannot escape. The gods demonstrate foresight and insight into the play. In addition to this, Tiresias has physical blindness but also has prophetic insight. Finally, both Oedipus and Jocasta portray types of mental blindness and shortsightedness. These are all examples of different uses of sight in the play Oedipus the King. Oedipus is a hero, but sometimes he can not see the reality of this. He goes into states where he lacks mental insight, making rash decisions without thinking about the future or consequences. One of his biggest downfalls because of this shortsightedness is that he does not realize that his destiny is solely in the hands of the gods. After Oedipus is told as a young boy about the prophecy of his life, he can not "see" how he is destined to marry his mother and kill his father. Furthermore, because of his lack of insight he truly believes that he can move without the Oracle’s prophecy following him. No matter what Oedipus does, he has no control over what the gods have predetermined. The gods also punish the people of Thebes with hard times since it is these people who brought Oedipus into the land as their king. The gods do this in order to make the people see through Oedipus’ extreme pride and quick temper. The gods apparently think that the only way to get them to see what Oedipus has done is by causing the city pain and suffering. The gods use their insight to affect Oedipus’ life, family and city. Although the gods do not initially favor Oedipus, his kingdom sees him as a noble ruler. Oedipus’ pride prevents him from seeing the truth and this leads to his great fall. His pride forces him to kill his father because he refuses to pay a toll and give up the right of way. Oedipus is so blinded by his pride that he can not accept the fact that he can not avoid his fate placed upon him by the gods. It is because he is not perfect and has these tragic flaws that in the end makes him a tragic hero. The greatest of his flaws happens to be his excessive pride and self-righteousness. Had Oedipus not listened to his pride, ... ...has lost everything of importance: his kingdom, his family, and his happiness. In the beginning of Oedipus the King, Oedipus is portrayed as an admired and respected ruler. By the end of the play, he has been stripped of his political power, has blinded himself, and has exited as a broken man. All these different uses of the concept of sight are found in Sophocles’ play Oedipus the King. Oedipus is noble in taking full responsibility for his troubled past, even though his troubles have been caused by Laius’ and Jocasta’s blind way of handling their problems. With a little help from the gods, who did not hold Oedipus in favor, his blind choices and quick temper lead to his great fall. Even though Oedipus is not physically blind like Tiresias, he is blind to the actuality of the actions of his life. Because of this, it is ironic that Oedipus is morally blind when physically he can see. When Oedipus finally sees the truth, he realizes he is morally blind and then physically blinds his eyes. He realizes that his destiny is in the hands of the gods, and there was nothing he could do to change that. These are all different concepts of sight that revolve around the story of Oedipus.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay example --
Molecular technology has become the talk of mainstream science and technology today. As the aviation industry searches for new forms of efficient aviation, molecular technology would be the only logical place to start. For this report the various beneficial uses of carbon nanotubes, in form of buckminsterfullerene, will be both discussed and theorized. The infinitesimal molecular structure of carbon 60 has provided a revolutionary solution for flight efficiency and advancement today. Through the use of an experimental material derived from carbon nanotube technology some of flights oldest conjectures will be solved. Manifested in the form of paper like sheets, these carbon molecules have been transformed into a material better known as buckypaper, possessing less than a quarter of steel’s overall weight and ten times its conductivity(Jade Boyd). It’s strong yet lightweight properties could perhaps pave the way for major breakthroughs within the ever critical flight industry today. Introduction Phenomenal leaps in the flight and aviation industry today have caused a state of static ignorance throughout the minds of innovative aviators. What baffles the mind of contemporary aviation today is not the next high speed jet, perhaps soaring some speed close to that of light. What baffles modern aviation today is the creation of an effective yet practical form manpowered flight. With the creation of the combustion and jet engines the dreams once conceived by numerous pioneers of early flight have become the lost fables of history. As a result, the aviation industry today has ultimately failed when searching for better forms flight efficiency. In order to modify the wheel it must first be rebuilt using the most practical and effective m... from destination A to destination B with a cheaper and safer means of affordable flight. Though the general public knows very little about alternative methods of mass production for buckypaper, it will probably become the most prolifically used molecule in aviation sector for many years to come. The general public should expect to see a technological revolution in the future that will make flight cheaper and more affordable. To retrieve any scientific information pertaining to the topic’s progress has currently proven to be a difficult task, partly because there aren’t many published journals pertaining to the topic of buckminsterfullerene. This, however, does not mean research will remain stagnant and future opportunities lost. Buckypaper’s diverse fields of application will redefine the status quo of aviation and technology today once research is complete.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Obligation and Contracts Reviewer
OBLIGATIONS AND CONTRACTS REVIEWER TITLE I – OBLIGATIONS CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1156. An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do, or not to do. JURIDICAL NECESSITY – juridical tie; connotes that in case of noncompliance, there will be legal sanctions. – An obligation is nothing more than the duty of a person (obligor) to satisfy a specific demandable claim of another person (obligee) which, if breached, is enforceable in court. – A contract necessarily gives rise to an obligation but an obligation does not always need to have a contract.KINDS OF OBLIGATION A. From the viewpoint of â€Å"sanction†– 1. CIVIL OBLIGATION – that defined in Article 1156; an obligation, if not fulfilled when it becomes due and demandable, may be enforced in court through action; based on law; the sanction is judicial due process 2. NATURAL OBLIGATION – defined in Article 1423; a special kind of obligation which cannot be enforced i n court but which authorizes the retention of the voluntary payment or performance made by the debtor; based on equity and natural law. (i. e. hen there is prescription of duty to pay, still, the obligor paid his dues to the obligee – the obligor cannot recover his payment even there is prescription) the sanction is the law, but only conscience had originally motivated the payment. 3. MORAL OBLIGATION – the sanction is conscience or morality, or the law of the church. (Note: If a Catholic promises to hear mass for 10 consecutive Sundays in order to receive P1,000, this obligation becomes a civil one. ) B. From the viewpoint of subject matter – 1. REAL OBLIGATION – the obligation to give 2. PERSONAL OBLIGATION – the obligation to do or not to do (e. . the duty to paint a house, or to refrain from committing a nuisance) C. From the affirmativeness and negativeness of the obligation – 1. POSITIVE OR AFFIRMATIVE OBLIGATION – the obligatio n to give or to do 2. NEGATIVE OBLIGATION – the obligation not to do (which naturally inludes not to give) D. From the viewpoint of persons obliged – â€Å"sanction†– 1. UNILATERAL – where only one of the parties is bound (e. g. Plato owes Socrates P1,000. Plato must pay Socrates. ) 2. BILATERAL – where both parties are bound (e. g. In a contract of sale, the buyer is obliged to deliver) – may be: (b. ) reciprocal (b. 2) non-reciprocal – where performance by one is non-dependent upon performance by the other ELEMENTS OF OBLIGATION a)ACTIVE SUBJECT – (Creditor / Obligee) the person who is demanding the performance of the obligation; b)PASSIVE SUBJECT – (Debtor / Obligor) the one bound to perform the prestation or to fulfill the obligation or duty; c)PRESTATION – (to give, to do, or not to do) object; subject matter of the obligation; conduct required to be observed by the debtor; d)EFFICIENT CAUSE – the JURIDICAL TIE which binds the parties to the obligation; source of the obligation.PRESTATION (Object) 1. TO GIVE – delivery of a thing to the creditor (in sale, deposit, pledge, donation); 2. TO DO – covers all kinds of works or services (contract for professional services); 3. NOT TO DO – consists of refraining from doing some acts (in following rules and regulations). Requisites of Prestation / Object: 1)licit (if illicit, it is void) 2)possible (if impossible, it is void) 3)determinate or determinable (or else, void) 4)pecuniary value †¢INJURY – wrongful act or omission which causes loss or harm to another †¢DAMAGE – result of injury (loss, hurt, harm) 157. Obligation arises from – (1) law; (2) contracts; (3) quasi-contracts; (4) acts or omissions punished by law; (5) quasi-delicts. (1) LAW (Obligation ex lege) – imposed by law itself; must be expressly or impliedly set forth and cannot be presumed – [See Artic le 1158] (2) CONTRACTS (Obligation ex contractu) – arise from stipulations of the parties: meeting of the minds / formal agreement – must be complied with in good faith because it is the â€Å"law†between parties; neither party may nilaterally evade his obligation in the contract, unless: a)contract authorizes it b)other party assents Note: Parties may freely enter into any stipulations, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order or public  policy – [See Article 1159] (3) QUASI-CONTRACTS (Obligation ex quasi-contractu) – arise from lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts and which are enforceable to the end that no one shall be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of another – 2 kinds: 1.Negotiorum gestio – unauthorized management; This takes place when a person voluntarily takes charge of another’s abandoned business or property without the owner’s authority 2. Solutio i ndebiti – undue payment; This takes place when something is received when there is no right to demand it, and it was unduly delivered thru mistake – [See Article 1160] (4) DELICTS (Obligation ex maleficio or ex delicto) – arise from civil liability which is the consequence of a criminal offense – Governing rules: 1.Pertinent provisions of the RPC and other penal laws subject to Art 2177 Civil Code [Art 100, RPC – Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable] 2. Chapter 2, Preliminary title, on Human Relations ( Civil Code ) 3. Title 18 of Book IV of the Civil Code – on damages – [See Article 1161] (5) QUASI-DELICTS / TORTS (Obligation ex quasi-delicto or ex quasi-maleficio) – arise from damage caused to another through an act or omission, there being no fault or negligence, but no contractual relation exists between the parties – [See Article 1162] 158. Obligations from law are not presumed. Only th ose (1) expressly determined in this code or (2) in special laws are demandable, and shall be regulated by the precepts of the law which establishes them; and as to what has not been foreseen, by the provisions of this code. †¢Unless such obligations are EXPRESSLY provided by law, they are not demandable and enforceable, and cannot be presumed to exist. †¢The Civil Code can be applicable suppletorily to obligations arising from laws other than the Civil Code itself. Special laws – refer to all other laws not contained in the Civil Code. 1159. Obligations arising from contracts have the force of law between the contracting parties and should be complied with in good faith. CONTRACT – meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give, to do something or to render some service; governed primarily by the agreement of the contracting parties. VALID CONTRACT – it should not be against the law, contrary to mora ls, good customs, public order, and public policy. In the eyes of law, a void contract does not exist and no obligation will arise from it. OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM CONTRACTS – primarily governed by the stipulations, clauses, terms and conditions of their agreements. †¢If a contract’s prestation is unconscionable (unfair) or unreasonable, even if it does not violate morals, law, etc. , it may not be enforced totally. †¢Interpretation of contract involves a question of law. COMPLIANCE IN GOOD FAITH – compliance or performance in accordance with the stipulations or terms of the contract or agreement.FALSIFICATION OF A VALID CONTRACT – only the unauthorized insertions will be disregarded; the original terms and stipulations should be considered valid and subsisting for the partied to fulfill. 1160. Obligations derived from quasi-contracts shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 1, title 17 of this book. QUASI-CONTRACT – juridical relat ion resulting from lawful, voluntary and unilateral acts by virtue of which, both parties become bound to each other, to the end that no one will be unjustly enriched or benefited at the expense of the other. (See Article 2142) 1)NEGOTIORUM GESTIO – juridical relation which takes place when somebody voluntarily manages the property affairs of another without the knowledge or consent of the latter; owner shall reimburse the gestor for necessary and useful expenses incurred by the latter for the performance of his function as gestor. (2)SOLUTIO INDEBITI – something is received when there is no right to demand it and it was unduly delivered through mistake; obligation to return the thing arises on the part of the recipient. (e. g. If I let a storekeeper change my P500 bill and by error he gives me P560, I have the duty to return the extra P60) 1161.Civil obligations arising from criminal offenses shall be governed by the penal laws, subject to the provisions of Article 21 77, and of the pertinent provisions of Chapter 2, Preliminary in Human Relations, and of Title 18 of this book, regulating damages. Governing rules: 1. Pertinent provisions of the RPC and other penal laws subject to Art 2177 Civil Code [Art 100, RPC – Every person criminally liable for a felony is also civilly liable] 2. Chapter 2, Preliminary title, on Human Relations ( Civil Code ) 3. Title 18 of Book IV of the Civil Code – on damages †¢Every person criminally liable for a felony is also criminally liable (art. 00, RPC) CRIMINAL LIABILITY INCLUDES: (a)RESTITUTION – restoration of property previously taken away; the thing itself shall be restored, even though it be found in the possession of a third person who has acquired it by lawful means, saving to the latter his action against the proper person who may be liable to him. (b)REPARATION OF THE DAMAGE CAUSED – court determines the amount of damage: price of a thing, sentimental value, etc. (c)INDEM NIFICATION FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES – includes damages suffered by the family of the injured party or by a third person by reason of the crime. Effect of acquittal in criminal case: . when acquittal is due to reasonable doubt – no civil liability b. when acquittal is due to exempting circumstances – there is civil liability c. when there is preponderance of evidence – there is civil liability 1162. Obligations derived from quasi-delicts shall be governed by the provisions of chapter 2, title 17 of this book, and by special laws. QUASI-DELICT (culpa aquiliana) – an act or omission by a person which causes damage to another giving rise to an obligation to pay for the damage done, there being fault or negligence but there is no pre-existing contractual relation between parties. (See Article 2176)REQUISITES: a. omission b. negligence c. damage caused to the plaintiff d. direct relation of omission, being the cause, and the damage, being the effect e. no pre-existing contractual relations between parties Fault or Negligence – consists in the omission of that diligence which is required by the nature of the obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the person, time, and of the place. BASIS DELICTS QUASI-DELICTS 1. INTENT Criminal/ malicious Negligence 2. INTEREST Affects PUBLIC interest Affects PRIVATE interest 3.LIABILITY Criminal and civil liabilities Civil liability 4. PURPOSE Purpose – punishment Indemnification 5. COMPROMISE Cannot be comprised Can be compromised 6. GUILT Proved beyond reasonable doubt Preponderance of evidence CHAPTER 2 NATURE AND EFFECT OF OBLIGATIONS 1163. Every person obliged to give something is also obliged to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires another standard of care. Speaks of an obligation to care of a DETERMINATE thing (that is one which is specific; a thing identified by its indi viduality) which an obligor is supposed to deliver to another. †¢Reason: the obligor cannot take care of the whole class/genus DUTIES OF DEBTOR: †¢Preserve or take care of the things due. ? ~DILIGENCE OF A GOOD FATHER – a good father does not abandon his family, he is always ready to provide and protect his family; ordinary care which an average and reasonably prudent man would do. -Defined in the negative in Article 1173 ~ANOTHER STANDARD OF CARE – extraordinary diligence provided in the stipulation of parties. ? ~FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED – diligence depends on the nature of obligation and corresponds with the circumstances of the person, time, and place. ** Debtor is not liable if his failure to deliver the thing is due to fortuitous events or force majeure†¦ without negligence or fault in his part. †¢Deliver the fruits of a thing †¢Deliver the accessions/accessories †¢Deliver the thing itself †¢Answer for damages in case of non-fulfillment or breach
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Authoritarian Parents
Authoritarian Parenting: The Impact on Children. By Matthew J. Miller, Psy. D. Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Parenting Types: 1. Authoritarian 2. Authoritative 3. Permissive 4. Neglectful In the early 1960’s, psychologist Diana Baumrind conducted experiments with parents. These experiments were designed to identify and understand how parents differ in their responses to their children. As a result of the Baumrind study as well as further research, four main styles of parenting were delineated. They are Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive, and Neglectful.Each style has its own characteristics as well as effects on children’s development. This article will discuss the impact on children of authoritarian parenting. Authoritarian Parenting For Authoritarian parents, rules are often more important than relationship. Authoritarian parents have many rules and they enforce them. They expect and demand adherence to high standards. Having high standards for the behavior of children is not necessarily a bad thing. However, the way they go about achieving these high standards hurts the relationship between the parent and child.The authoritarian parent often fails to explain the reasoning for the rules. In fact, they do not engage in much conversation with their children regarding the rules. When children ask, â€Å"why? †the response is, â€Å"Because I said so. †Not only does authoritarian parenting impact the current relationship between parent and child, but this type of parenting can have long-term effects on the emotional development of the child even into adulthood. In addition, the impact of this style of parenting can also be felt in the child’s relationship with God.The Current Relationship There is a strong element of fear that pervades an authoritarian household. Much like an authoritarian government, there is compliance with rules, but the compliance is typically not out of love. Children in an authoritarian home c omply out of fear. Fear of punishment and fear of the withholding of affection drives these children to comply. In addition to fear, the child does not feel loved and accepted by their parents. Children are punished for even minor infractions. Often, these punishments do not fit the crime and are overly punitive.Even worse, the punishments often result in relationship consequences which include a withholding of love and affection from the parents to the child. As a result, the child begins to learn that they are loved and accepted for what they do, rather than for who they are. John, a high-school basketball player I met, had this type of relationship with his father. His father would come to all of his games to see him play. While a parent’s presence at a child’s games should be a source of encouragement, for John it was not. If John had a good 2Current Relationship Consequences: 1. Fear 2. Lack of love and acceptance 3. Lost opportunities for guidance game, his fathe r was like a â€Å"Chatty Kathy†doll on the way home. You could not shut him up. On the other hand, if John’s game did not go as well, there was absolute silence. His father would not speak to him. John learned quickly that there were conditions placed on him to received love. He was loved if he performed. He was not love if he did not perform. Children raised by authoritarian parents often are compliant with parental rules.Authoritarian parents point to this compliance as evidence that their style of parenting is working. However, as with many things in life, there is an opportunity cost to decisions we make. Growing up is difficult, especially in this day and age. There are many times that a child will need help and guidance as they grow. When we seek guidance, we tend to seek it from relationships where we feel loved and accepted. Since children of authoritarian homes do not experience love and acceptance from their parents, they will seek counsel from someone outs ide the home, or they may seek no counsel at all.While the authoritarian parent may be a good person who has much wisdom to offer, when it comes to the major issues of life, the children do not seek their counsel. Relationship with God Often our view of God, who Jesus taught us to call Father, is similar to our view of our earthly father. Since our earthly father is visible to us â€Å"†¦We project our and God is not, we project our image of our earthly father onto our image of our earthly heavenly Father. When children grow up with demanding authoritarian parents, they often begin to see God the same way.While father onto our they may be obedient to God, this obedience is out of fear of heavenly Father. †punishment rather than a response to acceptance. Real change in our lives comes when we feel accepted, not when we fear punishment. As a result, children who grow up with authoritarian parents often have a negative view of God. As was stated above regarding their earth ly parents, children who hold an authoritarian view of God will likely not seek to build a deep relationship with Him. We do not seek relationship with those whom we fear. Instead, like Adam and Eve, they will seek to hide from God. Future DevelopmentIn addition to the impact authoritarian parenting has on the current relationship with their parents and their relationship with God, children who grow up in this type of home often experience long-term emotional consequences. These children often have poor social skills, low self-esteem, anger and higher rates of depression and anxiety. In addition, although they may remain compliant, they can develop an overall mistrust of authority. There are many reasons why these issues may develop in children with authoritarian parents. In an authoritarian home, compliance is expected, while independence is discouraged.Because they are taught to follow rules rather than take initiative, they are more capable of following instructions than becoming leaders. They are taught what to think rather than how to think. As a result, these children remain dependent emotionally into adulthood, sometimes even living in the parental home long after what would be considered emotionally healthy. This lack of independence, both emotional and physical, can result in low self-esteem. 3 Children growing up in an authoritarian home, like growing up under an authoritarian regime, experience a loss of control over their own lives.When we come to believe that no matter what we do, we cannot gain actual control Future Consequences: of our own life, eventually a sense of helplessness ensues. This â€Å"learned helplessness†is a major component in the development of 1. Poor social skills depression. This sense of powerlessness does not leave us when we leave the authoritarian parent. Instead, this becomes a deeply 2. Low self-esteem entrenched view of ourselves that can take years to overcome and can impact all future relationships including marital and parenting relationships. 3.Anger Along with a loss of control, children who grow up with 4. Depression authoritarian parents often experience anger at how they are being treated. However, their anger is not typically allowed to be 5. Anxiety expressed. Often the expression of any form of anger in an authoritarian home results in punishment. Where does the anger go? There are typically two ways that anger gets expressed. The first is in either active or passive rebellion against the parent, or, in the future, toward any form of authority. The second way that anger gets expressed is that the child turns the anger inward toward themselves.This internalization of anger also leads to depression. One reason why in the United States there is less violence against the government than in other countries is that our country’s laws encourage and protect freedom of speech. When people feel that their thoughts and feelings have an outlet, they are less prone to resort to viole nce. When people are not free to express themselves, they will tend toward helplessness or rebellion. Finally, children who are raised by authoritarian parents often experience increased anxiety.Because â€Å"wrong†decisions result in harsh punishments, they develop what Freud would describe as an overactive superego. The superego, according to Freud, is the moral branch of personality. It develops to guide us to make right decisions and to avoid punishments. For Christians, the superego includes the Holy Spirit. However, the Holy Spirit is not our only guide to determine the rightness or wrongness of our actions. The superego also includes the internalized values of the important people and structures (like the law) of our lives.As the number of rules increase, so does the superego. Anxiety is both an internal and external manifestation of the struggle to avoid real or perceived punishment. For those with an enlarged superego, the superego acts like the boulder chasing Indi ana Jones chasing us through our lives. In upcoming articles, the three other parenting styles will be discussed along with their impact on children.  © All Rights Reserved (2010). The Center for Christian Counseling & Relationship Development, L. L. C. Pavilions at Greentree, Ste. 303, 12000 Lincoln Dr. W. , Marlton, NJ 08053. (856) 396-0111. 4
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Debates on Media Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Debates on Media Effects - Essay Example With reference to a specific case study, mostly on the use of videogames and its impact on children’s behaviour, an assessment on media effect and influence will be carried out by this essay. Body of the paper The media have various effects on society. In the past 60 years or so, a significant amount of research has been undertaken in order to assess the relationship between the media and the audience in terms of the latter’s behaviour. Much hysteria and concern have been seen among the general population throughout the years have been exhibited based on something they may have watched on television or film (Buckingham, 2003). In 1938, a radio adaptation by Orson Welles of H.G Wells’ science fiction book ‘War of the Worlds’ certainly caused hysteria among the people who believed they were actually being invaded by Martians (Gunter & Harrison, 2013). In the 1950s, American caricatures and comic books have also brought life to violence (Buckingham, 200 3). Psychologists have expressed concerns on the addictive impact of TV on passive children; however, other experts have also noted better cognitive development for children exposed to television (Andison, 1977). The effect of the media is therefore difficult to estimate because it is a resource which has to be understood within the context of the larger society. In other words, it is important to expand â€Å"the media effects tradition to include consideration of normative expectations, institutional performance, constraints and conventions of the media...†(Campbell & Ling, 2009, p. 592). Leading into the 1930s, the media impact has been acknowledged as significant. A so-called hypodermic effect was claimed; however such claim was not founded on scientific processes, but mostly on speculative perceptions (Buckingham, 2003). Researchers further assessed the impact of film on viewers and reached the conclusion that these films prompted children to behave in delinquent manner s; however, the data gathering process in the surveys covered the laboratory process of investigating, with subjects taken out of the social context and evaluated as individuals (Cumberbatch, 1989). In the post-World War II period, a significant shift was seen in the study by Lazarsfeld, Berelson, & Gaudet (1944) establishing that Americans voting in an election utilised the radio as well as newspapers to make their decisions on candidates to vote for. In effect, the media helped reinforce their opinions and decisions. After various studies were carried out assessing media effects, newer approaches were carried out by Blumler and Katz (1974) through their study entitled, The Uses of Mass Communication in 1974. Their study expressed that viewers often have specific needs while watching television (Blumler & Katz, 1974). Sociologists have also discovered that audiences are active viewers, they analyse what they watch and break down the media through conventions, often assessing them i n terms of their social context (Morley, 1995). Still, even with the studies made on the effects, it is still difficult to determine the impact of numerous media text. Viewers of War of the Worlds were actually already very much affected and anxious about the threat of war in most parts of the world (Sherry, 2004). Moreover, the copycat killings following the release of the film Natural Born Killers in 1994 were actually carried out by
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