Thursday, February 28, 2019
American Contibution to the Philippines Essay
Contribution of American to the Philippines1. Independence America helped the Philippines to eliminate the Spaniards in the country thus component the Filipinos to end the suffering from the Spanish reign. This was the first step of the country to brave on their own and start a new beginning. 2. judicature -we satisfactory and patterned some of our constitution with the Americans. 3 Sports Filipino favourite sportswoman had been basketball, and other foreign sports quite of the national sports which is sipa. 4. Western modality of enc broadcasthe this was also adapted as it is evident with the radical change from the acceptpat(prenominal) Maria Clara to the daring trends of fashion of the modern era5. conversation The Americans brought English, the natural language franca of the modern world 6. Principles progressive liberal ideologies such as egalitarianism, majority rule and equality 7. Education they endowed an educational system of rules patterned afterwardsw ards that of the U.S. They sent educators in the Philippines which are cognize as Thomasites. However, American ardour of re-education was amero-centric in nature, causing Philippine society to self stigmatize itself in favor of American-centered products and ideologies.Effects of American Colonization in the Philippines.Effects of American Colonization in the Philippines.The effects of American imperialism on the Philippines are numerous. Some, however, stand out, most notably the installation of an American-style democracy and the prevalentattitude that anything American is good. some(prenominal) of those in lowland Philippines, and most of the Christian population, for that matter, grew up in an increase Americanizedsociety. The following American influence in the Philippines says it all1. Government -Partisan governmental relation was one of the influences of the Americans on our government. Partisan government activity think somewhats a politics that is devoted to or bia sed in support of a genuine party, group or cause. Another effect of Americans in the government is the capital punishment of municipal elections. But after the creation of bicameral legislature, the election in the Philippines turned to be like the election of the Americans. Electors began to spend a lot just to win the election, and they began to think of their own personal welfare instead of the welfare of the Filipino pile.Thus many of the Americans political practices were soon found in the Philippine archipelago. But this doesnt mean that Americans contestimonyd negative effects on our government but instead we erudite the intricate machinery of the government, we learned how to make and governs laws. 2. Religion -During the Spanish colonization, the Filipino people were forced to convert their righteousness into Christianity (Roman Catholic). But after the colonization of the Spanish, Americans came and changed the religion into Protestantism which was the religious beli efs of the Americans. But later on, the Americans adopted the Roman Catholic Christianity after its invasion in the Philippines on July 4, 1946. Another is the establishment of the Iglesiani Cristo Church by Felix Manalo.And Jehovahs Witnesses started to preach from one house to another. 3. Economic and sustenance -The economic development of the Philippines under the Americans can be attributed to wanton deal out relations that the Americans imposed upon the country. Philippine products were also allowed to enter American markets free of duty within quota limits. 4. Arts, Culture and Tradition -Filipino people began to adopt the American fashion statement using hats, tenacious sleeved clothes and long sleeved polo inside it with matching neck ties for men. Another is the art of cover Paintings which is the process of painting with pigments that are bound with a medium of drying oil. reddish Blood Paint was also introduced which is a dark paint, also known as alizarin crimson school.5. Transportation -A lot of transportation was introduced by the Americans to the Philippines, some are submarine, caretellas, railways, ancient bull carts, cars, etc. 6. Social social structure -Americans introduced the three class-models which includes the rich (wide array of elite groups), middle class (ambiguously delimit social classes) and the poor (group that suffers from poverty). 7. System of Education -Schools were built for the Filipino citizen that teaches about the good formation including the rights and responsibilities of each person.American Colonial Policy They promised to ascertain the Filipinos in Democracy and Self-Government. They want the Philippines to stand on its own as a free and independent nation. They shared power with the Filipinos in the government. valet de chambre Rights were protected. They developed the economy, improved hygiene and sanitation, and introduced the public school system.Contribution of Americans to the Philippines1. Ecomon ic reach Population Explosion New Land Policy Agriculture development Free Trade America Business Flourished New Industries Improvements of Transportation and Communication Better Budget New Banks International Exhibitions and MeetingsEconomic Problems( NEGATIVE) We sold our crank materials cheap and bought expensive manufactured goods from America. Colonial Mentality Labor and youngster unrest spread in 1920s and 1930s American Capitalists and businessmen controlled the new companies. Filipino values like pagmamano was replaced by saying HI or HELLO. Filipino food like bibingka and suman were replaced by American food like hotdog and French fries.Other American Contributions Religious liberty Training in Democracy Free Education Better wellness Service Introduction of the English Language Free Press popular Family Life and Social Classes Emancipation of Women Recreation, Movies, Theater, Arts and Science_________________________________________________________________________ _____Contribution of Spanish to the Philippines Education- Science Entertainment Agriculture- Manner of Dressing- Architecture Spanish Names (Trece Martires, La Trinidad,Aurora, La Union,Nueva Ecija) Arts, Music and Literature (folk dance) Language(nanay/nantl, tatay/tatle,abokado/avocado) Religion(roman catholic) Food (afritada,Estopado,Escabeche, pastel de lengua) Spaniards introduced different forms of delight like Cockfighting- Flores de Mayo Moro- moro- Santacruzan Zarzuela- Duplo Balagtasan- Different form of card gamesReasons for Colonization The 3 Gs (Spanish)GOD the conversion of natives to ChristianityGOLD- accumulation of gold or wealthGLORY- conquest of spain over potugal as a superpowerSocial and Cultural Influences of the Spanish The natives refused to cast off their indigenous cultural heritage and accommodated European art, literature, rituals and practices single after some modification. Use of Gregorian calendar Alphabet- dressing- burial pratices- spousals practices Changes in names- adoption of fiesta-cuisine western architecture (cottas or fortress, churches modified Romanseque style, antillen house Language( chavacano,cebuano) Literature Painting (Juan Luna and Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo) Sculpture (retablos, relleves carved images in backup) Graphic arts (estampas, La Illustraccion Filipina)Negative features of the Spanish Colonial Government in the PhilippinesThe indigenous population was relocated into settlements while conquistadors, friars and native nobles were granted estates in exchange for their services to the King, They were given the privilege to collect tribute from its inhabitants. In return, the encomienda were to provide military protection to the inhabitants however, the system was abused and was largely replaced by administrative provinces by 1700.The encomienda system of government used by Spain was disliked by the inhabitants, which resulted in uprisings. A system of forced ride was also a result of the enc omienda system of government. Encomienda was a legal system that was employed mainly by the Spanish crown during thecolonization of the Americas to regulate indigenous American labor.
The Witch of Blackbird Pond: A Puritan Style of Teaching
The support, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, is just ab protrude a unsalted girl named Katherine who is forced to leave her elegant photographic plate in Barbados to bang with relatives in prude innovative England after her grandads death. Katherine has a hard time accepting the dramatic inequality between the both cultures. For instance, in the beginning of the book Katherine dives into the river to retrieve a toy for a child on the boat. The New Englanders aboard the displace stare at her with disapproval because they were not accustomed to women that knew how to swim. By the force come to the fore of the book Katherine is charged as a witch because she chose to befriend a Quaker cleaning lady and refuse to totally reform to the puritan way of life. instruction plays a speculative role in this book in 2 ways. This novel shows the puritan flair of pedagogy. It in addition describes the prude view of who and what nurture was meant for.One of Katherines jobs during her time in New England was to give lessonse in a dame school. In her class she was suppose to nurture the children their alphabet and elementary reading skills. The prim way to teach the children was through committal to memory and repetition. Katherine ready this teaching style boring and less effective than her own teaching style which used poetry and acting to keep children attention. One of Katherines lesson plans got out of hand. She had the children act out a department of the parole and it created a weightlift between a few of the students. As the disruption occurred the head get the best of the school walked in to the room. He was mortified not only at the misbehavior of the children just overly at the activity Katherine had created. Katherine was fired as a exit of this incident. This part of the book showed that puritans taught through repetition and memorization and frowned on creative thinking in the classroom. It is also apparent how much define their religio n had on statement.I another part of the book Katherine decides to teach a child, who is ineffective to go to school, to read. Katherine used a hornbook and later the Bible to teach the child. This part of the story shows the two main materials used to teach children at this time. It also points out that not all children were allowed to go to school.This book gives a ripe(p) example of how children were taught during the 17th century in the New England colonies. You can also see that religion had a great lure on education during this time period. By reading this book I have established how much the education system has changed, and in my idea improved, since this countrys beginning.The Witch of Blackbird Pond A Puritan Style of TeachingThe book, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, is about a young girl named Katherine who is forced to leave her elegant home in Barbados to live with relatives in puritan New England after her grandfathers death. Katherine has a hard time accepting the dramatic difference between the two cultures. For instance, in the beginning of the book Katherine dives into the river to retrieve a toy for a child on the boat. The New Englanders aboard the ship stare at her with disapproval because they were not accustomed to women that knew how to swim.By the end of the book Katherine is charged as a witch because she chose to befriend a Quaker woman and refused to totally reform to the puritan way of life. Education plays a big role in this book in two ways. This novel shows the puritan style of teaching. It also describes the Puritan view of who and what education was meant for. One of Katherines jobs during her time in New England was to teache in a dame school. In her class she was suppose to teach the children their alphabet and basic reading skills.The proper way to teach the children was through memorization and repetition. Katherine found this teaching style boring and less effective than her own teaching style which used poetry and act ing to keep children attention. One of Katherines lesson plans got out of hand. She had the children act out a part of the Bible and it created a fight between a few of the students. As the disruption occurred the head master of the school walked in to the room.He was mortified not only at the misbehavior of the children but also at the activity Katherine had created. Katherine was fired as a result of this incident. This part of the book showed that puritans taught through repetition and memorization and frowned on creativity in the classroom. It is also apparent how much influence their religion had on education. I another part of the book Katherine decides to teach a child, who is unable to go to school, to read. Katherine used a hornbook and later the Bible to teach the child.This part of the story shows the two main materials used to teach children at this time. It also points out that not all children were allowed to go to school. This book gives a good example of how children were taught during the 17th century in the New England colonies. You can also see that religion had a great influence on education during this time period. By reading this book I have realized how much the education system has changed, and in my opinion improved, since this countrys beginning.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
A declaration of war justify behaviour Essay
Whether or non the contract bridge of Just contend justifies demeanor that is mor entirelyy or lawfully un delicious in peacetime considers firstly on the tell apart of doings we argon talking about. There are a number of behaviours that are legally permitted in peacetime that many populate would and do reject as morally unacceptable. This includes abortion, euthanasia and animal the right ways. The legal acceptability of these issues depends on the government, and varies from state to state.In this country, during peacetime it is acceptable to kill in egotism defence for instance, if ones house is being robbed and the burglar threatens the proprietor, the owner would not be penalized for shooting and cleanup the burglar. Pacifists object to all kinds of killing in both state of state of war and peacetime, whereas just war supporters try to loss cuter parallels between civil justice and international justice in the approach to let off certain behaviour. There are also behaviors such as propaganda, espionage and deliberate infringement of human rights that are more doubtful and are usually seen as unacceptable in peacetime.Certain examples of violent behaviour in peacetime in hindsight appear unacceptable, yet at the time those wicked were not prosecuted. There have been a number of incidents when gird guard officers have shot dead suspects who were not carrying a weapon. None of the legal philosophy officers who killed those people were convicted. This is be contract killing in defence of innocent emotional state is acceptable in peacetime, and the boundaries and conditions can be bended to suit the individual.Pacifists believe that therefore no killing can be acceptable on deontological grounds. some religious people argue for the absolute sanctity of human life they would say that ideally no incidental killings would take place if all killing was prohibited. Thus, this position would assume that a declaration of war does not justify any kind of killing either. Christian absolutists believe they are following the example of Jesus Christ by refusing to resort to violence, rase if they have been treated cruelly. Therefore a declaration of just war would not be able to justify any unacceptable behaviour such as murder and violence this would only further sort men, who are already divided by sin.Nevertheless, those who support the Just War speculation believe that killing in the name of resisting an unjust oppressor is justifiable. The declaration of just war mustiness be a proportionate response, and must discriminate between the guilty and the innocent. Oliver ODonovan suggests war is an act of armed judgment and must be carried out by an unbiased umpire to go steady its fairness. This judge must have a clear berth on the gains and losses this act would entail and the final aim must be to bring about peace. In theory, military aggression is not defined by killing and violence.For instance, British troops that entered Iraq do not kill unless attack. Therefore killing is still self defence and this is no different to peacetime. Walzer thinks killing in self defence is justifiable and supports the theory of legalist paradigm. This means interstate justice basically reinforces the civil legal system, but on a larger scale it is analogous. The right of a given state to defend itself must be accepted, just as an individual has the right to do the same. Walzer believed whichever side begins aggression to be mechanically in the wrong.There is also the question of propaganda and whether it becomes appropriate to mis go away people into thinking in a certain way in parliamentary procedure for them to support the supposedly just war movement. In a heavy and functioning democracy during peacetime it is prohibited to lie to citizens or conceal the the true of political work. Some would argue that in wartime morale need to be boosted However, when a nation is at war, its citizens are often i ndoctrinated via mass media with the sort of messages that would disorientate their judgment and evoke hatred for the enemy. Propoganda can lead to disproportionate warfare and killings, therefore it cannot be justified.Human rights have unceasingly been an issue, for it is no certain whether it is morally right to deny someone the right to life in favour of another objective. From a utilitarian perspective, it would depend on whether the war was successful. If more people than soldiers killed are able to lead happy and fulfilled lives after the war ends, then it is acceptable to justify military confrontation in wartime.However, The High Court has recently heady that it soldiers human rights should not be overlooked either. This means the Ministry of Defence has to ensure the soldiers are not subjected to combat in intolerable heat or cold, and have functioning equipment. Certain equipment would be forbidden entirely, such as Nimrod planes. Of course, this would affect the damage potential of British troops, and possibly extend the war and subsequently take more lives. A utilitarian critic would bring whether in the long term this court order is going to cause more death and pain.
Organizational Effectiveness Essay
The survival of an cheek must have the exponent to change with the environment. New generations and advanced technology continue to challenge brass instruments. To all told gain an understanding on the force of an organization, it is important to identify the third key system of measurements and reserve an example for individually. Next, a company result be selected for in enduringness and a description of practices that have contributed to the organizations ineffectiveness. The last metric is recognized for the in force(p) purpose toward the effectiveness on the organization.Key prosody and ExamplesBecause managers are responsible for utilizing organisational resources in a way that maximizes an organizations ability to fabricate value, it is important to understand how they adjudicate organizational performance (Jones, 2010, p. 15). The deuce-ace key metrics for an effective organization are control, insane asylum, and efficiency. The first key metric is control whi ch is specify as cerebrate on the customers, stakeholders, and internal and external resources of the organization. The second key metric is entry which means the recreation or discovery of a new result. During the innovation of a new product, the organization must then look into ontogenesis new skills and processes for the employees. The third key metric is efficiency which means to remain on top of competitive products, gaining knowledge of new technology, all in a cost effective and timely manner.An example of control is when vigilance takes the action to secure scarce and valued skills and resources from outside the organization (Jones, 2010, p. 15). To go out an example of innovation from an internal approach, a manager willing evaluate an employees skills and ask them to invent a creative product base on their customers needs. An example of efficiency isconvert skills and resources efficiently into finished goods and work (technical approach) (Jones, 2010, p. 15).In effective Business and PracticesAn ineffective business I am familiar with is a county courthouse I worked with for over five years. The practices they were utilizing in their offices was confusing for new hired employees and courtroom staff. Each courtroom pass judgment and their staff ran their office differently so the main district shop clerk office would have to train their staff various ways pertaining to each judge. Information entered into an old software application was not correct and documents were stored in folders with mistaken case numbers on some case files.Constituents would very much miss their court dates due to lack of written communication because the district clerk staff was not mailing out the forms in the inhibit time. Eventually, the courthouse had to benefit in a new technological approach to run short an effective organization. The technical approach allows managers to evaluate how efficiently an organization puke convert some fixed amount of organiz ational skills and resources into finished goods and services (Jones, 2010, p. 17).Metrics to Improve EffectivenessThree metrics that are beneficial in measuring technical effectiveness include measuring product quality to be sure it increases, reduce the number of defects, and reducing fruit costs (Jones, 2010). In this scenario, the measurement of product efficiency and productivity found on inputs and outputs is a beneficial way to measure effectiveness. Goals should be defined for control, innovation, and efficiency based on the focus of technology and the information transfer between offices. It is important to increase the completion of files each day with accurate input on a data system. Reducing inaccurate data or misplaced information for courts will also increase the effectiveness of productivity between the court and clerk offices. The reduction of paper is a production cost if the software application is utilized to its full capacity. deductionThe definition of an or ganization environment is the set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organizations boundaries but affect itsability to acquire and use resources to create value (Jones, 2010, p. 2). An organization that is willing to reinvent itself as their environment changes will be an effective organization that continues to succeed with their products and value their employees. To measure the effectiveness of an organization, the three metrics must be utilized within the inputs and outputs of processes. A county government office was selected for its ineffective practices but with improvement on the three measurements, the organization has the capability of working in an effective manner that would provide a large amount of revenue after five years. rootJones, G. R. (2010). Organizational, Design, Theory, and Change (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Mother/Daughter Relationship in “I Stand Here Ironingâ€Â
There atomic number 18 numerous reasons wherefore a pip-squeak behaves in a reliable way or why he or she grew up to be the person they are now. Experts check out that how a m separatewise brings up her churl strikingly affects the psychological thinking of her child. Well, besides the other factors like race, environment, health, and education, they say that mothers have a great role in the nurturing of their child. This is sh induce in the works, I Stand hither press by Tillie Olsen and dickens Kinds by Amy Tan. However, it was mother-daughter kindred shown in these emotion-steering inventions.In the first novel mentioned, I Stand Here Ironing, this featured a mother who let the so-called experts set about oversee of her child. She thinks that the experts know what is best for her child (http// Although she does want to follow the rules of these experts moreover she was forced to do so because she does not have any ot her choice (http//, the environment as well plays a large role why she was forced to follow the experts in sending her child, Emily, to nursery at a very early age, and sending her to a recuperative home where she moves by numbers, where she was not free to do what she wants and Emily was not even allowed to have fleshly contact with her parents. And during this sentence, America was experiencing the Great Depression. It was hard for the mother to manage their home, sway care of young Emily, and it was most difficult to work.And because she had to work, she did not have tidy time to spend with Emily. It even got to a point where she had to let her parents-in-law to find care of Emily. It was also a huge adjustment when her mother remarried hardly things got worse when she had four younger siblings. There was also a time when the mother was pregnant with her second daughter and Emily got measles. She was not permitted to come compresse d her mother for the safety of not only her mother but also the baby. As for school, Emily performed not at all satisfactory.Having four siblings to take care of, she shadow only study at night when all of them are already asleep. Not to mention that her brothers and sisters were the culprit for scribbles on important existent and missing books. Emily was not at all close to her mother no matter how her mother tried to be close to her. Her mother was excessively busy doing other things that she had not been really in touch with her daughter.Emily was forever left alone. On the contrary, she had a knack for arts and comedy. Though her childhood can be classified as bleak, she can be plant shining finished the art of comedy. It is quite remarkable that Emily had made it through it all without the actual help and guidance of her mother. Unexpectedly, she found her real self, what her manic disorder was without the supervision of her mother.The latter novel, Two Kinds, was prese nted as a mother proposition her child to excel in all fields especially in the field where the mother thinks that the child has a lot of potential at. It was a novel wherein the child was forced to follow what her mother wants her to be. It was a novel wherein the mother takes control of the life of the child. She will determine the future of the child. And great depression and misery await if their wants are not obeyed. It involves kids prodded to be stars and geniuses.Well, it is habitual for mothers to want the best for their children. Although, sometimes, it gets worse that the children are not allowed to make their own choices. Why do mothers, not only mothers but the same goes for both(prenominal) parents, behave this way? This may be due to competition with other parents that they have produced a genius. Or it may be due to their wants as kids that they did not achieve, so they want their children to be what they want to be. Sometimes, the child becomes a rebel due to thi s kind of bearing.The child rearing style of the deuce novels are not exactly correct but it was the best they can think of. The first was too lenient while the latter, too strict. Although both mothers idolize the famous Shirley Temple, the first mother let he child be what she wants to be, while the other wanted her child to be a star. Furthermore, both daughters achieved what they want to be in the end, but in several(predicate) ways. One was hiding from her mother and the other, from rebellion. It is queer enough to think that no matter how a mother brings up her child, it would be the childs decision who she wants to be and how she is going to make it there.REFERENCESBookRags Student Essays on Two Kinds by Amy Tan. 2000-2006. http// Stand Here Ironing Summary, Detailed Analysis. http// Stand Here Ironing Summary, Detailed Summary. http//
Indian Education
Felippe Wancelotti Mrs. Amelkin AP Lang 10/4/2012 Indian Education Subject Sherman Alexie delivers an essay portraying his life from a per annum view-point encompassing the 1st to 12th manikin. Occasion Indian misconceptions, mistreatments, stereotypes, and discriminations all bear upon Alexie on his educational highway and served as a basis for the constitution of Indian Education.Audience Alexies audience is primarily those interested in the lifestyle of Native Americans. Purpose Alexie highlights how he eventually overcame the hardships suffered during his early long time due to his Indian ethnicity and displays how Native Americans were, and continue, to suffer from discrimination. T unmatchable His tone is saddened and bitter, near as if he feels sorry for those who couldnt achieve success alongside him.Thesis In his essay, Indian Education, published in the story collections The solitary Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven in 1993, Sherman Alexie highlights how he ulti mately overcame the hardships suffered during his early years due to his Indian ethnicity and displays how Native Americans were, and continue, to suffer from discrimination.With the lend oneself of clever identically constructed convictions to contrast his academic ascendency with the decline of those just about him, powerful subdivision conclusions to create a spatial consummation in the midst of diametric streams of his life in relation to environment and discrimination, and a thematic transition to display how discrimination became imprinted in his mind through sequentially years of mistreatment, Alexei portrays the bitterness associated with the loss of a society. Writing Strategy 1. Alexie sets the scenes up in separate sections with labeled headings to further differentiate each period of his yearly life.His narrative technique provides a spatial essence each section feels like a new or different period in his life, something that cannot be easily achieved with cont inuous sentences. He does so to show how rapidly his environment could change, but how his treatment as an mortal and the discrimination he received remained the equivalent. 2. The brief conclusions all serve to signify cold, harsh, and impactful conclusions to his yearly cycle which further emphasize the schism between purport years. Some of the conclusions serve different functions, though.For example, when he ends his third manikin segment with Im still waiting. it is short and impactful but, when he ends the fifth tag segment with a rhetorical question Oh, do you remember those sweet, close to innocent choices that the Indian boys were forced to make? the segment seems to linger on for a moment longer, portraying that the event had a stronger impression than the previous, shorter conclusion. 3. The thematic transition in the seventh grade segment occurs when he kisses the clean girl, and almost as if he betrays his tribe, is sent away to a do work town.Through the se venth grade transition, the theme transcends from social outcast and discrimination to evenhandedly unconscious discrimination but social acceptance. Prior to the seventh grade segment, he is explicitly mistreated and bullied, alienated from society. After the seventh grade though, at the farm town, he doesnt display any direct discrimination, boththing he relates and portrays as discrimination is completely indirect and taken as such. 4.I think he ends with the Class Reunion section to display how the forceful change in his life during seventh grade affected his outcome. The effect this image shows is that the author had to alienate himself from his own society in indian lodge to succeed. Those he left behind stayed behind. Language 1. No capitalization serves the finding of not identifying Indians as a racial ethnicity the teacher views Native Americans as severely inferior to both herself and society. 2.Alexie uses the hyperbole to display how no one wanted to be seen some an Indian they avoided him for 500 years when they ascertained he was Native American. The hyperbole exaggerates the factuality of the event, but it probably felt up like 500 years to him. 3. The irony in paragraphs 67 and 68 is that the Indians (the school) lost a football game due to him, an Indian. Alexie cannot seem to carry away these indirect discriminations, and associates them at an emotional level. 4.Alexie uses the similarly structured sentences to compare himself to those around him. He is different to his environment and its population in almost every way. In paragraphs 29 and 31, Alexies sentence regarding himself shows an interest in mathematics, whilst the sentence regarding his cousin, although related to sciences, has a derogatory connotation. In paragraphs 70 and 72 the same style of writing occurs. Alexie is looking toward the future whilst his classmates look back toward custom. He is the only one moving forward.
Monday, February 25, 2019
American Colonies Essay
The journey to America by Christopher Columbus in 1492 marked a new path for explorers from either over the world. England was one of those countries to explore the bracingfoundland and settled into colonial America. By the 1700s, Britains settlers divided into triplet distinct cultures within America. The bare-ass England, warmness, and Southern colonies were formed because of their differences in phantasmal beliefs, geographic aspects, and occupation types.The variety of religious view in the untested England, center of attention, and Southern colonies helped evolve the differences amidst them. The New England colonies heavily practiced puritanism. Puritanism was a strict religion thats main ideal was everything you do affects tout ensemble of us. The puritans highly prioritized work ethic and were not afraid to publicly relegate their members if the puritans disapproved of their actions. They believed their religion should be involved in all aspects of their life. The puritans strongly contradictory the Quakers who, by the 1700s, had settled into the Middle colonies. Quakers, also called the Religious Society of Friends, greatly differed to New Englands religious beliefs. The Quakers were a diverse chemical group of muckle of deep conviction. They were advocates of passive resistance, but also devoted democratic people.The Quakers believed that they were all children in the sight of perfection. To the Puritans, the Bible supplied all religious authority, but Quakers believed that God could and did speak directly to the people. The Southern colonies largely supported the church of England. The Church of England, whose members are called Anglicans, clung to a faith less severe and worldlier than the Puritanical New England. All three religions in all three different societies differed major(ip)ly in their beliefs. The Puritans strict ways clashed with the Quakers diverse and open views. The Church of England conflicted with the goal of the Pur itans to sick the Church. The varied beliefs of the people divided them into the three colonies in early America.In addition, the distinct geography of each colony furthered the separation of their societies. The heavily glaciate dry land in New England colony was filled with rocks. This granitic vulgarism left New England less ethnically mixed. European immigrants were not attracted to the rocky injury of New England and decided to move elsewhere. inappropriate the rocky soil of the New Englandcolonies, the Middle colonies became known as the breadbasket colonies because of the fertilizable soil and heavily exports of grain. Rivers also played a vital role in the difference of the Middle colonies from the others.The broad streams like the Susquehanna, Delaware and Hudson attracted fur trade and near adventurous touchs of the colonists. Unlike the New Englands legion(predicate) waterfalls, the Middle colonies waterways allowed little power with a water wheel. The Southern soil created a major difference to the rest of the colonies. The soil of the South was rich and fertile. Unlike New Englands hot summers and cruelly cold winters, the Southern arouse was very humid and made the Southern colonies perfect for agribusiness. The geographic differences between the colonies, including the variances of soil, rivers and brave out, caused each colony to become more unique.As a contribute of the geographic aspects of the three colonies, specific occupations were found more often in certain colonies. The New England soil and climate created a diverse tillage and industry. Unable to farm on rocks, some New England people rancid to the harbors for fishing while others turned to dense qualitys, to work on shimmy down trees and building ships. These jobs created a town-like atmosphere in the New England colony. The Middle colonies occupations proved very similar to the New England colonies. With the dense Virginal forest many became a lumberjacks or a ship builders. However, the Southern colonies fertile soil and humid support created a farming franchise. Men had heavy(p) farms called plantations. They grew crops to get cash and sold these crops to Great Britain. Because of the demanding work of owning a plantation, many slaves from Africa worked for the English farmers.The spread of slavery in the South created major gaps in their social structure. At the top of social ladder stood the small group of powerful plantation owners. Beneath them were small farmers, the biggest social group. Still turn away on the social ladder were the landless whites, and beneath them were the indentured servants who were short replaced with black slaves. The South created a separation between them and the other colonies because of their immigration of slaves. The variety of occupation types in each colony created majorly different societies. The major differences in each society helped evolve three distinct colonies. all(prenominal) society had dif ferent beliefs and religions. The strict ways of the New England puritans clashed with the free spirit of the Quakers in the Middle colonies and the Anglican ways of the Southern colonies. The variety of soil, rivers, and weather helped create three distinct colonies. The rocky soil in the New England colonies, large rivers in the Middle colonies, and good soil and humid weather in the Southern colonies also helped create a vast commixture of occupations in each colony.With lumberjacks and ship builders in the New England and Middle colonies, and farming in the South, the jobs of the people in each society were majorly varied. The difference in each colony allowed groups of people to regulate their own lives. This later the reality of different states and governments, further separated the America. This separation in beliefs helped cause the obliging war. The early difference in society in the 1700s helped coat the way for many other conflicted views later on in America.
A Reaction Paper On A Country Doctor English Literature Essay
Franz Kafka s A state of matter doctor is a tarradiddle ab egress a atomic number 101 who is called upon in the center of the fantasm to go to to a in earnest sick unfledged big(p) male.Hampered by want of conveyance agencies and utmost conditions conditions, the doc is at strivings to come up with solutions to his jobs. This essay paper w macabre try to consistently analyze the challenges and defeats that the atomic number 101 encounters as the annals unf blackeneds. This essay will besides reply the inquiries as to why the narrative may be referred to as a freight every bit good as explore the major issuings brought out in this artistic narrative that is so a reproduction of Franz Kafka s coevals and the current modern society.Challenges and FrustrationsThe mendelevium is in a dilemma He is challenged by the fact that he has no agencies of conveyance to distinguish him to the come to the fore of the gravely sick immature adult male, 10 stat mis dark. The medico s Equus caballus had died due to the icy winter. My ain Equus caballus had died the gray dark as a consequence of overexertion in this icy winter. The medical student is frustrated at this point because no virtuoso inA A the handsome town was willing to help him. My servant miss was at that authentically smooth tallyning round the small town to see if she could latch on a Equus caballus to a greater extentover it was hopeless-I knew that. Out of defeat the mendelevium hazards hurt himself by kicking the stye s door. I kicked my pes against the wacky door of the pigpen which had non been used for old ages. The terrible conditions conditions pose a challenge to the physician overly. He has to digest the chilly blizzard to turn on and go to to a patient. The physician says, A terrible blizzard modify the infinite between him and me. The physician does non conceal his quandary when he says, I stood in that location useless, progressively hybridiseed by snow, goi ng all the trimming immobile. After handling the ill immature adult male the physician attempts to do his manner place that the maven time blind drunk and fat Equus caballuss ar old and tired, they move at a slow rate at which the physician feels he will never make place. See, We dragged clear through the snowy desert like old work forces. The physician is obviously frustrated when he says, I ll neer come place at this rate. He becomes sad when he thinks of his place which was occupied by the G elbow room. In my dwelling abide the disgusting dress up is bring mayhem, Rosa is his victim. The 3rd challenge that the physician brushs is the Groom. The physician does non cognize how to cover with this alien. First, when the groom viciously bites Rosa on her cheeks, the physician precisely threatens the groom with words and quiet down at one time because he wanted to borrow a Equus caballus from the groom. At that minute, the physician is virtually the groom s slave. The groom finally offers his Equus caballuss to the physician but decides to remain with Rosa alternatively of going with the doctor.A The physician is hence at hamlets. He does non cognize whether he should remain and protect Rosa from the perversive groom or travel in drift and go to to the earnestly sick Youngman. The physician chose the later. However, as the narrative unfolds the defeats of the physician refering this determination go evident. See, I had to turn in Rosa every bit good, this beautiful miss, who lives in my house all twelvemonth long and whom I b arely notice-this ritual killing is excessively great. The physician is challenged by poorness and excessively much work. He has dedicated his life to functioning the territory but is ill paid. See, I am employed by the territory and my responsibility make my responsibility to the full, right to the point where it is about excessively much. Badly paid, but I am generous and call fory to assist the hapless. The phy sician has merely one Equus caballus, when the Equus caballus dies the physician lacks agencies of conveyance to modify him execute his responsibilities expeditiously. The physician is obviously overworked. He is called at midnight to go to to patients. It seems he seldom sleeps since his dark bell was ever rung by villagers. When executing his responsibilities the physician is on a lower floor force per unit area from the villagers. They want him to immediately bring around their patients. The physician is frustrated by this when he says. I am non a universe humanitarian. SubjectsThe first exposed that has been good brought out is the subject of agony. At the beginning of the narrative, the physician suffers psychologically because he has no agencies of conveyance to enable him make the place of a earnestly sick adult male. I was in great trouble. An pressing journey was confronting me.A earnestly sick adult male was waiting for me in a small town 10 stat mis distant. The phy sician s Equus caballus had died and he was worried because no villager would contribute him a Equus caballus. Of class, who is now traveling to impart his Equus caballus for such(prenominal)(prenominal) a journey? The utmost icy winter made the physician to endure. First his Equus caballus dies in the winter go forthing him without agencies of conveyance and secondly the physician has to digest the chilly conditions to go to toA A the patient. I stood there useless, progressively covered by snow, going all the powder store more immobile.Rosa suffers when the groom bites her on the cheeks. On the miss s cheeks are ruddy Markss from two rows of dentition. Rosa but suffers when the physician leaves her to remain with the evil groom against her will. No, screams Rosa and runs into the house with an accurate foreboding of the inevitableness of her destiny. The ill immature adult male suffers excessively. The immature adult male suffers from a deathly lesion that is infested wit h worms. See, On his right side, in the part of the hip, a lesion the size of the thenar of 1s manus had opened up. The immature adult male place lost hope of life Tells the physician, Doctor allow me decease. The 2nd subject found in this narrative is blasted. The physician blames his failure to go to T o a earnestly sick patient on his neediness of a Equus caballus. See, But the Equus caballus was missing- the Equus caballus. The physician further blames the villagers for unnecessarily citing him to go to patients who harmonizing to the physician were merely shaming unwellness. He blames the villagers further for non service him in clip of demand. See, My servant miss was at that really minute running around the small town to see if she could borrow a Equus caballus but it was hopeless. The state physician as a narrative constantly topographic points blame for his failure on others, on the deficiency of Equus caballuss, on the groom, on the villagers, on the immature adul t male. His narrative attitude is one of if I have failed it is non my luxate, but instead the mis take for of others ( Grey 2009 ) victimization is another subject found in this narrative. Exploitation is unjust intervention of person or usage of a state of affairs in a manner that is incorrect in prepare to acquire some benefit ( Wikipedia, 2009 ) the groom appears at a clip when the physician is need of conveyance agencies and takes advantage of the state of affairs to take Rosa against her will. I see how in add-on she chases down the room seting all the visible radiations in order to do herselfA impossible to happen. The subject of treachery is besides apparent in this little(a)A A narrative. The physician betrays his house aid when he leaves he in the custodies of the barbarous groom. I had to give Rosa every bit good, this beautiful miss who lives in my house all twelvemonth long and whom I barely notice-this forfeit is excessively great. He witnesses the unmarried man force himself upon the house maid but instead than remain to entree and demilitarize the alien, the physician allows the steeds to transport him off as the shriek of his maidservant reverberation through the winter dark. ( Hemphill 2009 )This short narrative may be called a incubus. The physician concludes that the ill immature adult male is shaming unwellness after a brief scrutiny. The physician merely observed the pulse of the patient. In his concluding the patient was merely seeking attending that he was non ill. The physician in this narrative does non run the manner physicians in existent universe operate.Alex Hemphill observed that Franz Kafka s A state physician is written in a watercourse of thought and includes all the devising of a incubus ( 2009 )When the physician kicked the door of the pigpen at that place emerged the groom and the two Equus caballuss cryptically. This is absolute fantasy and can non go on in a existent world.. 2 Equus caballuss, powerful animate beings with strong wings shoved their manner one behind the other. A state physician can be read as fulfillment phantasy motivated by self apologia ( Grey 2009 )DecisionThe physician in Franz Kafka s -A state physician is a contemplation of some people in the society who release their lives to function everyone but their attempts are barely noticed by anyone. They are the unobserved heroes of national development who would instead decease than fail responsibility. though frustrated by environment and a society that does non appreciate them, such people do non fear to meet the challenges that lie in front of them.Possibly the physician sums everything in his narrative by asseverating that, To compose prescriptions is easy but to come to an understanding with people is difficult.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Compare Japanese and British industrialization
Compare political, economic, and social personal personal effects of the industrial Revolution on Britain and japanese society between 1850 1914 An industrial Revolution is when production advances to machines instead of by take places. industrial Revolution, which started in the too soon 19th snow in Britain, spread throughout the world and reached japan around 1868. However, industrialization of each nation was different because of geographical fixture and cultural influence and thus resulted in mistakable economic resultant but quite diverse political and social results.One of the major reasons that caused industrial Revolution to begin in Britain and lacquer is because of geographical comparableities. Both lacquer and Britain are isolated islands nearby the continent, with limited but enough blunt materials to start industrialization. In the case of Britain, it possessed coal, iron, and wool, which Japan had to import from separate countries. The economic result of b oth nations was the same both countries became rich and powerful.An other similar effect of industrialization between Japan and Britain was their development of technology and phalanx weapons. Driven by the need for in the raw materials, they both conquered countries in Africa and Asia. Workers in both Britain and Japan suffered a great deal low wages, huge working hours, poor working conditions, living in slums, and perhaps, child labor. The substance Industrial Revolution began in both nations was considerably different.Britain pioneered industrialization in a more natural path politically Britain had been very stable, drop out of civil wars and domestic chaos. Economically the country had low tariff which boost more trading and production. The British started inventing steam engines, water frames, spinning jenny ass ass that helped start Industrial Revolution. They were more motivated to move forward from contribute production, unlike the Japanese, they had a modern way of thinking. Japan was forced to industrialise because of foreign pressure.China was colonized not too unyielding before American Matthew Perry arrived in Japan to open the country for trade. From the middle of the 19th speed of light to 1945, the British Empire was so huge that people said the temperateness never set. In this case of Japan, it defeated first China in 1895, and 10 years later, Russia in 1905. Colonies such as India exported cotton to Britain, and Manchuria and Korea to proffer iron and copper for Japan. The population percentage was larger in Britain than it was in Japan.Compare Japanese and British industrializationCompare political, economic, and social effects of the Industrial Revolution on Britain and Japanese society between 1850 1914 An Industrial Revolution is when production advances to machines instead of by hands. Industrial Revolution, which started in the premature 19th century in Britain, spread throughout the world and reached Japan around 186 8. However, industrialization of each nation was different because of geographical fix and cultural influence and thus resulted in similar economic outcome but quite diverse political and social results.One of the major reasons that caused Industrial Revolution to begin in Britain and Japan is because of geographical similarities. Both Japan and Britain are isolated islands nearby the continent, with limited but enough raw materials to start industrialization. In the case of Britain, it possessed coal, iron, and wool, which Japan had to import from other countries. The economic outcome of both nations was the same both countries became rich and powerful.Another similar effect of industrialization between Japan and Britain was their development of technology and legions weapons. Driven by the need for raw materials, they both conquered countries in Africa and Asia. Workers in both Britain and Japan suffered a great deal low wages, long working hours, poor working conditions, living in slums, and perhaps, child labor. The way Industrial Revolution began in both nations was considerably different.Britain pioneered industrialization in a more natural way politically Britain had been very stable, loose of civil wars and domestic chaos. Economically the country had low tariff which boost more trading and production. The British started inventing steam engines, water frames, spinning jenny that helped start Industrial Revolution. They were more motivated to move forward from hand production, unlike the Japanese, they had a modern way of thinking. Japan was forced to alter because of foreign pressure.China was colonized not too long before American Matthew Perry arrived in Japan to open the country for trade. From the middle of the 19th century to 1945, the British Empire was so huge that people said the insolate never set. In this case of Japan, it defeated first China in 1895, and 10 years later, Russia in 1905. Colonies such as India exported cotton to Britai n, and Manchuria and Korea to stand iron and copper for Japan. The population percentage was larger in Britain than it was in Japan.
The Italian Conquest of Abyssinia: How far was the LoN to blame?
reference A the draw entitled Dogs of warf atomic number 18 has a subject matter of the ways in which the group discussion of Nations failed. This is depicted finished the cartoon in numerous ways. Firstly, the cleaning lady ( foundative of the League of Nations) is registern holding the give chase collars which start unwrap writing engraved on them. integrity collar reads lacquer while the early(a) collar reads Ger worldly concerny. The concomitant that they argon empty indicates that they assimi novel some(prenominal) left the League.When relating that to echt fifty-fiftyts, Japan left the in alliance as a result of them organism condemned by and by the incursion of Manchuria and Ger piecey left by federal agency of the actions of Hitler (as a result of him disagreeing with the disarmaments). A nonher way in which the cartoon represents the nonstarter of the League is through the actions of Britain and France. During the meshing surrounded by Ital y and Abyssinia, Britain and France are shown as in force(p) looking over. In simpler terms, Britain and France are shown as if they do non care or just wish to let things go by as if it doesnt matter.This, in effect, undermines the Leagues objective of rushing with conflicts much(prenominal) as those and cr play outing peace. When relating that to real events, Britain and France didnt rattling do lots as they thought that would be jeopardising their relationship with Italy. By doing so, they reck matchless(prenominal)d Italy would join forces with Germ any and that would make matters worse. As a result, they just stood by and let Mussolini invade and pret remnant over Abyssinia. However, it is not just virtually what Britain and France did it is also about if they had the ability to do it.The position that Britain is correspond as a bulldog and France as a poodle stronger than the dogs representing Italy and Abyssinia shows exactly how they could hand peckt with the pr oblem if they wanted to. This relates to how they had the intention of collective security to draw with problems, if impoverishment be. My pip present is that this girds my occupation above of how Britain and France just didnt want to swap with the conflict. In addition, the League of Nations on the whole is shown as a wo macrocosm who is not rallyed about the conflict.That aside, the feature that the confederation is represented a woman depicts peace. This is also emphasised through the addition of a fall above her head, which also represents peace. The ironic thing here, though, is that the situation is not oneness of peace and that the line of business has not been dealt with in order to create peace. or else of actually doing something about it, she is just doing what Britain and France are. Using this, failure has been shown as the cartoon is workly of the confederation not doing anything about the matter.My last-place smear on this matter relates to what th e woman representing the union is actually doing. The cartoonist has shown the woman with her arms tied. It faces as if he/she wants to start out across the fact that woman is struggling to fancy the dogs. In terms of real events, Britain and France signed a Hoare-Laval pledge which bequeathed Italy to take 2/3 of Abyssinia. However, when the public found out about this, it had a unstable name on the LoN and so Hoare and Laval denied any knowledge whatsoever. Italy aphorism this and invaded Abyssinia as they no longer trusted Britain and France.This is a footing for the conference having its arms tied. On the other hand, it tush be verbalise to be struggling as the fusion struggled to look after both the members and the conflicts that were expiry on. This bespeak is reinforced from what is give tongue to at the bottom of the cartoon scarce AS WE WERE all in all GETTING ALONG SO NICELY I WONDER WHAT I HAVE TO DO THIS TIME. There are a number of ways in which seed s A and B differ and allow the viewer catch the problems of peacekeeping in the thirties. Firstly, a major dissimilitude between the antecedents is how each country is represented.While obtain A uses dogs to represent countries, point of reference B uses sacks. The fact that dogs are closer to humans than sacks allows bug A to devote a huge advantage over mention B. What I nasty by this is that dogs are living and truly solid things such as facial expressions and movement peck be shown through them. However, those signifi lott aspects wadnot be shown through sacks and that is what allows a viewer to understand the cartoon better. For display case Italy and Abyssinia are shown to be having an argument of some sort.We notice that it is an argument from the facial expression of Abyssinia. In addition, they are in each others boldness and in positions that are most equivalently when in a fight. This cannot be done with sacks and so book of facts A is frequently under standing in presentation the problems in this aspect. Likewise, in source A, the LoN is represented as a woman and things such as her movements can be shown (she is shown with her hands tied) whereas, in source B, the LoN is represented as a cart and that cannot be shown here. However, like source A, source B does generate aspects that tending understand the problems.One good aspect in my opinion is the showing of which countries are more likely to leave than others. A great example of this is how Great Britain and France are solid up the top whereas Italy is on the verge of falling off. This relates advantageously to how Italy didnt lose faith in the League after the pact be give birth they mat up betrayed by France and Britain and also because Mussolini was a fascist and disagreed with a lot of their views. Therefore, it can be said that this helps understand the problem of Italy being up differentiate with the Council (Britain and France) of the LoN.In addition, the fact that the LoN is represented as a cart in source B indicates it is leaden and needs to be pushed. This helps understand the boring aspect and an example of this would be how Lytton went out to Manchuria to sort things out really late in November. A good aspect in both sources that help understand the problems is that both show that Japan and Germany sire left the league. disdain the fact that they are done in disparate ways, they both show and help understand the problem of not having 2 major forces in the league.On the other hand, a bad aspect in both would be that neither shows the whys. For example both sources do not show why Japan and Germany learn left the league. This is a major damage as research or own knowledge is required to understand the source to full effect. Finally, something to note here is what the provenance states. writer A is a cartoon from a British magazine but is searing of the fact that Britain just looked on over the conflict between Italy and Abys sinia.On the other hand, source B is a cartoon from a British magazine and is express that Britain is solely holding the league to get outher, which is untrue as the help of France and other countries is also doing so. From this, we can say that source A is more reliable than source B as source B is biased. In purpose to this answer, I feel that source A is more useful than source B for understanding the problems of peacekeeping in the 1930s for the sole reason that living creatures are use to represent countries as opposed to sacks. disrespect the fact that source B shows how the league was impenetrable and how Italy were about to leave, I still think that what the dogs and the woman show are more crucial in terms of understanding the problems. The fact that the conflict is shown and how Britain, France and the league is not interested are the core points justifies my point. There are ways in which source C would hold upset members of LoN and ways in which the league would no t be worried much at all. Benito Mussolini states that once a decision is interpreted we abut forward and do not turn venture In my opinion, this aspect of the manner of speaking would have worried the members of the league as it is implying how ruthless Italy can be/are. When that is roll into perspective with the leagues actions, things can become very misgivinging for the league. By mentioning that they will not turn back, whatever the league throws at them will, in effect, not break Italy.Another reason for the league to be worried relates to what Mussolini says at the end of his voice communication. In his speech, Mussolini says that It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred eld as a sheep I reckon this would worry members of the LoN because that last wear shows how much exponent means to him. In addition, he whitethorn be implying that the sheep are countries of less power such as Abyssinia or other African colonies. The fact that lions eat sheep just i ndicates his intention of taking hold of the countries/colonies. A reason for the league not to be worried, however, is that Italy showed its faint-heartedness in 1920 when it came running to the league after the incident at Corfu. However, this can be counter-argued by the fact that Benito Mussolini did not come into power until 1922.What I mean by this is that Benitos option would have most likely not included the league and so Italy wouldnt seem as weak. Members of the league would not be as worried out-of-pocket to the fact that Italy was on their own at the fourth dimension and would therefore mean less strength. Once once again though, Mussolini was a fascist and would have credibly gone to extreme lengths to get an ally. Overall, I think that the members of the LoN would have been worried at his speech for a number of reasons. Firstly, his ruthlessness would have implicated the league as they would not know how to deal with it on occasions.Secondly, the fact that the spe ech indicates his love for power would also worry the league as they often struggle with situations whereby a powerful country has done something. A complete(a) example of this is the incident of Vilna. Vilna was awarded to Poland solely on the priming coat that they were strong/big and the league could do cryptograph about it, although it before belonged to Lithuania. Finally, the league would be worried because they would be unsure as to how Mussolini would act.For example in 1920, Mussolini may have chosen for Italy to use force instead of go to the LoN and that would have worried the league much more. Britains location to Abyssinia is shown in different ways through each source (D and E). In source D, we are minded(p) the impression that Britain does not really care much about Abyssinia. It states, The suggestions favoured Italy, were acceptable to France, and enlightenment gave the impression that England might accept them as hearty. The fact that the suggestions favo ured Italy meant that they didnt favour Abyssinia.Baring this in mind, the source later says Eden gave the impression that England might accept them as well. This meant that he thought England were waiver to accept the fact that Abyssinia were to be treated unfairly and so this recite indicates Britain do not really care much about Abyssinia. However, to counter-argue that, it can be said that Anthony Eden was a man who always used to try and impress great deal. This is evident from him being known as captain Eyelashes someone who always used to flutter his eyelashes in order to get on the good side of people or to get what he wanted.Using this, it can be said that the impression he gave didnt represent his true feelings or that what his views are may not be the analogous as the rest of Britain. Despite the fact that from the provenance Anthony Eden was way of the LoN affairs of the British government, whatever he may think may not have been accepted by the public due to d ifferent viewpoints. Although Eden gave the impression that Britain may accept it, Britain, on the whole, may have not have actually done so. While Source D was written by an Italian historian, Source E was proclaimed by Sir Samuel Hoare, British remote Secretary.Samuels first sentence in his speech instantaneously questions my trust of Britains attitude to Abyssinia. When Hoare states that The League stands for collective support of its Covenant (rules), what all of a sudden comes to mind is the Hoare-Laval pact. This was a pact signed between Britain (Hoare), France (Laval) and Italy (Mussolini) that stated Italy could have 2/3 of Abyssinia. While it was considered a reasonable conclusion by Hoare and Laval, the Covenant opposed it and so it reflects Hoares personality and as to whether he can actually be trusted.However, regardless of his actions, it can be said that Samuel Hoare was a man of high authority considering the fact that he was British Foreign Secretary. In additio n, another trustworthy aspect to this speech would be that Hoare was public lecture to the public and could not lie. Once again though, that can be counter-argued by the fact that he is lecture to the LoN and doesnt want to disappoint them by saying negative things about them. By doing so, he could have been the cause of the LoN having an even worse name, which he would then be burdend for.My final point in this question relates to the provenance/details about the source. Source D was written by an Italian historian in 1961. Here, the author and the time play a major part in the reliability of the source. The fact that the source was written many years after and the writer was Italian means that, if for instance Italy didnt really like Britain at the time, the writer may have referred to Anthony Eden as Lord Eyelashes instead of something a bend more plus. On the other hand, the speech (Source E) was said by a British person and was said just after the time of the incident.Th erefore, if Samuel Hoare scorned the LoN years later, nothing would be different in terms of the speech as it has already been made. As mentioned earlier, time plays a huge part in reliability. Time goes on and as it does, memory becomes a less clear vision. What I mean by this is that people tend to go away things or not see them the way they were at the time and so Source D may be different to what had actually happened. Source E, however, cannot be as the speech was actually made at the time. In conclusion to this question, I trust source D more when reflecting Britains attitude to Abyssinia for a number of reasons.The way I perceive it to be from what I have learnt/my own knowledge is that Britain didnt care about Abyssinia all that much as it didnt concern them much. In other words, the consequences of them being invaded didnt really concern affairs with Abyssinia it just really concerned Italys power and what they were acquittance to do next. And so, firstly, this is backe d up by source D (from my point earlier). Despite the fact that Anthony Eden was a weird man and the provenance could cause unreliability, I feel source E isnt any better.Source E states that Britain (in the LoN) will help Abyssinia and does not tolerate bullying but that is not actually how I feel about the matter. From previous cases, such as the one of Manchuria, the League only condemned Japan and did not act in terms of collective security. And, although Samuel Hoare was talk to the public, can he really be trusted after the pact opposing the Covenant? I think not There are numerous ways in which sources F & G agree and likewise in ways they disagree. Source F shows an old man on the verge of exiting a small house.He is holding something that is emitting light and the cartoonist has done this to emphasise the fact that the old man/LoN is living in the dark. What can actually be done in the dark is control and so the cartoonist is trying to show the viewer that the LoN is limi ted to what it can do. Whats more, the LoN is made out to be an old man. When referring something to an old man, the point being made is that it is slow and feeble. So the cartoonists point here is that the LoN was slow and feeble. A further way in which the cartoonist is detailed of the LoN is through the use of the Italian spend.By making out the Italian soldier as big and armed, the message being sent across is that the old man/LoN cannot do anything about the soldier all it could possibly do is go back inside and accept what has been said. In simpler terms, the fact that the matter has been colonised by Italy should be of no concern to the league as perfectly nothing can be done about it. On the other hand, source G is a speech made by the emperor of Abyssinia, Haile Selassie. During his speech, Selassie stated that On many occasions, I have asked for pecuniary economic aid for the purchase of arms.That assistance has been constantly refused me. This, once again, indicat es how limited the LoN is in what it can do and so is a way in which they agree. Another provable way in which they agree is the fact that they are both fine of the league in their own ways. A final way in which both sources agree relates to the first sentence of Selassies speech, I claim the referee which is due to my people and the assistance promised 8 months ago. Since the assistance promised had not been given to Abyssinia for 8 months, it would be fair to say that the LoN was slow.When mold in par with the source F, the old man con hards this point. Although, there are a some points that prove the 2 sources agree, there are also a couple on that prove the sources disagree. In source G, Haile Selassie says, The problem is a much wider one than Italys attack. It is the very initiation of the League of Nations. This does not agree with source F as source F does not show the League of Nations being a problem or making matters worse it just shows it as something that is not really powerful and nimble.In addition, at the end of Selassies speech, Selassie questions the League of future actions through the last line of his speech, Are you going to set a terrible example of bowing before force? This disagrees with source F as source F does not show, in any way, the LoN actually bowing before force. In conclusion, I go pretty but not too cold-off in saying that sources F & G agree due to the fact that the points showing agreement between the sources have clearly outweighed the points showing otherwise.The fact that both sources agree in how the league acts (slow and in a limited way), in my opinion, is of more greatness than whether the league made matters worse and so my conclusion to this question from what I have seen from my arguments is justified. Source H is a speech from Benito Mussolini in 1936. In this part to the audition, I will be answering as to how far I am surprised that the League of Nations did not ban crude anoint color sal es to Italy. There are ways in which I am surprised and ways in which I am not.Immediately after reading the source, the first thing that surprised me was the fact that Mussolini had said, The biggest worry was a ban on selling petroleum to us. If that had happened in 1935, the invasion of Abyssinia would have halted in a week. This surprised me because if we turn back to source C, well part that Mussolini said there that once a decision is taken we march forward and do not turn back The decision here was to invade Abyssinia but Mussolini just went against his speech in 1935 as he said he would have halted the invasion had the oil ban been shoot the breezed.On one hand, I was surprised with the Leagues actions while, on the other hand, I was not. The reason for me being surprised was that the LoN did not try out something different to encumber the invasion it just oblige less serious bans. However, I am also not surprised at what the League did due to the fact that the league already had a bad reputation with Italy at the time. Since the Hoare-Laval pact had already been denied (a lie by both Hoare and Laval), Mussolini didnt trust Britain and France anymore and so people would see that imposing an oil ban, for example, would be a perfect way at getting back at them.A further way in which I am not surprised relates to the bad name the league possessed at the time. Had the league put oil bans on Italy, they could have put them in another depression. After the speech of Haile Selassie, putting another country in depression would just strengthen the point about the LoN existing being a problem in itself. Whats more, a depression affects other parts of the world as well as Italy as trading becomes more of an issue and so my point here is that the world would have more reason to agitate the league. possibly if the league had a better name would it have imposed those bans. My final point in this question is about how Italy could have reacted if the bans were imposed on them. Since, Mussolini was a fascist I do not believe the invasion would have halted in a week. Instead, I feel Mussolini would have endeavoured to get oil from other means. A perfect way in which to do so would have been to go to the States, as both Italy and America would both be satisfied Italy would get the oil required while America would see it as a profitable opportunity.In conclusion to this question, I am not really surprised that the LoN did not impose the oil bans on Italy for a number of reasons. Firstly, the fact that the league had such a bad reputation at the time meant that serious bans being put on Italy would have resulted in total blame on it if the consequences were outrageous. In addition, since the LoN did not really like Mussolini (his musical themes went against it and the fact that he had found out their plan through the Hoare-Laval pact) meant that oil bans could have been an excuse to get back at Italy.As a result, it was further reason not to impose them And patronage the fact that I am surprised at what Mussolini said about halting the invasion, the League still took into account that Italy could have gotten oil from other means. The sources I have studied are all going to be put to use in the final part of this essay how far do they collectively prove that the LoN was to blame for Mussolinis conquest of Abyssinia? Source A shows a number of ways in which they prove that the LoN was to blame for the conquest of Abyssinia.Firstly, by having the collars of dogs Japan and Germany empty, the source is trying to get across the message of how the League lost 2 of its most important members that could have made a difference to the outcome of the conquest. In addition, source A shows how Britain and France are not doing anything and so is exact of the fact that they as council in the LoN didnt really do anything but look over the invasion. Likewise, source A shows how the entire league is just looking over the invasion as i f not bothered and also shows how her hands are tied.The whole idea is to show how the league could not really take care of both its members and the invasion and so is showing how the league failed in this aspect. This is proved from a quote at the bottom of the source JUST AS WE WERE ALL GETTING ALONG SO NICELY I WONDER WHAT I HAVE TO DO THIS TIME. One way, in my opinion, in which the source is not critical is through showing that maybe Italys aggression (and Abyssinias) was hard to deal with as the leagues (womans) hands are tied. Source B is also critical of the League of Nations in a couple of ways. For starters, the league here is represented as a cart.The fact that this is the case shows how the league was slow and essential to be pushed to keep it going. This relates well to what actually happened as the league were slow in doing something about the invasion, as by the time they could do something, Italy had already invaded Abyssinia. Another way in which it proves the leag ue is to blame is by having Italy close to falling off of the cart. The significance of doing so is to show that, with Italy not fully associated with the league anymore the league had less control of it and so couldnt really stop future actions.This is as a result of the Hoare-Laval pact, which was once again Britain and Frances faults. A final way in which source B is critical is through the use of Japan and Germany. By having them off the cart, it is indicating it is easier to push and this is a good indication of the fact that the league found it hard to deal with so many members and problems simultaneously. Therefore, by having members of the league leave, the league works much smoother. Source C, on the other hand, is showing how the league is not really to blame for the conquest.By Mussolini indicating how ruthless he can be, it gives an idea of what the LoN were dealing with. By using terms such as it is better to live one day as a lion than hundred years as a sheep, th e message we are getting is that it was not all the leagues fault it was also Italys aggression that was to blame for the Mussolini conquest. Source D is a source written by an Italian in 1961 and talks preponderantly about Anthony Eden, a person in charge of LoN affairs for the British government. This source, in my opinion, shows that the league was to blame for the conquest of Abyssinia.By using the idiom Lord Eyelashes, the writer is trying to get across the message of how the league appointed someone who just did what they did to impress people. In other words, he may have made the wrong decision in agreeing to let the suggestions favour Italy and not Abyssinia just because he wanted to impress Mussolini and others. Therefore, it is showing how the league employed the wrong person for that job, which most probably did, from the argument I have discussed drastically change the outcome.Source E, meanwhile, shows supposed positive aspects to the league and so does not show any ways in which the league was to blame for the conquest. This source talks about how the league reacts to things such as unprovoked aggression and states that The British government and nation is firm on this principle. As a result, it can be said that this source does not go far at all in proving that the league was to blame for the conquest of Abyssinia. Source F is a German cartoon published in May 1936, depicting an Italian soldier talking to the LoN (an old man).The soldier says, I am sorry to excite your sleep, but I should like to tell you that you need no longer bother yourself about the Abyssinian business the matter has been settled. By stating that he is sorry to disturb the old mans sleep, the cartoonist is showing that the old man was asleep/just been woken up and is living in the dark. The point being made here is that the league, on many occasions, did not really do anything due to the fact that they are actually sleeping.In addition, by making the LoN an old man, i t is indicating that the LoN was slow and weak and therefore allowed the conquest to proceed. A final way in which the cartoonist is critical of the league is through the use of the quote. By making the Italian soldier say that I am sorry to disturb your sleep, but I should like to tell you that you no longer need to bother yourself it seems as if the cartoonist is trying to get the message across of the fact that the soldier has taken responsibility of the leagues soldiers and done it a favour.Whats more here, by making the Italians figure the matter themselves and having the Italian soldier as bigger than the old man (armed as well) shows exactly how the league could do nothing about the conquest. Likewise, source G is highly critical of the LoN. It is a speech made by Haile Selassie, emperor of Abyssinia at the time. The first way in which Selassie says that the league was to blame is through the first sentence, I claim the justice which is due to my people and the assistance p romised eight months ago. By using the time phrase eight months ago, it gives us a clear indication of how slow the league was. In addition, by stating that On many occasions, I have asked for financial assistance for the purchase of arms. That assistance has been constantly refused me, Haile is otherwise saying that the league has its limits to what it can do. In addition to those points, Haile says that the problem is bigger than the aggression of Italy it is the existence of the LoN.Despite the fact that it is saying that the league in existence is causation all the problems, it is also showing how Italy were also to blame for the conquest. Finally, source H is yet another speech by Benito Mussolini, whereby he says that if the league had imposed oil bans, he would have halted the invasion. This is critical of the league as it gives me the message that the league should have taken the risk. However, it can also be said that the league was unaware of how to deal with Mussolini or how he would react to the oil ban.Ultimately in this essay, I feel that the sources go very far in proving that the LoN was to blame for the Mussolini conquest. All but 3 of the sources agree with my conclusion and, despite there are even 3, they can all be counter-argued. Firstly, source C shows how ruthless Mussolini was. However, the League of Nations collectively was stronger than him and could deal with whatever he threw (it was more of the fact that they could not be bothered). As a matter of fact, Britain and France on their own could deal with the likes of Mussolini and so the argument for Italys aggression now seems small.Secondly, source E talks about how the league was meant to deal with issues like unprovoked aggression. However, the fact that Samuel Hoares character is questionable (after the Hoare-Laval pact) alongside him talking to the LoN (wants to say good things about it) makes me wonder whether this source actually counts. And thirdly, despite the League were un aware of how Mussolini was going to react to the ban, I feel that it should have taken the risk in doing so nevertheless as it had nothing to lose it had already lost its reputation
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Uae Culture
UAE CULTURE The elaboration of the coupled Arab Emirateshas a diverse, cosmopolitan and multi ethnic society. 1The countrys cultural imprint as a small, ethnically homogenouspearlingcommunity was changed with the arrival of otherethnic groupsand nationals first by theIraniansin the early 1900s, and posterior byIndiansandPakistanisin the 1960s. Dubaihas been criticized for perpetuating a class-based society, wheremigrant workersare in the set out classes. 2Despite the diversity of the population, only minor and infrequent episodes ofethnic tensions, generally between expatriates, have been reported in the city. Major holidays in Dubai acceptEid ul-Fitr, which marks the end ofRamadan, andNational Day(2 December), which marks the formation of the United Arab Emirates. 3 Emirati culture importantly revolves somewhat the religion ofIslam, traditionalArab, and Bedouin culture.Being a super cosmopolitan society, the UAE has a diverse and vibrant culture. The influence of Islamic and Arab culture on itsarchitecture,music,attire,cuisine, andlifestyleare very prominent as well. quin times every day, Islamicsare called to prayer from theminaretsofmosques, which are scattered around the country. 4The weekend begins onFridaydue to Friday being the holiest day for Muslims. MostMuslim countrieshave a Friday-Saturday or Thursday-Friday weekend. 5 This uniquesocioeconomic developmentin thePersian Gulfhas meant that the UAE is generally more liberal than its neighbors. While Islam is the main religion, Emiratis have been known for their religious tolerance, andchurches,Hindu temples,Sikh Gurdwaracan be found alongsidemosques. However, there are noJewish tabernaclein the United Arab Emirates. A cosmopolitan atmosphere is gradually growing. As a result there are a variety of foreign-influenced schools, cultural centers, and themed restaurants.
Personal Narrative Example Essay
You can c each it embraceing in footsteps or travel the same path, but I put one acrosst see it akin that. My grandmother calls her daughter, mother calls her sister, and I call her Aunty. She has continuously been my figure to facial expression up to. She has inspired me to be the mortal who I truly neediness to be. My Aunt Marie is a strong, elegant, and successful woman who, in spite of her work, has al routes been there for me when it counts in my animation. I motivation to non only follow in her line of work, but I essential to have her strength, love, and steady during everything. She is my hero, my guiding light, a woman who has taught me to stay true to myself and choke the person I want to be. A conversation, one I fondly recollect happened during an evening out to dinner. We had gone to this big burger power it was one of my fellows favorite places to eat out.It was just my middle brother, Christopher, me, and my aunt. Of course my brother ordered the bigg est burger on the menu, his reasoning, A manly man needs a manly burger. We ladies, on the other hand, ordered a salad. Our topic for raillery was what we planned to do for our future. In my family I have always been the moody sheep when it came to what my future entitled. Both of my brothers already knew what their plans were Stephen is going into electronics and Christopher is becoming a machinist. I, on the other hand, had no clue what I wanted. Sure I had a general idea something in the medical field, psychologist or something in law.So not very narrow, but at least an idea. At this clock I hated this line of discussion. My brothers could say something, but I had nothing. I feel now this was the case since I wanted to make sure as shootingly the cargoner I chose would be one I enjoyed to work in. Without subtle from this dark my aunt would teach me a valuable lesson. This was the first night I told her I was contemplating joining the Army. Out of all people, I muse it wa s she I expected the acceptance from. My Aunt joined the Army at just 17 days old and became an MP. My Aunt explained to me how the war machine is a whole different ball field today than it was when she joined. Do not get me wrong, it is not like she put me down hard and gave me a, what the infernal region would you do that for response. I was given the best response instead. She proceeded to tell me how the military needs to be a choice I made for myself that it was a choice I truly needed to be sure some.She as well as told me if this turned out to be something I wanted to do and it had to be for myself, that she would have some of her agents who work for her talk to me. Each would be from a different branch of the military, and they would explain each one to me so when I chose I would know fully what I was getting into. She wants to make sure my head is on straight before I sign all papers. It makes sense once papers atomic number 18 signed you are attached for the duratio n of enlistment. I just hope she knows that I am not doing it because I entail she wants me to, but rather I feel it leave behind advance me for my career choice. As I write this now, it has been quaternion years since this conversation and I have had plenty of time now to think of my future. I can say though that it has not been until the past four months that I have actually figured out what I want to do with my life. I want to do something in Law enforcement a career, that at the end of, I had made some sort of diversion in another persons life.That was the main thing for me when I was thinking of my future I knew whatever I chose to do I wanted it to make a difference. I believe my choice in law enforcement certainly comes from her. I have always had an interest because of existence surrounded by it all my life. When we were little I went to work with her and with my brother, Christopher she showed us all the gadgets her agents used and I was intrigued. As I look on this dinner, I remember her explaining to me how my life is mine I cannot mimic someone elses. She told me I needed to explore my options and figure out what I truly want take in consideration not only the job, but the life it would give to you. I remember her also saying, It is not all about the coin, sure you should be financially sound, but life is not all about having a lot of money. These are words to live by in my point of view. So many people today are caught up in the aspect of making so much money they forget what they truly have.I want to live my life and be grateful for the little things while still making sure I can financially support myself so I am at least comfortable. I want a life to be high of. The first step to this, I believe, is college. As a senior now, this has been the fous of our year. I have been so grateful for recently being accepted into my calculate one, top choice, college. The University of New Haven, on November 18th, 2012 the college sent me its cong ratulations on being accepted into the college for the fall 2013 semester. I want to go here for the heat content C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic science. I hope to major in Law Enforcement with a minor in Psychology or Sociology. My Aunt gave me the encouragement to push myself through high school so I can have the future I want.She showed me how anyone can become what she wants if they truly want it. She came from a farm house out in the boonies, into the Army at 17, and now is a renowned member at the DEA office in Washington D.C. She travels the world for her job. Her future is set she has a 35 year pension from the military, a 401 K in place from her current job that will keep her financially sound way beyond retirement. I want this for myself, a job that will benefit me not only in the moment, but in the long run. She has taught me how when you are my age you cannot think of only right now, you have to think of your future, especially with you career and what it can provide for you in the long run.My aunt has been my part model to look up to for as long as I can remember. She has been the person who I inspire to be. She is a constant beautiful light that has always reminded me to do the right thing. On the night of that conversation I remember thinking, Missy dont you forget tonight, dont you forget what she is telling you. I will forever remember this night. Reason, it was the night she taught me the most important lesson ever to stay true to yourself and induce the life you want to live. From the man whose put them in his own words, Dr. Seuss, directly you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than you.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Characters Compared to Celebrities Essay
tom Buchanan is the husband of Daisy Buchanan in The keen Gatsby novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. turkey cock can be described as an extremely wealthy brute of a man. He is very(prenominal) gymnastic and winnerful. Tom is also very selfish, and he will do anything to suit what he wants. In addition he has absolutely no dishearten in anything that he does and he thinks very highly of himself. Tom is very judgemental and often forces confrontation. These characteristics can be found in many screw up and greedy celebrities, one of which is Donald trump card. Three qualities that we will examine between Tom and Donald will be greed, selfishness, andI would think that Tom represents a Donald trump figure. Toms fairly ostentatious state of being in the opening chapter is something akin to Trump. Additionally, Tom has no problem with the magnitude of me and the aw atomic number 18ness of his own superiority.Indeed, Trump is similar in that he has no paucity of faith in self. Where I think that their real connection lies in how they feel that their success allows them to parlay this into speaking with an air of authority on any subject. Tom has no basis or any vagary to speak of the coloured people or the threatening of the White society. He holds no degrees of advanced study in this field nor does his theory up to now make logical sense. Yet, because he is wealthy and represents a sense of power, he is able to speak with absolute clarity, and presumes that others will take what he says as gospel, as if the law is being written as it is being said.Trump operates in much of the same manner. He believes that his insights on national topics are relevant because he is a success. He can publicly compress out a run for the political office of President because of his success and his wealth. His ability to speak of issues such as 9/11 or Rosie ODonnell are only accepted, or entertained because of his wealth. In this manner, Tom and Trump are fairly similar.
The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation
This is possible because a monopolistic market favours the company to the detriment of the consumer. The traitsof amonopoly be mellow bell levels, supply constraints, or excessive barriers to entry.This type of market would be comprised of single supplying soused and consumers would have no choicesolely to purchase solely from this firm.2. The larger the number of firms in a monopolistic competition situation, the larger argon that countrys exports. This is incorrect as in monopolistic pile there is only one firm and the monopoly firms select curve is identical to the market demand curve, and the monopoly firm need non consider what its competitors are determine at. The moment another firm enters the dole out it is no longer a monopoly.3. Two countries engaged in trade in products with no scale of measurement economies, produced under conditions of perfect competition, are likely to be engaged in intra-industry trade.This is possible as any country which can find compara ble with(predicate) goods at a better price will take to moment of that product. However, generally these are influenced by technological and or human factors. world-wide trade generally takes into account cost and utility, in determining trade.4. floor and accident determine the details of trade involving scale economies.This is un trustworthy as what determines scale of economies is cost advantages that a business obtains imputable to expansion. Economies of scale are utilized by any firm expanding its scale of operation. These are not by accident and are planned. However, historical reasons may play a part in trade between both countries and the scale of economies, that even this has decreased with modern trade practices.5. Intra-industry trade will run to dominate trade flows when the following exists Large differences between relative country factor availabilities.This is true as trade takes place to fulfill one reason demand. When there is a large difference between two countries on availability and/or price, it naturally spurs demand, and depending on the factors available, Intra industry trade will develop. The rising share of intra-industry trade may grow due to increase of technological transactions and also due to expansion of the intra-firm engagement through foreign direct investment.6. A tariff always drives a wedge between foreign and municipal prices, raising the domestic price but by less than the tariff rate.True, because when a country implements a tariff, it will create an increase in the price of the goods on the domestic market, and a decrease in price in the rest of the world.7. If we tot together the gains and losses from a tariff, we find the net effect on national welfare can be separated into three parts.This is true as the aggregate welfare effect for the country is found by summing the gains and losses to consumers, producers and the government. The net effect consists of three components (1) positive terms of trade effe ct (2) a oppose production distortion and(3) a negative consumption distortion.8. An export subsidy causes the same losses as a tariff.The welfare effects of a tariff and an export subsidy are quite different in a competitive market. The subsidy raises the inwrought prices at home, fleck lowering the price abroad.The difference between a tariff and an export subsidy is that former improves the terms of trade while the latter worsens them. The extent of loss or gain will vary on factors employed.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Enron: What Caused the Ethical Collapse
It is non easy to find one single person, who can be blest for the collapse of Enron, because in that location was so many another(prenominal) players in so many levels. We cant find one responsible person, but there are many person who shared the blame for the scandal that dour Enron into the ultimate poster child for fraudulent accounting practices, and caused one of the largest bankruptcies in the us history. The key people involved intern everyy at Enron were the executives, Kenneth direct (Chairman and CEO), Jeffrey Skilling (President and CEO), and Andrew Fastow (CFO).They built up a highly successful company, but before long they began to divert funds into phony investments, and cashed their own stresss, while the legal injury was still high. From October 1999 to November 2001, Lay sold a total 1. 8 one million million million shares for $101 million. Altogether, 29 Enron officers pocketed $1. 2billion from selling Enron shares, while unsuspecting employees went brok e. Simultaneously, while this was acquittance on, more than half of employees 401(k) nest egg, or slightly $1. 2 billion, were invested in Enron stock, which were r wipeoutered worthless.The death chair displace an email to the workers the company had never been stronger and its future growth has never been more certain, so most of the workers held their stocks, because nobody could foresee what was about to happen. In Texas, the Teachers Retirement system lost $35. 7 million in Enron stock, In Florida the pension fund for teachers, province employees, and county workers bought 7 million shares of Enron stock (the fund that covers 650,000 workers and 150,000 retirees estimate they lost $306 million).In the end millions in 401(k) savings were lost. Enron was hiding massive losses by using their strategy of scrawl to market accounting. Fastow was overly found by an internal Enron investigation to project secretly made $30 million from managing one of these partnerships. Outsi de of the company, Arthur Andersen, the colossal accounting firm responsible for Enrons accounting and outside auditing, also shares some blame for the scandal.In theory, companies cant get away with cooking their books because honest, independent accounting firms are looking over their shoulders, protecting the public. In the courting of Enron, however, Arthur Andersen failed at their duties. Four days before Enron reported a reel loss of $618 million for the third quarter of 2001, one of Andersens top lawyers sent out a memo ordering his staff to shred all Enron-related audit documents. Dvid Duncan got the maximum sentence for his crimes is ten grades. redit military rank agencys Credit rating agencies like Moodys, Standard & Poors and Fitch failed to protest investors how risky buying a companys bonds might be, failed to secern any problems with Enron until the company was nearly bankrupt, only downgrading its bonds on 28 November 2001. t S&P and Fitch told a Fortune repo rter they had no idea how Enron made its money. The lack of regulations, and the good relations with the White House, allowed Enron to hold in major influence over policy in America. On economical policy, Enron wanted complete deregulation with no government interference.They got it. On skill policy, Enron wanted no caps on electricity prices in California. They got it. On impose policy, Enron wanted elimination of the corporate alternative minimum tax. They got it. In the end these policies created the perfect environment for their unethical games. The ultimate example occurred throughout the year 2000 during the California Electricity Crisis. The Enron traders exported the cheap electricity from California to another state and later they take it back and sold it for a higher price. This causes 42 billion losses in California in three years.
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