Friday, May 31, 2019
Anger and Aggression Essay -- essays research papers fc
Everyone has felt anger or aggression many times in there life. It happens all of the time. We all face the same challenge of arduous to control our temper. It whitethorn be easier for some people than it is for others. Many studies show that it is healthy for a person to let out their anger once in a while. They believe that it will help in your relationship with others and that it will increase your self-esteem. They also believe that holding anger in is bad and frail for your body. If you let the anger build up it could go from just being a verbal argument to a point in which someone or something is hurt or destroyed. To control your anger you should release your aggression in a manner that is not harmful to others or yourself. People that look into a problem more closely can control their anger better. These people push back all of the facts and make a proactive decision. Also by tone into the problem your may find out that it wasnt as bad as you fir st thought. Looking into the problem will also help you look at the consequences of the action you argon going to take. Researchers also believe that tv and movies have an impact on the counselings we release our aggression. They believe that in some way we are all influenced in some way by movies and tv shows that we watch. If we can learn to control our anger we will see that our life, and everyone elses life is a lot safer and more peaceful. Some people may ask, "What causes a person to spirit angry?" There are two answers to the question. The first is that you may feel angry with yourself or something that you may have done. The second is that you may be angry at another person or object. Some people may refer to feeling angry with yourself as internal anger and anger towards another person as external anger. An example of internal anger is that you did not do as good as you wanted to do on your test. An example of external anger is getting int o an argument with a friend. There are polar ways of dealing with your anger. The best way is to go right to the person that you are feeling angry with and talk to them about it. Although this is the best way it may not always be an option for the situation you are in. If you are angry with yourself you should find a friend and talk to them about it and get it off your mind so you dont build up your anger. Bu... ...elp the teen control their aggressions and help them let it out in healthy ways. They can show them different ways to deal with anger. They can use prevention and try to stop the problem before it gets to far. They can also use crisis management such as a sitting down and talking about the problem with the child. Another method is time-outs this will help give the parents and the child a chance to change down. The best method for parents is to be a good role model for the children. If they show good ways of dealing with anger their children may do the same. A parent is the person who children look up to as they are growing up. Bibliography1. Dealing with anger http// Dealing with anger http// Adolescent Anger and Aggression http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Faces and Voices in Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! Essay -- Faulkner’s A
Faces and Voices in Faulkners Absalom, AbsalomWhile reading Absalom, Absalom I was stunned at the number of times one of the narrators would refer to faces or voices as being present rather than to the people themselves. In almost every chapter this synecdoche appears, minify many of the characters to images, shadows and memories. I think Faulkner uses this device to enhance the fact that the story is told from memory-- much of it from the point of view of the characters childhoods.On page 184, Mr. Compson tells the story of young doubting Thomas Sutpens family life. He says he was just there, surrounded by the faces, almost all the faces which he had ever known. I think the fact that Sutpens founder and sisters arent referred to as such but only by their faces says a lot about t...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Letters From A War Zone :: essays research papers
"Letters from a War Zone" deals with the controversybetween men and women banning pornography. In thisessay there atomic number 18 many strong personal views on pornographyand the brutality of women in porn. Men and women havebeen at war for many years because of this. I contain withbanning pornography because pornography lures men intodisrespecting women. This essay makes me angry because itshows another part of keep that is really not acknowledged. Itseems realistic to me because many women in life arconfronted with sex at an early age and become vulnerable.The unique thing that reaches me is how women do not havea choice, especially when it comes down to is one of a chars weaknesses. Pornographyis degrading to women when it is forced upon them. If sexwere done for pleasure or because the women wanted to, itwould not be as bad. That is how many women atomic number 18 dishonor,killed or lose their confidence. Women in pornography weretypically prostitutes a t one-point. Due to statistics, more thanhalf the women in a sex-related professions have beensexually abused, molested or raped at one time during theirlies. The quote stated in this essay that really hits home is"Made in South the States where life is cheap." I, as aHispanic, am terribly offended by this statement. Thisstatement basically says that South America has manylowlives, and that anything can happen to them because lifethere is cost very little. For example the women of SouthAmerica are used in Snuff films and in explicit photographs.Snuff is a film that consists of a woman being sexuallyharassed, raped, and killed. In many of these films/photosthe women are brutalized to the point where their breasts aredismantled and their bodies are urinated on after they areraped and killed. There are photographs in which womensbreasts are slammed in rat traps, their vaginas are stuffedwith knives, guns, and even glass, and then they aregang-banged, beaten, and tortured. Snuf f films are usuallymade in South America because, as said in the statementabove, life is not worth much there. "If you are going to hurta women in the United States be sure to photograph it" is acontroversial statement used in this essay. Its means that ifyou have slain, hurt, or abused a woman it is all right, as longyou have interpreted a picture. The photograph expresses a pointof view, sacrosanct in a free society. When thesepicture/films are being taken the woman is forced to smile.This will make the picture/films protected by the constitution,
Essay --
As a little boy, I have always been interested with machines and mechanical engineering. Lego bricks got me interested with building all sorts of buildings, cars and however trains. I would like to learn the skills needed to build machines and produce them for a career. Smart and intelligent minds help to create marvels in dose including the cars people drive every day. Designing and producing new machines can improve human activity from mechanical engineering. For example, automobiles and can be made to run better, worse or on completely different fuels to run at an enormous rate. Mechanical engineering runs the world and makes things happen with technology. Machines in factories make goods items to be change for everyone to use such as the production of tools. The world revolves around these fields. Without mechanical engineering the world would be a much different place. The electronics, vehicles, and houses come into nonion with mechanical engineering. A big jump was the industrial revolution that happened in the 18th century. New machines were created to help fulfill the needs of the people and are distillery being used today. Mechanical engineering breaks into many different fields including civil engineering and aerospace engineering. Civil engineering allows one to build buildings and forms of infrastructure. Examples would be bridges, tunnels even the empire state building. Aerospace deals with aerodynamics improving speed and drag for travel in cars, trains, and planes. Aerospace is an expanding field with NASA to make spaceships travel with relative ease to cut pour down fuel usage to space. I would like to design the engines for motor vehicles and have it for a enjoyments team. Mechanical engineering is a fiel... ...n water. The workout equipment was easy to clean, but not the uniforms. My mentor and I went to try and dry them out, but eventually ended up taking them to the dry cleaners and getting them nice and clean. The way a military control runs is not always easy and yet the customer does come first as well as a player in the sport facility.My mentor was one that showed a really perspective on how the real world runs in the today events. Ne moment there may be a ton of orders that are coming in for a place of a machine of store faculty will breakdown. The one thing I have learned no matter what from my mentor in job shadowing is to be ready and orgies to expect the good or bad occurrences. The discernment for choosing the topic was a backup for a career it something goes wrong or that I dont get involved in mechanical engineering. Sports business and training was the topic.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Seven Deadly Sins: Seen, Heard, and Felt Essay -- Seven Deadly Sin
The Seven Deadly Sins Seen, Heard, and Felt The play of Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe concentrates very highly on ideas of offense. Marlowe uses many aspects of evil to show the downfall of the somewhat odd man, Faustus. Devices including irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism are used very effectively in the play to convey feelings of sympathy and remorse for Faustus. very perceive a production of this play would further assist in an understanding of exactly what Faustus was faced with in his moments of severe weakness. By actually seeing a rendition of what Faustus was faced with, members of the audience can question themselves about what they would have done if they were Faustus. Act 2, Scene 2, lines 115-117 is a very good maculation to help an audience feel what Faustus was feeling and seeing. Script Doctor Faustus appears as a tall lanky man, with dark brown hair, which lies close to his head, and curls up at the ends. His moustache is trimmed close to his upper lip. Faustus plays with the moustache frequently during this scene. He wears a plain black suit, a white dress shirt with a plain black necktie and polished shoes. He is adorned only with one piece of jewelry, a wristwatch. Faustus needs to be a man who looks impartial enough to fall prey to the Devils plans. He can not look too strong or stupid either, because a man of either of those qualities would not fall into the Devils trap. He must look like an everyday sort of man in order for the audience to be able to relate to him, and to get into themselves in his experience, and learn from the experience. Belzebub and Lucifer are tall, dark, lavish looking men. They have very strong shoulders and use them to make their appearances very solid and unwav... ... Sins. Explanation This variance of the scene is set in the nineteen-eighties. This is done so a modern audience should be able to relate the sins more directly to themselves. If this was not done, thus some members of the audience might not be able to relate at all to the plays messages. Many of the costumes used could not be relevant to members of otherwise societies either. People living in Europe would not necessarily understand the significance of a man dressed in sloppy jeans and a tee shirt as a normal everyday sight in many American homes. Hopefully some of the images used in this version of the play volition serve as a wake-up call to those people who may be falling towards the Devil and can avoid the bitter end that Doctor Faustus reached. deeds Cited Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus. New York Penguin Group, 1969.
The Seven Deadly Sins: Seen, Heard, and Felt Essay -- Seven Deadly Sin
The Seven Deadly Sins Seen, Heard, and Felt The play of posit Faustus by Christopher Marlowe concentrates very highly on ideas of evil. Marlowe uses many aspects of evil to fancy the down reach of the well-nighwhat odd man, Faustus. Devices including irony, foreshadowing, and symbolism are used very effectively in the play to convey feelings of sympathy and remorse for Faustus. Actually eyesight a production of this play would further assist in an understanding of exactly what Faustus was faced with in his moments of severe weakness. By actually seeing a rendition of what Faustus was faced with, members of the audience can question themselves about what they would have done if they were Faustus. Act 2, Scene 2, lines 115-117 is a very good place to helper an audience feel what Faustus was feeling and seeing. Script Doctor Faustus appears as a tall lanky man, with dark brown hair, which lies close to his head, and curls up at the ends. His mustache is trimmed close to his uppe r lip. Faustus plays with the moustache frequently during this sight. He wears a manifestly black suit, a white dress shirt with a plain black necktie and polished shoes. He is adorned only with one piece of jewelry, a wristwatch. Faustus needs to be a man who looks simple tolerable to fall prey to the Devils plans. He can not look too strong or stupid either, because a man of either of those qualities would not fall into the Devils trap. He must look like an everyday sort of man in order for the audience to be able to relate to him, and to place themselves in his experience, and learn from the experience. Belzebub and Lucifer are tall, dark, lavish looking men. They have very strong shoulders and use them to make their appearances very solid and unwav... ... Sins. Explanation This version of the scene is set in the nineteen-eighties. This is done so a modern audience should be able to relate the sins more directly to themselves. If this was not done, then some members of the au dience might not be able to relate at all to the plays messages. Many of the costumes used could not be relevant to members of other societies either. population living in Europe would not necessarily understand the significance of a man dressed in sloppy jeans and a t-shirt as a normal everyday sight in many American homes. Hopefully some of the images used in this version of the play will inspection and repair as a wake-up call to those people who may be falling towards the Devil and can avoid the bitter end that Doctor Faustus reached. Works Cited Marlowe, Christopher. Doctor Faustus. New York Penguin Group, 1969.
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Sexual harassment Issue
Sexual curse is an issue that grabbed each(prenominal) of America when we saw Anita Hill arraign then Supreme Court nominee Cl atomic number 18nce Thomas of harassing her while she worked in his office. It has been years since that incident brought question of what constitutes sexual curse to the forefront of legal and commercial enterprise attention. During those years thousands of cases have weaved their focal point through our court system helping to clear the issue and make it something more easily understood.The business world at one time has more specific guidelines on how to recognize badgering and how to handle its various forms. Although there are still plenty of gray areas regarding the issue people are now more informed on how to avoid potential problems and how to deal with them if they do arise. This is all well and good but is the workplace the only environs where sexual harassment rears its ugly face? The answer to that question is rather simple. No. One major area where people are still move work through the issue of harassment is the institute of higher education.Some might say that harassment in our colleges and universities may be handled similarly to they way we handle the problem in the business world and that viewpoint has allies in very high places such as the Supreme Court. In Davis v. Monroe County get on with of Education the Supreme Court was faced with deciding whether a take could be held liable for a 10 year old boy reservation sexual statements and advances to one of his female classmates. The result of this case sent shockwaves through not only elementary schools but also any educational unveiling receiving federal funding. umpire Sandra Day OConnor delivered the majority opinion for the court which held that the school would be liable for student-on-student sexual harassment if it acted with deliberate indifference to know acts of harassment in its programs or activities provided that the harassment is so severe, p ervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively bars the victims access to an educational opportunity or benefit (Coulter, 1999). Now you ask what does that mean and how would this institute affect higher education.The answer is that the opinion applies the hostile-environment paradigm of sexual harassment, (which arose in reference to the workplace) to any school system financially assisted by the federal g all overnment. The concept of the hostile-environment concept if applied to higher education must be used with extreme caution. slightly 90% of the hostile-environment sexual harassment claims are not based on physical contact but on run-in (Coulter, 1999). The ways in which language is used in academia differs greatly from the workplace.Due to the application of the hostile-environment paradigm students and instructors alike must speak very carefully and avoid certain contentious issues that were once openly discussed. The classroom experience may suffer greatly if w hat was once looked upon as First Amendment-protected speech is now viewed as sexual harassment. Because of OConnors ruling schools must silence students and teachers who might contribute to a hostile learning environment or risk a rather pricy lawsuit (Coulter, 1999).Since its beginning academia was a place where possibly offensive conversation could be used in order to increase a students appreciation and assist in the quest for knowledge although now that quest has strict rules. Recently the Education Departments Office for Civil Rights (OCR) clarified how colleges should define sexual harassment and they followed the course set by Justice OConnor. Applied through a federal law known as Title IX the OCR define two types of sexual harassment.The first is known as quid pro quo and it occurs when a school employee threatens to base an educational decision such as a grade on a students submission to unwelcome sexual behavior. According to the OCRs guidance a school is liable for horizontal one instance of quid pro quo harassment (Chmielewski, 1997). The second type of harassment is the hostile-environment situation described above and their definition mirrors the one delivered by Justice OConnor. What exactly does all of this mean for college professors and their students?Ramdas have a professor of religion at the University of Hawaii knows all to well the dilemma currently facing our educational institutions. Lamb taught Religion, Politics, and Society a course he designed to meet the students desire for relevance (Thernstrom, 1999). Lamb wanted a course where passionate debate could aid the students to learn and on the first day of class he warned the students that every topic would be covered from all viewpoints and if one particular opinion was not represented that he would play devils advocate and represent it (Thernstrom, 1999).After his warning three students left the class and Lamb felt confident about the remainder. A student by the name of Miche lle Gretzinger was enrolled in the class and had a friendly history with Lamb. She was actively involved in the class but after a disagreement with Lamb during a debate over sexual harassment she became withdrawn and refused to participate in class. Gretzinger accepted a C in the class based on a lack of participation since that was a large part of the graded criteria. After the semester was over she filed a sexual harassment complaint alleging both of the above types of sexual harassment.Eventually Lamb was cleared of the charges and won a countersuit for defamation, although Gretzinger refuses to pay any of the $132,000 tenacious by the court. Although vindicated Lamb is still deeply troubled by the harsh allegations made by Gretzinger. This situation displays just how serious sexual harassment allegations are and just how out of place the current standards are in the realm of higher education. In conclusion sexual harassment cannot be handled in academia as it is in the workpla ce.Victims need to be protected and no complaint should be taken lightly but the standards must reflect the environment they are applied to. Quid pro quo harassment standards can be the same across the board but what constitutes a hostile-environment in the workplace is super different than a hostile-environment in academia. By the nature of college courses the restrictions on free speech must be less stringent than they are in the conventional workplace. In order to aid in the learning process students and teachers alike must be permitted to use unpopular and even sometimes offensive speech.If we go on to apply the same standards to the academic world as we do in the business world the country will suffer. These sometimes-unpopular discussions lead to a better sympathy of those whose opinions differ from our own. If the flow of discussion is restricted too much some issues may never be discussed leading to a lack of understanding amongst women and men. Any issue of a somewhat s exual nature may become taboo in the college classroom. If this happens it could compound the problems we currently have with sexual harassment could be compounded and society as a whole may suffer grave consequences.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Career Cycle of Teachers: A Review of Mr. Holland’s Opus
In the 1995 film Mr. Hollands Opus, we watch as the protagonist Glen Holland goes from a near founder to a distinguished teacher. Although the film ends at his (forced) retirement, judging by his past involvement I would imagine he will continue, in the teacher old tradition, to mentor students and teachers and possibly as an advocate for arts education (Steffy & Wolfe, 16). There are two specific incidents I wish to compare to illustrate the charge development of Glen Holland.One is in the development of a senior revue that he devotes much of his time to during the later part of his career, and the other is his decision to check methods into his instruction and conducting that offer ways for the deaf community to hear music. These two incidents follow directly on the heels of each other, proving that the process of reflection, renewal, and growth (17) which Steffy and Wolfe discuss in their article on the career cycle of teachers is a constant, and constantly changing, process. During the years previous, we are able to see many career-altering moments for Glen Holland, from learning his wife is pregnant to teaching a young man to find the rhythm (Herek). It is during his final decade of teaching when he helps to create and produce a senior revue in place of the senior play. His involvement in the school revue shows he has a broad influence across departments within the school.Compared to his initial lack of involvement, to the limit that he would literally run to his car as soon as the bell rang at the end of the day, the amount of time and energy he puts into a non-academic activity shows his progression as a well-rounded teacher. At the same time, he has chosen to put energy into teaching that should perhaps be way out into his family life, and particularly his deaf son, who he has never learned to communicate with properly.Following this production, in which he encourages a young woman to follow her talent to bleak York instead of working at her fami lys restaurant, he has a revelation more or less his family and son. His son, Coltrane, confronts him about his thinking that Cole, as a deaf person, cant appreciate music.This spurred Glen to learn ways he could incorporate new methods (specifically using illuminations to play movements during a concert) into his teaching and performing. In an interview with Frank McCourt on PBS, he said that his turning point in teaching led him to discover that he was the big learner out of this teaching experience (Only). This experience seemed to light a new love of teaching in him, perhaps because, like Frank McCourt talks about, he has rediscovered his own love of learning.These two points in Glens career demonstrate the unique career development process of teachers. As Pam Grossman points out in her article about the profession of teaching and the challenges facing it, thither has been a flood of under-qualified teachers into schools (par. 2). However, as Mr. Holland proves, it is not just knowledge of methods that makes one a great teacher, but an intimate and profound knowledge of the subject matter. untimely in the movie, he tells a young woman who cant seem to learn the clarinet that Playing music is supposed to be fun. Its about heart, its about feelings, moving people, and something beautiful, and its not about notes on a page. I can teach you notes on a page, I cant teach you that other stuff (Herek). On the contrary, his skill appears to be in teaching exactly that how to love music instead of merely playing notes on a page. Throughout his career development, he shows that it is this love of his subject matter combined with his love of teaching itself that has touched so many young lives. Teaching may not always glide by to monetary riches, but in Mr. Hollands life it has led to a multitude of personal and professional riches.ReferencesGrossman, P. (2003, January/February). Teaching From A Nation at attempt to a professionat risk? Harvard Education Letter. Retrieved April 14, 2008Herek, S. (Director). (1995). Mr. Hollands Opus DVD. Hollywood Buena Vista HomeEntertainment/Hollywood Pictures.Only a teacher Interview with Frank McCourt. (2003). Retrieved April 18, 2008, fromhttp//, B. & Wolfe, M. (2001, fall). A life cycle model for career teachers. Kappa Delta PiRecord, 38(1), 16-19.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Closer Look into the Boxer Rebellion
The boxer Rebellion was unmatchable of the m either periods of history that has almost been forgotten by Western historians disrespect its importance and impact in Chinese history. Eventually, in digitation regarding this rebellion had resurfaced which some historians vex considered to be mythical in the sense that some historians swallow gruelling the information regarding the Boxer Rebellion only on certain portions that they bring in deemed to be beneficial to the actual ball club of the country.In line with this, this paper aims to provide an analytical report justifying that the Boxer Rebellion, although whitethorn have begun as a political and economical uprising, most of the efforts done during the Boxer Rebellion was to prevent Western enculturation and tradition from tainting Chinese culture, p guileicularly in terms of religion. This paper bequeath also provide evidence to justify as to why many historians have considered the current image of the Boxer Rebellion to be a myth.In auberge to present the analysis report with regards to the Boxer Rebellion movement comprehensively, a skeleton overview of Chinese society during the period when the Boxer Rebellion arose should be frontmost discussed. The Boxer Rebellion first gained attention in the year 1898 (Chen 290). During this time, China was presently under the governance of the Qing dynasty. Unlike the Ming dynasty before it, the Qing dynasty was non comprised of Manchus, immaterialers from Manchuria who obtained governance on China as a result of conquest.The Manchus, as how the Chinese called them, were viewed as some(prenominal) privileged and idlers, with majority of the Manchus consuming one-third of the total revenue of the country (Purcell i-ii). It was also during this period a shift on the basis of the countrys economy from come to acquisition to credit acquisition. In fact, Mark Elvin, author of The Pattern of the Chinese Past that was published in 1973 stated that usury, which was the term given to the act of haughty economic resources, became a a more important source of social and economic cater in the countryside than ownership of land (as cited in Wakeman, Jr.202). Apart from this, global workmanship and commerce that were previously banned during the Ming dynasty were re-established (Van de Van 230). Despite the shift in economic power, many members of the lower class in Chinese society still did not enjoy the independence enjoyed by the richer farmers and land owners because the practices of the moneylenders did not provide those the peasants with what they had considered to be essential to their way of life.Instead, they viewed this change in the economic power in Chinese society as a fragile and false link between the Manchu rulers and the Chinese subordinates. As such, most of the uprisings that had occurred during this period of time have been linked to peasantry revolts whose goals centered on the quest to equalize the land and resou rces (Wakeman Jr. 202-03). The above stated situation the China during the period of the Boxer Rebellion may have been the reason why many have associated this movement to be an other(a) peasantry revolt against the Manchu governing body.This was also supported by the fact that majority of the Boxers, as how they were called, were young male peasants, and that their revolt actions included stampeding into the cities and burning down blocks of the finest stores and offices of moneylenders (Liu 102). Furthermore, there have been only control method of accountings on the Boxer Rebellion movement with these limited resources depicting the members of the Boxer Revolt as being hostile (Chen 290). While the characteristics of the Boxers were similar to that of other peasant revolts against the Manchu government, the aims and bearings of the Boxers renewing was nothing similar.In fact, for a brief period in time, the Manchu monarchy headed by Empress Dowager Cixi supported the Boxers Movement (Liu 102). This is primarily due to the aims and objectives of the Boxers Movement. Because of the re-opening of international trade routes, many of the Chinese began to set out as sense of Xenophobia, which is, the fear of orthogonal rule. As international foreign trade blossomed, foreigners began to come in not just with raw items and other commodities, and also their own beliefs, particularly Christianity (Chen 290-91).Unlike the Westerners, the Chinese have patronized and supported their current government despite themselves being foreigners as well. This was because when the Chinese were brought under the rule of the Manchus, it was the Manchus and not the Chinese who assimilated themselves to the culture and society of Chinese to the point that if one would comp be a Manchu and a Chinese side-by-side, only subtle differences can be viewed between them (Purcell 2). This is not the case with the Westerners who have been known to subtly invade other countries through the run of cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism has been defined as the process of a foreign country to impose in a coercive flair, commonly through political and economical methods, their beliefs, customs and traditions to another country, usually one that they have deemed to be more inferior than they were (Dunch 302). In the case of China, through its trade activities with European countries, has been viewed to be a country that was static, as compared to the European countries where advancements in technology was at its peak (Purcell 3).As a result, missionaries began to flock into China and began to establish schools in the Shandong province (Liu 103-04). Eventually, many of the Chinese have slowly begun to view these foreign missionaries as a threat to their cultural individuality, especially after the missionaries were slowly being granted diplomatic and military support from the Qing dynasty monarchy. The Manchu monarchy increased the ranks and privileges of the f oreign missionaries. virtuoso example of this was the bishop situated in the Shandong province was given the rank by the Empress Dowager Cixi similar to that of the Chinese governor of the province.On top of that, the monsignors and the priests situated in various move of China were regarded to have the same political power as the Chinese prefects and magistrates. Because of the political power that was granted to the foreign missionaries, they were able to handle their missionary lean in a more convenient manner. Not only could they not be touched by members of the local government within the area that they are ministering, but also they had the authority to protect those who have been converted into Christendom against any actions made by local authorities that they consider as harassment on the part of their converts (Liu 104).The members of the Boxers have viewed the actions of the Catholic missionaries as a way not just to make their mark in their culture, but also as a slow, but steady method of overthrowing their monarchy and their government and invading them. The Boxers viewed Christianity as a form of heterodoxy and against the teachings of both Confucianism and Taoism, which are the prominent religions in China during this period (History in Three Keys 8). It was for this reason that the Boxers launched a propaganda movement against foreign missionaries.As far as the Boxers were concerned, their propaganda movement was justify by the literary pieces that were centered in both Confucianism and Taoism. Perhaps the most influential of these lyric pieces was a lyric poem which they have believed was composed by the god Chi-Kung, who shared it to the Boxers through the medium. The poem referred to the Chinese Christian converts as people who have lost all their senses and whose aim was to engulf the full country and to deceive our Emperor (Chen 292).The propaganda literature distributed by the Boxers echoed the message of the poem of Chi-Kung. These literature included notices that they boldly advocated, such as the message that The heresy heresy referring to the missionaries and their converts has no respect for either gods or Buddhas (Chen 293). Based on these propaganda, it is clear that the Boxer Rebellion Movements aim was to wipe out foreign missionaries by any means possible in order to protect their beloved emperor and his family as well as the common people of China (Chen 293).Sadly, the government that they were onerous to protect did not share in their vision. In the end, the Qing dynasty suppressed the Boxer movement and all forms of literature associated with the movement (History in Three Keys 15). at that place were a number of reasons as to why history presented the Boxer Rebellion more as a political revolution as opposed to a movement to protect the culture, government and people of China during the 19th century.One reason for this was that, as mentioned, all documents pertaining to the Boxer Movement, espec ially those that supported the Boxer Movement were destroyed. What were left(p) were official documents and other forms of literature that were written by those who opposed the Boxer Revolution Movement. These documents depicted the Boxers as a group of illiterate individuals who were fearful of advancement and progress (History in Three Keys 15).But the primary reason for the difference of the viewpoint regarding the Boxer Rebellion Movement was on the historians themselves. While it is unbent that majority of historians document events that had occurred in a particular area during a particular period based on facts in order to provide the readers an objective viewpoint that is as accurate as the facts and evidences may allow them to, there remains some historians who have been considered by their colleagues as mythologizers (The Contested Past 82).These kinds of historians have been described as those who have a clear understanding of the past events and have access to the same evidences and facts that are available to historians, sociologists, anthropologists and the like. The difference lies in the manner on how they utilize these facts and evidences in their writings. Instead of providing the reader an objective, play-by-play account of the events that had occurred during a particular point in time, mythologizers have been known to utilize the facts and evidences to create an account of a historical event to serve another purpose.These purposes include political reform and psychological formation of the reader (The Contested Past 82-83). Examples of this can be found with regards to the manner on how various authors whose works have long been considered as historical accounts on the Boxer Revolution. In one account which was entitle The Boxers Conquest of the Westerners, the Boxers were described as a group of individuals who were superstitious and irrational.In fact, not much attention was actually given to this over the more alarming reason for the revolt, which was the protection and preservation of Chinese culture from the changes being imposed by foreign missionaries. As a result, this historical account presented the Chinese as a people who, in a period when e very(prenominal)one else were trying to advance themselves, remained superstitious by believing that gods and deities still correspond through mediums in order for the people to do their bidding as well as a country whose people remained ignorant and even barbaric (The Contested Past 84).Chens Duxius strain is another example of mythologization of the Boxer Revolution. In his essay, he firmly addressed and justified that the Boxer Revolution was brought about by the influence of Confucianism, Taoism and other religions present in China during that period of time has led to the Boxer Uprising. Duxiu further stated that since these religions are still prevalent in China to this very day, it would not be long before another Boxer Revolution will take place (The Contest ed Past 85).While this does have some fair play in it, it is also not entirely accurate because Duxiu failed to take into consideration that one of the main reasons why the Boxer Revolution erupted was because of the imminent overthrow of the current monarchy ruling China brought about by the government itself by providing political power to a certain extent to the foreign missionaries. This allowed them to be in a position to choose on whether they would follow the rulings of the local government where they were ministering.In fact, the term Boxer Revolution by itself may be considered to be a form of mythologization. In his article, Lu Xun had presented it as a metaphor to present the ignorance of the Chinese during the 19th century in his statement if the Chinese dont learn the military art of using rattan shields, how can they protect themselves against firearms (as cited in The Contested Past 86). To summarize, the Boxer Revolution that occurred during the Qing dynasty was br ought about by a number of historical events.The first was the experience of the Chinese towards foreign invasion. Although they were currently being ruled by foreigners from Manchuria, they did not fear that this would bring about a loss of their cultural identity and heritage. This was because the foreign rulers assimilated themselves into the Chinese culture and traditions to a point wherein Manchus living in China were not that different from the Chinese. The second historical event was the re-opening of international trade routes by the Manchus during the Qing dynasty that have been closed during the Ming dynasty.While this benefited the country economically with traders bringing in rare commodities in exchange for Chinese goods, it had also paved the way for European missionaries to enter the country, bringing in Christianity into China. This event has caused many of the converts to turn their backs from local customs and traditions, hence, their own cultural identity. The thi rd was the decision made by the Manchu government through Empress Dowager Cixi to grant the foreign missionaries some form of political power. This proved to be the biggest threat viewed by the Boxer Revolt.The decision made by the Empress Dowager has not only provided the foreign missionaries some form of leniency which would allow them to practice their faith and to convert Chinese into Christianity more freely, but it also allowed the foreign missionaries not to adhere with the local government in the various provinces where they were ministering. This is because the political power granted by the Empress to the foreign missionaries has caused them to have the same political powers as those in the local government, if not higher.Based on the evidence presented, the preconceived notion that the Boxers were predominantly made out of peasants is inaccurate. On the contrary, the evidence have suggested that the Boxer Revolution was actually a movement that was composed largely of edu cated individuals and since education was a privilege that was enjoyed by the elite during this period of time, it can be mistaken that the Boxer Revolution was a revolution created by the elite.This conclusion has been based on the development of the aim of the Boxer Revolution which was to wipe out the foreign missionaries in order to preserve and protect the Emperor of China and its people. They had based this on literary pieces that were usually accessible only to the elite. Among these forms of literature were the plays, poetry and teachings of Confucius and Tao.It will be highly illogical to state that the Boxers were mainly comprised of illiterate individuals since the only way for these to acquire the basis of the Boxers Movement is if and only if these person who is literate, that is someone who could both read and write, would be able to not only understand these forms of literature but would have the capacity to disseminate these information to others.Also, the prejudi ce that the Boxer Revolution was a revolt against the Manchu government has been disproved by the information presented in this paper as well. While it may be true that the Boxer Revolution was ultimately suppressed by the Manchu government, among the objectives of the revolution movement was to protect their Emperor and Empress Dowager. They had viewed the actions of the foreign missionaries as a step closer for cultural imperialism to become rampant in the country.Cultural imperialism refers to the act of members from a foreign country to bring in their own customs, beliefs and traditions into another country and would slowly assimilate this to the citizens of that particular country, usually through some form of political force. The most common method used for cultural imperialism is through religion. This was the case in the Boxer movement.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Analysis Of A Problematic Transactional Process English Literature Essay
The leaf node is a s compensate adolescent twelvemonth old Afri keep Ameri mass potent in the 11th menage at Piper High School. The knob was referred to the societal utilization section by his English instructor who was concerned by the pupils withdraw and unhappiness. The leaf node was embossed by his male p arnt and his womanish p arnt. However, the guest s feminine parent committed suicide two old ages ago while she was deployed the guest was 5th adolescent old ages old. The lymph gland is presently remaining with his paternal grandma after his male parent asked him to go forth his place. The node has two noveler siblings whom reside with the male parent. The invitee has late come show up to his home base and informed them that he is cheery.The primary life story stressor for the knob is the decease of his womanly parent and attached is the overtaking of relationship with his male parent. Indeed, the invitee scents wish he has lost both parents. The lymph gland informed his male parent that he is cheery and the male parent evicted the lymph node from the place and informed the leaf node that he is disinheriting the young person because of his sexual orientation. The life passage came to the att shutdown of the actor during the first conflux with the client. The client informed the actor of the area of affairs. The bureau s position is that the issue with the client is his withdraw from the schoolroom, unhappiness and the possible cause of his behaviour on his faculty members. The bureau placed sm on the whole accent on the young-bearing(prenominal) parent s self-destruction because it did non take to the client s current state of affairs. The exhibiting behaviour began taking topographic point after the client told his house harbour astir(predicate) his sexual orientation. In kernel the bureau says that the young person did hold troubles with his household in coming out, precisely that is non what caused a break in the relat ionship, it appeared to be his noncompliant behaviour at place. However, this societal take in intern believes the precipitating factor for the client s eviction from the place had to make with the client s coming out episode, and his defeat and hapless loll bying accomplishments in covering with his young-bearing(prenominal) parent s decease. The client admitted to holding a attitude assembly line prior to the coming out episode, but the job increased dramatically one time the client came out and the male parent rejected him. Besides, the client started utilizing drugs which was a mood of dulling and grasp bying with his depression because of his female parent s self-destruction and because the client wanted to state his household he is cheery and he was concerned that they would non accept him.In the first run into with the client, the client and the societal calculate intern lean outed on catching. The session focused on three stairss clear uping the intent, clear upi ng the function, and making for the client s feedback ( Shulman, 2006 ) . thus the proletarian and client discussed countries for work, and agreed to work on trouble management. The client admitted to this worker that since his female parent s decease he has had a securely cartridge accepting his female parent s decease. The client stated that his female parent knew of his sexual orientation and was backup manive. However, since the decease of his female parent he does non hold the support and he believes his male parent would non hold evicted him from the place if the female parent was still alive. The client as well as admitted to increased drug economic consumption since his eviction from his male parent s place. The client taradiddleed that it was saturated for him to get by with his female parent s decease, but so to be rejected from his male parent made the state of affairs intolerable so he turned to drugs more frequently for alleviation.When the client and the wo rker met the bit consisted of the worker inquiring the client what issue or job the client wanted to work on. The followers is an except of the catching session, Hey, Jacob. We are run intoing directly because I wanted to screw if there is something that is trouble oneselfing you or something you would wish to speak just nigh? The client so proceeded to depict his battle with the decease of his female parent and the recent eviction from his male parent s place. The client and the worked agreed to work on looking atings of heartache and loss because of the decease of his female parent, and seeking to either repair the relationship with his male parent or header with his male parent s positions and develop a societal support net to back up him through this life passage. The work, so, entrust deoxidize on mobilizing or beef uping real-life ties between the client and important others, restoring old linkages, or assisting the client discovery and develop new connexions ( Ge rmain & A Gitterman, 1996, pp.179 ) . The work will besides help the client with treating the decease of his female parent. The end is to assist the client with his nipings of grief/loss, emotional isolation, and as mentioned above supporter strengthen or develop new connexions for the young person ( Germain & A Gitterman, 1996, pp.179 ) .The work between the client and worker was an agreed upon venture. The worker in concurrence with the client established a common understanding for work, a common land to get down the work ( Shulman, 2006 ) . The worker and the client both agreed that workings on heartache guidance and trying to mend the relationship with the young person s male parent was a reliable point to get down the curative confederation. This worker believes that mutualness has been achieved because both worker and client have agreed to work the same issues.The environment plays an of import portion in the overall wellbeing of the client, for the environment contrib ute be a strength or barrier for the client ( Krist-Ashman, 2000 ) . Indeed, the client in this instance faces m all challenges in his environment. The decease of the client s female parent by self-destruction is a social prohibited ( Webb, 1996 ) . Furthermore, the client reported that equals and neighbours would frequently inquire why his female parent would make such a thing. Furthermore, the vicinity is really religious and they did non react good to a self-destruction because in the Baptist tradition self-destruction is a wickedness against God ( Webb, 1996 ) . In add-on, the vicinity is low-income and there does non look to be many resources open for the client and his household. The self-destruction of his female parent is looked upon as shameful and an act of disbelievers, harmonizing to the client. The client does non hold much support from his household either. Since the decease of his female parent, the household has non openly talked about the self-destruction. The ma le parent has non mentioned it one time to the client. The lone mention, harmonizing to the client, is when the client told his male parent that he is cheery the male parent responded that the client has the same iniquitous nature as his female parent. The household is making barriers because they are non admiting the world of the decease and are non sharing the lost experience, at least non with the client ( Walsh & A McGoldrick, 1991 ) .The identified resource available to the client is his close friend. The client states that he finds support in his friend and negotiations to him about the decease of his female parent. The client will be referred to Henderson Mental Health and go on to have guidance with the societal work interne. Besides, the client identified a apparitional leader in the community that offered his services to the client and his household, but the client is loath to take up the offer since the spiritual leader is viewed as a defiant because of his irregular patterns. The client besides identified a household member who he apprize speak to and is accepting of his sexual orientation.The Client-Worker MinutessPresentation This is the 2nd meeting with the client. The client reported to his instructor that he was experiencing really down.Degree centigrade I wish I could merchandise topographic points with my female parent. I wish I could travel to kip and solelywake up and this is all back to normal.W I can feel that you are sad, Jacob. It must be toilsome to loss person youlove so much. Jacob, do you believe what you only if give tongue to is possible? Do you approximate you could travel back in clip or merely wake up and all this will be back tonormal?Skill Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings, oppugning,Reaching for client feedback meter reading the client I real lose my female parent. I feel hopeless and incapacitated. Iwish some miracle could move on and wipe out this painfulness. Why did she hold to go forthme so shortly?Reading the worker I feel so bad for this client. How can I mitigate his hurting. I feel bid there is nil I can state or make to alleviate his hurting. I think he is travelling through the bargaining phase of heartache and loss. I have to calculate out amanner to indicate out his irrational intellection. I interrogate if by trading topographic points ( make hemean ) he besides wishes to decease.Measure your action I was on mark. I pick-up on the client sBargaining phase and addressed the irrational belief. I demonstrated empathyand showed apprehension of the client s feelings.environmental or structural influences peradventure if I were younger I would hold been able to pass on this efficaciously. some other movement I can feel that you are sad. It must be hard to lossperson. Sometimes when we loss person we tend to believe about material thatIs non possible. It is normal to hold these predilections. However, you have torecognize that they are non rational.Label ris ing Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings,Reframing. I employed these accomplishments because I wanted to normalise the client sexperience, but besides indicate out that the ideas are irrational.Presentation This is our 3rd meeting and the client complained of feelings of desperationand weakness. The client has besides refused to take part in any school activities.Degree centigrade I feel so lost without my female parent. I do non cognize who I can turn to for support wish well I did with her. I need aid and my female parent is non at that place.Tungsten It must be hard to loss the one whom you found soothe it. I do nt cognizehow that feels but it must ache. You mention necessitating aid, can you state memore?Skill Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings, making forfeelings and facts, and oppugning.Reading the client I really lack her. I found way and comfort incognizing that she was at that place for me. Where and how can I find thatwithout her her e. I am so overwhelmed, who can I turn excessively?Reading the worker I do non cognize precisely what to state. I feel alike(p) he is experiencing hopeless and needs that singular to soothe him, but what do I make. I think he is traveling through so many things, but he will non state me all. I understand that weare still in the beginning of the relationship, but what do I make.Measure your action I do non believe I was on mark. I should holdexpressed what I think he was experiencing and informed him that I can seek to assist.I should hold said that I am here to help.Environmental or structural influences I should of told him that I can seek to assist him, that I m able to assist him.Another Attempt It must be hard to loss the one whom you found soothe it.I do nt cognize how that feels but it must ache. I shaft I am non your female parent Imay non supply the same comfort that your female parent could hold provided but Ilike to work with you on these issues. Possibly you can state me what you needaid with and I can seek to help you with it.Label saucy Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings.The employed these accomplishments because I wanted the client to understand that I can guts his helpless and that although his female parent is non here he can seek to happenaid through me and finally person else..Presentation This is our 4th session. He purportedly asked one of his instructor why his life is so f***ed up.Degree centigrade I ca nt believe of anything but the decease of my female parent. Sometimes that is all Ithink of. I think about how she died and why she did it to me.Tungsten It is great that you grieve openly because that is normal. You must experiencedesperation, anxiousness, and confusion because of her decease. I think you are traveling tohave to seek to line up to the alteration so you can go on with your life. What doyou think your female parent would zest you to make? 3 Skill Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feeli ngs, seting theclient s mute feelings into words.Reading the client I think I am traveling loony. I merely think of my female parent. Iinquire how it would be if she were here today. Can I acquire over this?Reading the worker I do nt cognize if I can make this. I ca nt look to acquire him past this phase. What am I traveling to make? I wonder if I am merely non equipped for thissort of client.Measure your action I was non on mark. I did demo empathy but Iused guilt stumbling every bit good.Environmental or structural influences NoneAnother Attempt I can feel your unhappiness and desperation. I can merely visualise what itwould be like to lose my female parent. Alternatively of concentrating on the decease itself, haveyou tried retrieve all the good times you had with your female parent?Label New Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings,and tuning into client s consciousness of urgency. I used these accomplishments because I wantedthe client to believe more about the good times. I did non thirst to state him to haltbelieving about his female parent, but merely concentrate on the positive.Presentation This is our 5th session. plump session we discussed get bying accomplishments. It has beenhard to acquire past the phase of bargaining and the beginning stage with thisclient.Degree centigrades You have sex, I merely want to utilize any sort of drug I can to dull the hurting of myfemale parent s decease. I frequently think possibly it would be fall in if I merely mollifyed high allthe clip.Tungsten You could make that but it will merely dissemble the hurting. The hurting will still betheir, purge when you are high. Possibly we can work together to ease the hurtingfor you, instead of dissembling it.Skill Sessional and overall catching accomplishments, exposing apprehension ofclient s feelings, making for client feedback, exposing forces that support orkeep the job.Reading the client I feel things will be much easier to bear if I stay high . Iwill non hold to believe about my jobs any more. I merely want thesejobs to travel off.Reading the worker I am truly tried. It is 330pm and I have been working all twenty-four hours. I do nt believe I am acquiring far with this client. I feel like he merely wants to vent and I am more interested in work outing jobs. Possibly that is my issue, I keep concentrating on what I want alternatively of what the client wants.Measure your actions I was on mark. I offered a different manner to get bywith the loss alternatively of utilizing drugs. I pointed out a force that contributes tothe job.Another Attempt I bet it must be difficult to loss person. I ca nt image how youfeel. However, I do cognize that usage drugs to dissemble the hurting will non ease ortake the hurting. Possibly we can work together to happen other ways for you totrade with the hurting.Label New Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings,and tuning into client s sense of urgency, I used these exposing f orces thatsupport or maintain the job. This clip around I used empathy and tried tounderstand the client s feelings.Presentation This is our 6th session. Last session the client agreed to researchalternate ways to get by with his female parent s decease. The client besides agreed that drugsare non the reply.Degree centigrades You know, I merely want to utilize any sort of drug I can to dull the hurting of myfemale parent s decease. I frequently think possibly it would be better if I merely stayed high allthe clip.Tungsten You could make that but it will merely dissemble the hurting. The hurting will still betheir, even when you are high. Possibly we can work together to ease the hurtingfor you, alternatively of dissembling it.Skill Sessional and overall catching accomplishments, exposing apprehension ofclient s feelings, making for client feedback, exposing forces that support orkeep the job.Reading the client I feel things will be much easier to bear if I stay high. Iwill non hold to believe about my jobs any more. I merely want thesejobs to travel off.Reading the worker I am truly tried. It is 7pm and I have been working all twenty-four hours. I do nt believe I am acquiring far with this client. I feel like he merely wants to vent and I am more interested in work outing jobs. Possibly that is my issue, I keep concentrating on what I want alternatively of what the client wants.Measure your actions I was on mark. I offered a different manner to get bywith the loss alternatively of utilizing drugs. I pointed out a force that contributes tothe job.Another Attempt I bet it must be difficult to loss person. I ca nt image how youfeel. However, I do cognize that usage drugs to dissemble the hurting will non ease ortake the hurting. Possibly we can work together to happen other ways for you totrade with the hurting.Label New Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings,and tuning into client s sense of urgency, I used these exposing forces thatsupport o r maintain the job. This clip around I used empathy and tried tounderstand the client s feelings..Presentation This is our 7th session. The instructors report that the client seems morewellbeing. He has followed his intervention program at Henderson Mental Health and substance maltreatment guidance.Degree centigrades The thing that fusss me is that I feel like I will ever be un blissful. I feellike I will fall apart. I do nt cognize what I will make with my life.Tungsten It is hard to cover with the loss of a loved 1. The feelings you aresing are normal. Leting spell of a loved one is really hard.Skill Normalzing, exposing apprehension of client s feelings, empathy,Supporting client s in forbidden countries.Reading the client I feel like I ca nt acquire over this. I feel like life will beatrocious and I will neer be happy once more. I ca nt support travel because that means Ido nt truly care about her.Reading the worker I think he is get downing to recognize that he has to allow tr avel andcontinue with his life. I feel atrocious stating what I said to him because I knowit is difficult. I wonder what my supervisor would state? I feel good because Ithink we are doing some advancement.Measure your actions I was on mark. I expressed that this is normaland showed empathy. I believe this was the appropriate thing to make.Another Attempt I can conceive of how hard this must be for you. Thesefeelings are normal. You likely think that this will non stop, but it will.You likely experience guilty about non hold those feelings and that is normalexcessively.Label New Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings,Normalizing, back uping client in forbidden country. The accomplishments I used are the same,but this clip around I think I came off a small better..Presentation This is our eight session. The young person has continued to come on slightly.He continues to go to mental wellness and chemical dependence guidance.Degree centigrade I do nt believe you unde rstand what it is to lose person. You work hereand are paid to listen to our jobs, but you do nt understand. I bet youdo nt even care about one of us in this topographic point, right?Tungsten Expression, I am sorry you feel that manner, but you do nt cognize what I feel. Yes, Iwork here. I besides care about the people I work with and function. You are merelyangry at everyone because of your lose, and I can understand that. However,you should non take it out on me. If you work with me than we can worktogether on your job, but do nt assail me.Skill disputing the coincidence of work, exposing apprehension ofclient s feelings, ask foring uncertainties and concerns, re-clarifying worker sintent and function, facilitative confrontation.Reading the client I do nt experience like I am acquiring any aid. I think hedoes nt care about me. Why am I run intoing with him. I bet this is merely a occupation forhim. I think he does nt cognize what it means to lose person, or he wouldunderstand me better.Reading the worker I feel attacked. I feel like stating him where the snake pit to travel. I spent this clip seeking to assist and this is the thank you I receive.Measure your actions I was manner off mark. I should hold been morediplomatic and non allow it acquire to me. I should command myself and recognize that heis merely allowing his choler out.Another Attempt I am sorry you feel that I do nt understand. I want tounderstand. I want you to state me more so I can understand. I do desire to assist,but you have to allow me in so I can work with you.Label New Skills Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings, re-clear uping worker s intent, facilitative confrontation, doing a demand forwork.Presentation This is our 9th session. The young person mentioned to this worker that herealizes that his grieving is non leting him to travel on with his life. The clientwants the worker to help him with accepting the decease of his female parent and movingon with his life.Degree centigrade I do nt desire to go on this manner. I want to be able to non be depressed allthe clip. I miss my female parent but I do nt desire to experience the manner that I do. I wantto hold my life back.W I can feel how frustrating and hard it must be for you even statingthese words. You must believe that traveling on with your life agenciesburyingabout your female parent, but it does non. I am glad you want to work on travelingon and we can make that together. We have to work together in order toachieve that end. I do nt hold all the replies and if I did, you still have tomake your portion in order to accomplish that end.Skill Empathy, exposing apprehension of client s feelings, making forfeedback about assisting procedure, seting client mute feelings intowords,Reading the client I do nt wish this feeling. I want to travel back to feelingthe manner I did before my female parent passed. I am ready to work on mygrieving and travel frontward, but I do nt cognize how.Reading worker I think the hebdomads of us run intoing are get downing to payoff. Ifeel like he is truly ready to work on the grieving. I feel good, like I amreally making something right. I think from here I will experience more confidentabout the work.Measure your action I believe I was on mark. I addressed the clientdesiring to work on his grieving and acquisition to set to the life passage. Ibesides reminded the young person that we have to work on this together.Another Attempt I am happy to hear that you want to work on this issue.We can work on it together. Are you unfastened to us working on thistogether?Label New Skills Reaching for feedback about assisting procedure.Discussion of Your use ObservationsThe client obstinately wanted to work on the life passage. He accepted guidance and came on clip and every session. He did non defy like some clients but opened up about his feelings. He expressed his feelings and was unfastened about many things. Yet, there were times where he was disputin g and did non look to desire to work on the life passage. The client appeared stuck on the denial and sometimes bargaining face ( Shulman, 2006 ) . He was overwhelmed with feelings of desperation and guilt. Other times, he wanted to concentrate on peripheral issues and non face the life passage. At one point, the client decided to assail the work and his competency alternatively of concentrating on the work. Yet other clip, he decided that he did non desire to work on the life passage, but instead work on his relationship with his male parent.The client besides at times used turning forward behaviour or verboseness to avoid speaking about the painful life passage ( Germain & A Gitterman, 1996 ) . For illustration, in one session the client decided to alter topics suddenly and inquire what the worker thought about the school. Another clip the client decided to speak on and on about the Miami Heat hoops squad. Besides, whenever the topic of the client s past experiences came up, th e young person either changed the topic or did non desire to speak about it.The worker besides fell abruptly in some countries. The worker should hold referred the young person for household guidance or at least attempted to prosecute the male parent and other members of the household in some guidance through the bureau. The mode should hold included a multi-approach that included single, household, and group guidance. The worker should hold besides used more of the exploring and clear uping accomplishments mentioned by Germain and Gitterman ( 1996 ) . For illustration, the worker should hold explored the feelings of ambivalency and how that abnormal the curative relationship. The worker should hold identified more resources available to the client and connected that client with the resources. For illustration, the worker should hold explored more with the young person linking with the spiritual leader in his community for support. The young person mentioned the spiritual leader at tempted to make out to the young person, and the worker should hold explored this option farther. In add-on, the worker should hold employed the accomplishment of sessional undertaking more frequently ( Shulman, 2006 ) . There were times where the worker did non re-contract with the client in every session, and during those Sessionss the client unremarkably avoided or switched topics on the worker.At the clip of deprivation, the job was non to the full worked out. The client has non reached the credence phase. The client continues to fight with the loss of his female parent, although he does go on to work at the job. The client came a long manner. In the beginning, the client was in choler phase. The client still needs to go on working with a counsellor to assist him accept the loss of his female parent. However, he has come a long manner and before expiration the worker and client were working on accepting the loss and go oning with his life.The expiration procedure was hard for both worker and client likewise. The worker was hesitating about ending because so much work demands to been done. The worker besides experienced what Germain and Gitterman ( 1996 ) refer to as the workers shared feelings of unhappiness at dividing ( pp. 323 ) . The worker felt a sense of loss because so much clip and energy was vested in this client and the relationship is stoping. The client was sad besides. However, the client besides employed turning away tactics hebdomads before the stoping stage ( Germain & A Gitterman, 1996 ) . For illustration, the client would alter topics whenever expiration was mentioned. Besides during the last session, the client acted as though he forgot this was the last meeting. The client besides asked if the curative relationship could go on for a few hebdomads longer.The worker believes the stoping procedure might hold had a negative impact on the client s life passage. The client seems to see the stoping procedure as another loss. For illustra tion, the client had mentioned to the worker that the worker was the lone 1 he truly had in his life that he could talk to about the loss of his female parent and other issues. The client seems to experience like person else that he confides in and trusts is go forthing him. The client even mentioned that he will largely likely non happen person once more to show his feelings and concerns with. In add-on, he said that he does non desire to get down all over once more with another counsellor. The worker should hold practiced prevenient empathy and considered the impact of expiration before the last session ( Germain & A Gittermain, 1996 ) .The last few semester have thought this societal work intern a batch. The societal work houseman has intentional many new accomplishments for pattern with persons, household and groups. The societal work houseman has besides honed in accomplishments that were already at that place but the worker did non cognize they were accomplishments or did no n cognize the accomplishment label. The societal work houseman has learned to research issues with clients and non to rapidly supply replies or redresss. Prior to the internship the worker thought that one was suppose to calculate out the job and supply a solution. However, the worker has learned that clients already know what the job is and that provide the reply does non crystalize the client.The worker has besides learned empathy and non sympathy. The worker ever thought that understanding was the right emotion to expose with a client. However, the worker has learned that empathy is more regnant and is a great tool to fix the worker for Sessionss with clients. The worker has learned that until one can use anticipatory empathy, the worker will non be ready for many issues that come up in the session. The accomplishment of empathy has had a enormous affect on this workers pattern. Of the many accomplishments this worker has learned, the accomplishment of empathy has had the most impact in pattern and the most impact on this worker.The worker sees his function as a professional societal worker otherwise now. Prior to the internship the worker idea of a societal worker as person who refers clients to other services or person who provides all the replies to a client s jobs. The worker now sees the function of a societal worker as a span builder and spouse in helping people with their concerns. The worker has besides learned that there are some countries this worker needs to better on. For illustration, larning to disputing clients and face them on their issues. The worker besides needs to larn how to be soundless during Sessionss and allow the client do most of the speaking.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Ella Baker Essay
Ella bread maker embodies the theme of dexterity in the face of adversity in Joanne turn overs novel Ella Baker Freedom Bound. Ella Baker comes from a long line of strong women who taught her to stand up for what she felt was good and right. As Ella Baker encounters racial discord in the twentieth century, she draws up on the qualification of her mother, her grandmother and her aunts. She also remembers the strength that was passed down from her grandfather and uncle. As a result of her great strength she is able to teach others about nurturing equation among all people.Ella Baker spent her adult years organizing people to fight for equality but this fight wasnt always easy. Ella Baker was a black woman facing all the struggles that black people went through prior to and mediocre after the civilized Rights Movement. She can be compared to Martin Luther King Jr. beca engagement of her tenaciousness and unwillingness to create up the fight. However, Baker faced gender discriminat ion as well which still added to her struggles but also encouraged her to continue to use the strength that her ancestors passed down to her.Ella Baker faced great resistance from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference headed by Martin Luther King Jr. because she was a woman and men didnt care for taking advice from women. In this way, Ella Baker faced a fight for racial rights as well as gender rights. Ella Baker was responsible for organizing ordinary people to fight for equality. She is credited with the Student Nonviolent arrange Committee (SNCC) which mobilized ordinary people to join the Civil Right fight despite the challenges that they faced.Throughout her activist activities and numerous speeches, she urged ordinary people to find the strength to identify one thing that needed changing and work on it a little at a time. She emphasized to crowds that each person had something to give and these little bits could add up to huge changes. Ella Bakers most important contr ibution to the world was her untiring dedication to the Civil Rights movement. Drawing upon the strength that her family members instilled in her gave her the power to continue the fight even when times were tough.She was one of the pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement and concords book details her great contributions. virtuoso important characteristic that gave Ella Baker so much of her strength was her ability to work towards equality without calling attention to herself. Baker didnt focus on the work of individuals. Instead, she focused on the great things that could be accomplished when people worked together to make changes. As a result, Baker was often at betting odds with other (primarily male) civil rights activists because she was more focused on getting things done than reveling in the glory of accomplishment. designations inclusion of primary and secondary sources only lends to the credibility of strength that she presents in her book. African American people have relie d on songs and rhymes throughout history in order to gain strength during struggles. Grants inclusion of several of these short songs shows just how important strength was to Ella Baker and the many avenues she used to draw upon the strength of her family members. Grants use of personal remembrances of Ella Baker goes elevate to show her character and depth of her strength in her constant battle to gain equality for all people.If these accounts were not include in the book, the theme of strength wouldnt be displayed as well as Grant was able to show. The use of primary and secondary sources give further evidence about the person that Ella Baker was and allow readers to gain a true picture of the kind of person that Ella Baker really was. Throughout the book, Ella Baker demonstrated her belief in the ability of people to take control of their lives and lead themselves. Joanne Grant realized the importance of telling the world about Ella Baker.Grant had first hand experience with th e work of Ella Baker and the important contributions she made to the Civil Rights Movement. Grant witnessed Bakers ability to set herself apart in order to build upon inner strength to find ones path in life. Ella Baker was no stranger to resistance based on both her race and her gender and Grant knew that her story needed to be told so her name could be associated with the great work that was done throughout the Civil Rights Movement.The role of black women is underrepresented in non fiction and Grant took it upon herself to share her opinion of Ella Baker with readers. Ella Baker Freedom Bound is a book that will rotate the eyes of readers learning about the Civil Rights. It will show the struggle that African Americans went through to gain equality but also the struggle that women went through. Grant paints a vivid picture of the strength that Ella Baker had despite constant challenges to keep her from reaching her goals.This book emphasizes that strength is necessary when one i s fighting such an important battle. Ella Baker becomes the model of persistence through her dedication to equality and her willingness to keep fighting no matter what. She didnt let men or white people keep her from working towards her vision of equal rights. This book is highly recommended to those who wish to gain a clear but different linear perspective on what it was like to be an activist during the Civil Rights Movement fighting for both racial and gender equality.Grant, Joanne. Ella Baker Freedom Bound. 1998. 17 Nov 2008 . Hamilton, Grace Towns & Robinson, cherry Doris Smith. Book excerpts Three womens voices from the annals of the civil rights struggle. The New Crisis April 1. Omatseye, Sam. Ella Baker A Civil Rights Angel. Urban Spectrum. 2006. 17 Nov 2008 .
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Statistics Exercise
1.The enquiryers analyzed the data they collected as though it were at what level of measurement? d.Experimental2.What was the average posttest empowerment tier for the control group? The dream up posttest empowerment score was 97.12 3.Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the observational group. Was this an expected finding? Provide a rationale for your answer. The mean baseline depression score of the observational group is 14.00. The mean posttest depression score of the experimental group is 13.36.The posttest score is 0.64 lower than the baseline score. This is an expected finding because after the completion of the empowerment program the experimental groups depression showed improvement. 4.Compare the mean baseline and posttest depression scores of the control group. Do these scores strengthen or weaken the validity of the research results? Provide a rationale for your answer. The mean baseline depression score of the control group is 10.40 The mea n posttest depression score of the control group is 10.40. The scores show no change in the control groups score. It does show a change in the empowerments score which shows a decrease in the depression scores for the experimental group.5. Which groups test scores had the least aggregate of variability or dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer. The control groups test scores 10.40 both at baseline and posttest showed the least amount of variability or dispersion.6.Did the empowerment variable or self-care self-efficacy variable demonstrate the greatest amount of dispersion? Provide a rationale for your answer. I esteem the self care efficacy group showed the greatest amount of dispersion. The thoroughgoing groups post test score is 1.78 lower than the baseline score. The empowerment variable total groups posttest is only .11 lower than the baseline group. 7.The mean ( ) is a measure of central tendency of a distribution while the SD is a measure of dispersion of its scor es. some(prenominal) and SD are descriptive statistics.8. What was the mean acrimony for renal disease for the research subjects? What was the dispersion or variability of the renal disease severity scores?Did the severity scores vary significantly between the control and the experimental groups? Is this important? Provide a rationale for your answer. The mean severity for renal disease for the research subjects was 6.74. The dispersion or variability of the renal disease severity score was 2.97. The severity scores did not vary much between the control and the experimental groups. This is important as the groups were no differences in clinical and demographic characteristics.9. Which variable was least affected by the empowerment program? Provide a rationale for your answer. The mean depression score showed the least amount of change when compared to their baseline values. Only 0.66 points for depression compared to 6.44 points for self care/self efficacy and 6.64 for empowerment . The mean score for the depression scale was lower than for the empowerment and self-care self-efficacy scales.10.Was it important for the researchers to include the total means and SDs for the guinea pig variables in Table 2 to promote the readers understanding of the education results? Provide a rationale for your answer. No, it is not necessary for the reader to have the total means and the SDs for the study variables in the table to understand the study results. One can understand the results showing only the total means.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Speech: Unconditional Love
Persuasive patoises aim to convince the audience to believe a accepted view. A persuasive speech is a specific type of speech in which the speaker has a goal of convincing the audience to accept his or her point of view. The speech is arranged in such a appearance as to hopefully cause the audience to accept all or firearm of the expressed view. Though the overarching goal of a persuasive speech is to convince the audience to accept a perspective, non all audiences can be convinced(p) by a single speech and not all perspectives can persuade the audience Figure 0. The Sales PitchAn example of a persuasive speech is a sales pitch. During a sales pitch, the speaker is trying to convince the audience to buy his or her product or service. If the salessomebody is successful, the audience (the person being sold to) will choose to purchase the product or service. However, salespeople understand that just because someone does not make a purchase subsequently the first sales pitch doe s not mean the pitch failed. Persuasion is often a process. People may need multiple persuasive pitches and a lot of outside information before they are ready to accept a new view.Components of a Persuasive Speech Persuasive speeches are constitute of both(prenominal) logical and emotional appeals. Logic appeals are arguments that present a set of information and show why a conclusion must rationally be true. For example, arguments heard in court are logical arguments. Emotional appeals are appeals that seek to make the audience aspect a certain way so that they will accept a conclusion. Negative political ads, for example, often incorporate emotional appeals by juxtaposing an opponent with a negative emotion such as fear.I think that every emotionally healthy person wants to make honor and to be love. We want people to love us as we are. We want to feel accepted no matter what we may say or do. When we make a mistake, we want to be forgiven and we dont want to experiencereject ion. We want to be loved unconditionally. A problem comes though when we do not reciprocate unconditional love. For example, there will never bereal loveexpressed amidst two people if both individuals are seeking to have their needs met. How can two people make a relationship work if both define love as, if you love me then you will o what I want? There is only one person who can trulylove unconditionally. His name is Jesus. See, God is perfect and demands perfection from us. But, we all have fallen short of living a perfect life and that is called sin. The penalization for sin is death. But, this penalty is too great for us to pay The Bible says that God demonstrated themeaning of loveto us in this that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Jesus situated down His life for us as the ultimate act of unconditional love. He accepts us for who we are, for what we have done, and even for what we have neglected to do.But, now He is asking us to accept Him unconditionally as well. He wants us to accept His love by giving to Him our heart, mind, soul, and strength. He wants all of us. When we give ourselves over completely to Jesus then we are fully known, fully accepted, fully loved, fully valued, and fully celebrated. Jesus will never leave you, quit on you, belittle you, or even condemn you. Did you know that the Bible says that Jesus did not come into the orb to condemn the world but to save the world?He came to show youwhat love is. Once we experience His love, we must step forward quickly to embrace it. The Bible provides an excellent description of unconditional love and gives us a pattern to follow. What is real love? Here is an example, Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous love does not brag and is not arrogant, Love rejoices with the truth. Love believes and endures all things. Love never fails. The longing of your heart to be loved unconditionally can be fulfilled only through Jesus Christ.You must admit your sin, believe in J esus, and follow His ways. If you do, you will experienceunconditional love. Once you have experiencedlove unconditionally, you are then able to knowhow to loveas well. As you travel lifes journey, you can take the road from conditional love to unconditional love. allow us Pray.. Dear Jesus, I want real love and to be loved unconditionally. Please forgive me of my sin and show mewhat is real love. I fork up my heart to you and ask that you take control of my life now. Thank you.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Hospitality Information Technology Strategy
1. Hotel utilise e- commerce very effectively for procurement purpose. They purchase essential products requisite for the daily running of the hotel via online meshworksites. I would standardised consider costa coffee Heathrow in my slip-up playing area as I am working there presently and it is very much suitable for this case study. The website which costa manipulations to purchase its essential products for daily running of the blood are * www. geometric-furniture. co. uk * www. kn-portal. com * www. caterwide. com * www. incorporatewear. com * www. coffeecreation. co. uk * www. bunzlcatering. o. uk geometrical furniture Geometric Furniture is a design led manufacturer of high quality signal furniture. Established altogether over 40 years ago, Geometric has become one of the UKs leading contract furniture suppliers. It supplies to physique of comp whatever like Odeon cinema, costa Coffee, Oxo Tower, The Warehouse, Ronald Mc Donald house. The best thing ab divulge thi s company is that they deliver they good by themselves, inform their client beforehand about its features. Delivered the product on time without fail and do understand the important of deadline and reliability.Kuehne + Nagel has got a new contract to manage the distribution of food supply on behalf of Whitbread plc, which is the UKs largest hotel and restaurant group. Costa has taken the decision to generousy outsource its food logistics activities to Kuehne + Nagel because they agreed to labour delivery of chilled and ambient products to over 700 Costa Coffee out al impressions seven days per week, and delivery of frozen, chilled and ambient products. The contract is for 5 years and in addition with that Kuehne + Nagel will operate a customer call nubble on behalf of Whitbread and manage the hallowing of products from designated suppliers.Caterwide As one of the UKs largest and fastest growing coffee shop brands, Costa Coffee has been using Torex Inn Touch POS and Caterwide for the past ten years to drive strategic initiatives mostwhat cash management, suggested ordering, stock control, labour management and reporting and subscriber line processes. One of the chance on advantages of the Torex solution is that it integrates with Costa Coffees loyalty programme, the Costa Coffee Club, whereby customers depose collect points when they buy food and drink which layabout be redeemed against future purchases.Incorporatewear Incorporatewear, the UKs premier corporate clothing provider, has been percolating a piece of new crease over the past 12 months and is now delighted to pour out the details of its recently write contract to supply Costa Coffee. Incorporatewear only work with the highest quality materials and the Costa range is no antithetical with shirts and aprons being manufactured from premium poly/cotton fabrics and provides the uniforms for 16,000 Baristas and staff. There are two companies of Whitbread plc which are under the umbrella of incorporatewear that Costa coffee and premier inn.The benefits of it are, advanced call centre telephone system, dedicated client get hold of number, instant query resolution, experienced police squad. Bunzl catering supply is the upcoming leading distributor of non- food consumable to hospitality and catering sector in the UK, it got 10 branches all over the UK provide a antiphonary and a flexible local servicing. at each branch they got dedicated customer service team which has good understanding of local business need and provide outstanding customer care from points of order by delivery.We can place order through telephone, fax, email and online as well which include an two-base hit catalogue, fast orders, regular buys, and continued basket. when the order has been placed the following information is readily available to them full customer details including delivery address prior purchase history authorised product angle real time stock availability pack sizes and prod uct descriptions Coffee creation (prima coffee service ltd) has been supplying high quality coffee product from more than 12 years with a indignation for quality and attention to details.Its very easy to place an order with coffee creation it takes you through each step, finding the item you would like to buy, add the item to your shopping basket, proceeding to checkout, sigh in, inaugurate your details, check and submit your order, provide payment information, get email as the confirmation, tracking down the order. sometimes they send product for sampling if requested and the customer of coffee creation are cafe Nero, Costa coffee, coffee republic. 2. Critically evaluate your organisations website. Discuss its strong and weak points. How user prosperous is it?Is it functionality adequate? Put yourself In place of someone who is unfamiliar with the organization. Does it enhance the reputation and encourage save contact? Webpage are the most inexpensive and the most effective wa y to promote any business especially in coffee shops concourse are looking for new shops in their neighbourhood and sequence travelling often start their search on internet. More than half of the marketing job is make if completely describing your cafe on webpage. The website of Costa coffee is quite eye appealing and attractive to customers.It matches the analogous colours and fonts on their web site as they do in their cafe. By using still the 2,3 colours, consistent fonts and easy navigation it stimulates the cafe itself. Some basic thing which a webpage must wealthy person it are, location, opening hours, photo gallery, about the business, menu, and press release. Out of all this Costa coffee explains its business, update press release, latest picture of the product, location of all the stores with opening and closing hours, address 5. What is neighborly media? Identify triple different types of friendly media how they can be of benefit for hotel industry.Social Media i s the use of internet-based programs to make interaction with friends, family, classmates, customers and clients. It can be done for neighborly purposes, business purposes or both. The appropriate way to define sociable media is to split it into two parts, social and media. Media is a tool of communication, like a newspaper or a radio, so social media would be a social tool of communication. This social tool of communication doesnt just agree the information but interact with you while giving that information.Interaction may be like asking you for to exposition in any particular thing, or letting you vote on any article or asking you to rate any movie etc. Social media is a new form of interacting people that allows anyone to become a source of information through new technologies that doesnt need any previous experience. It also allows the audience to be the author and author to be the audience. Anyone can experience the interaction for let go of as long as they have internet c onnection. The popular site of social media includes Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Flickr and many others.These sites all allow users to post information that can then be commented on, followed or enjoyed by larger social groups and peers. Many Hotels are investing on its use to target market demographic groups or to dedicate through to new potential customers. Now Days mostly all the hotel have Facebook pages and are adding facebookers as friends in an effort to attract new customers and build brand loyalty. There are restaurants that are tweeting out daily specials and/or coupons to give as a gift to their followers.Facebook- one of the most popular of social networking sites which allows users to sign up and add friends and social groups, post information, comment on that information, post photos and become fans of dissimilar items or company or group. Hotels create their facebook page to add their customer, to target new market, they post photos of the some special event occurre d in hotel and tag their friends (customer), by tagging photo a friend of friends, who is known to the hotel can get to know about the hotel and his or her friend whereabouts.Through this hotel make new customer with the help of Facebook. utilisation some Marriott hotels use their Facebook pages to communicate with guests about local and hotel events. (USA Today) Twitter This is a free social networking and micro blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the authors indite page and delivered to the authors subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Elmore 2010) Twitter also allows hotel employees to start conversations with guests even a tweet as impartial as Hope youre enjoying your stay which give a personalized touch that some guests really evaluate that. Hyatt and Hilton h otels are using Twitter as a virtual concierge service to which guests can tweet queries and ask responses within the hour. (USA Today) Youtube A very popular and free pictorial matter-sharingWeb sitethat allows registered users to upload and share their television receiver clips online at the YouTube. om Web site. To view the videos you are not required to register but to upload the video you need to register with your email accounts. It allows billions of people to browse, watch and share originally-created videos. It creates a group of people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform. The Marriot Resort & Stellaris Casino in Puerto Rico uses YouTube to let guests record a 30-second video postcard to send to friends and family through the resorts YouTube channel.A hotel can use the youtube to promote their own website by sharing and uploading videos of own hotel. 6. What is taint Computing and explain how it can be used for t he hospitality industry? The service provided on internet with the use of reckoning resources (hardware and software) are called as cloud computing. All data that is being accessed are usually saved in servers, which are in accessible by any unauthorized user. This allows enterprise to maintain faster service and less tending from IT.Technology has advanced rapidly in the last couple of years that now it is possible for almost any device to quickly connect with a cloud service and access the information required. The cloud computing pattern minimizes the up face cost of infrastructure and allows the enterprise focus on project, which will differentiate the business itself rather than the infrastructure which will be avoided. Many author have made the attempt to force it, Buyya et al. efined it as a cloud is a parallel and distributed computing system consisting of a collection of inter-connected and virtualised ready reckoner that are dynamically provisioned and presented as on e or more unified computing resources based on a service level agreements established through negotiation between the service provider and consumer. The key characteristic of cloud computing are (1) illusion of non ending computing resources, (2) with the use cloud computers up- front commitment is eliminated, (3) ability to pay for use as needed, (4) self service interface and (5) resources that are virtualised.The concept of Cloud computing had benefited the hospitality industry in many ways, such as A hotel can eliminate the large upfront costs from acquiring computational assets and the typical time delay in building out and developing computer software app. By eliminating upfront cost hotel can save its precious capital to take future business decisions. It allows user to access system through web browser from anywhere at any time, user can access through any device, like pc, laptops, mobile etc. with the use of internet.It improve the business performance and the service deli very, the maintenance cost of cloud computing is very low. Some other benefits which a hotel can get from cloud computing includes low upfront costs, marginal IT infrastructures and easy access across multiple properties. Cloud has a pay-as-you-go service requires minimal investment and offers better technology at a lower cost. 1. Social media 2. 0 Successful social media programs that have value meld top technology and sales best practices By Gina LaVecchia Ragone 2. Social Media & the hospitality Industry by Forest Time, Demand Media . M. Miller, Cloud Computing Web-based applications that change the way you work and collaborate online, Que, 2008. 4. R. Buyya, C. S. Yeo, and S Venugopal, Market-oriented cloud computing Vision, hype, and reality for delivering IT services as computing utilities, in Proceedings of the tenth IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2008, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA), Dalian, China, September 2527 , 2008. 5. Khan, K. M. , & Malluhi, Q. (2010). Establishing sureness in cloud computing. IT Professional Magazine, 12(5), 20-27.
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